Light's Posts (4)

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Green/White Meditation from Show for Manifesting & Miracles:

Sit down in a quietly & close your eyes. Imagine you’re surrounded by white, soft feathers. Just relax and see the feathers all around your body, and allow all the tension and stress energies to flow out of you into the feathers. Now, look up and imagine a beam of Golden light coming down from heaven to the top of your head. If your beam of Golden light is a little bit dim, take your hand and brush the dark energy off of the beam.  Now if you'll notice your head probably feels a little lighter and a little warmer. Just allow it. Now imagine this gold energy permeating through your whole body, every cell, all the way from your head down to your toes. Some of you may feel a warm tingle inyour feet.

Now imagine this bright white light coming down to the top of your head and going all through your body. NowI want you to imagine a very bright fluorescent green energy. I've seen many miracles happen where people lose catastrophic illnesses, tumors and cancers and this is the type of healing energy that does heal them. I want you to imagine green healing energy inside of your brain and all around your head. Now I want you to switch it back to white light energy. Imagine pure white, glowing, effervescent bright light energy coming down from Heaven to your head. Now switch it back to green energy. Every time you do this you will lose a layer of darkness. Switch it back to bright white. Now yet another time, imagine green energy in your head and feel it glowing! Notice your eyes are becoming warmer. Notice inside of your head is really hot. You may feel warm in your chest and even in your arms and your hands. Now as you switch the energy back to white, see this light going all the way down to the bottoms of your feet. Imagine any dark energy even in your physical body cracking off from your arms, your chest, your stomach, your legs, all the way down. Now imagine everything green in your body and your head, all the way down into every cell. Now white again. If you notice, every time you switch the energies back & forth, you'll get warmer and lighter. As you do this, your vibration will rise. You'll feel as if you're floating upwards. As you start to float upwards you'll realize this is really working!  As you float upwards you'll find yourself now above the dark energy. You'll be able to stay clear and you'll be able to figure a way out of the situations you're in no matter how much trouble they seemed a minute ago and you'll also be able to manifest anything in the world you need. If you need more money, ask your Angels! Just say,"Angels, God, can I have more money please?" If you're looking for a soul mate, simply ask for one. "God, please bring me my soul mate."Whatever your needs are, there's nothing too great but when you feel this warm energy and you're above the darkness, this is the space where miracles happen.


Now you’ll receive a new gold bubble shield and a new pink unconditional love shield. You may have received them last time & that’s fine. We’re going to renew them. Ask God to infuse your bubble shields with the beautiful Rainbow energies and the Infinity energies of Heaven. See these energies swirling around you and all through your aura. Now ask God to also infuse your shields with both the Diamond Ray and Platinum Ray for added strength. Now ask God for the newest gifts of fiery dark blue and fiery gold balls of love & light. These are the newest gifts given very recently to protect against the newest dark forces coming in. Now thank God for these wonderful gifts and energies. You may now slowly come around.

This info is from here :

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Lord's Prayer 
(My version, slightly updated to include the Feminine)

Our Father and Mother, who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name!
Thy kingdom come, thy Will be done,
On earth as it is in Heaven.
Please give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from all evil, 
For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory
Forever!  Amen!!


  Stronghold's Prayer

In the name of God, 
I bind my mind to the mind of Christ,
My will to the Will of God,
My feet to the paths of righteousness,
And my hands to the work God has for me to do

And my timing to God's timing.

In the name of Christ,
I loose, crush, smash, and destroy 
The powers, effects, and influences of any harsh words, word curses, soulish prayers, black magic or dark arts, controls, manipulations, lies, or deceptions spoken to, about, or by myself. 
(when I do this one globally, I include all of humanity & not just my name)

Prayer from White Eagle 
(combined with some of my own)

Mother/Father God,
We come together in your name to request that your Spirit be with us in all of our triumphs and trials. Walk with us daily and be ever-present in each and every moment. Please give unto us thy Spirit that we may overcome the world which is so much with us, which troubles body, spirit, and mind. May thy love so sustain us that we may be strong in thee, walking with thy hand in ours, our hearts beating with thine, and our lives held safe in thee. We ask that you fill us with your strength, love, and compassion so that we may walk tirelessly in your ways, bringing one another back to a state of peace, health, unconditional love, and oneness. May we always feel the presence of Jesus in our lives and his love in our hearts. We ask these things in the name of the Holy Spirit!  Amen!!

Prayer from Lorna:


I commission warring Angels to come surround my home, yard, cars, storage, all things that are mine, my husband, my children, our lives, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Stand shoulder to shoulder with flaming swords drawn, stand all around me and my possessions and family. Stand above us and below us. Extinguish, kill and remove any andall things that so not stand in the Light of Creator; all dark spirits, all evil, all curses put upon me or sent near me, all Beings that are not here for my highest good and the good and Love of me and my family. Remove them, now and forever Angels, now!

I commission glorifying and praising Angels to come stand round about inside of this circle to sing praises to the One Holy Creator continuously night and day right here in my own home. Praise Him now Angels!

I commission ministering Angels to come and make a tight circle around me, below me and above me to pour out ministry to my mind and spirit and heart, where I need it most. Now Angels!

I commission Healing Angels to come and heal me and my husband, children, home and family and yard and car and any and all things that aremine. Heal us in the Holy name of Jesus, now Angels!

I call on Michael to come and cut any and all cords that may be binding me, my husband, my boys (names), my home or any of my belongings to any being of darkness or evil. Michael, come cut these cords now!!

I call on my ministering Angels to burn incense and sweet smelling spices to my savior now Angels, light the incense!

I call You Jesus. Come into my circle and be with me. Come into my heart and life and fill it. Fill my mind with a wisdom and knowledge to know right and wrong decisions and to give me your peace. Take me to walk a closer walk to You and stay close to me, my husband and my children (names). I ask you and respectfully invite you now, My Lord

Another one from Lorna:
 I now invoke:
1. A pillar of golden light to surround me…
2. An angelic light shower…
3. A shower of angel love…
4. Angels to polish each facet of my soul diamond…
5. Archangel Michael to fill me with courage, positive results and protection…
6. Archangel Jophiel to bring me wisdom and illumination, tact and foresight…
7. Archangel Chamuel to expand the flame of love in my heart…
8. Archangel Gabriel for purification and guidance, and to help me find forgiveness for myself and others…
9. Archangel Raphael to enhance my inner vision and for healing and abundance…
10. Archangel Uriel for peace and to free me from mental and emotional chains…
11. Archangel Zadkiel to bring me mercy and transmute my energy…
12. Archangel Metatron to increase my light levels to the maximum I can carry…
13. Mother Mary to heal my inner child and fill me with compassion…
14. The Lords of Karma, The Great Divine Director, The Goddess ofLiberty, Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, Elohim Vista, Kwan Yin, Portia, for mercy And release of Karma…
When you are finished your invocation, surround yourself in a protective ball of pure white radiant light.
** When invoking use a firm voice, pause in between requests and feel the energy of the angel or master invoked

KeNan AlAkad .
This one seems to have lots of energy in it:

Maria Piotrovskaja;   

Archangels Prayer

Prayer to Mother Mary for blessing and protection of the coming souls

Prayer for Protection and cleansing of your aura, home and family

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

There are many other videos of protection prayers for Christ, Arch Angels Michael/others, Shiva, etc.

This info is from here :

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Dark Entity Explanation

The entities are alien beings. Regarding dark forces we have demons, entities, soulless beings, reptilians, and other dark energies. There are many star races of beings out there that are what we would call aliens. Some are good and on our side and some are not and would do anything they can to prevent humanity from awakening. The dark aliens are from different places and have a dimensions all their own, and the demons have a dimension, which we learn to clear in the guided meditations I teach. The newer entities are a really bad bunch that make demons look like cupcakes; a whole new brand of evil. They come from another universe and have only been able to get here to ours the last 2 years since 2012 or so. They haven't ever been here before. This is why so many people are being attacked and deceived without knowing it because they are still using the same forms of protection they always used, but those methods are not sufficient against the new ones. Some people do smudging, some do white lighting, some call in AA Michael, etc. and all these methods are great for helping with demons & other dark energies to a point, but will not get rid of the new ones. Most people on earth don't even know about them yet; even most spiritual people don't. Many that do channelings and readings, etc. think that they are talking to beings of light for their guidance, but they aren't. They are being deceived and end up hurting people & doing harm. Some know now and continue anyway due to ego, etc. and some don't even know. A great many people that others used to turn to for readings, healing, guidance, etc. are on the dark side now whether willingly or unknowingly. Some used to do good work before, but now have been turned. Especially in Twin-Flame information and Twin teachers, be very, very careful. There's a lot of deception out there in this area doing a lot of harm, including from many of the most popular and well-known ones. The newer entities will come up behind someone unseen, then throw a hood over their head and a cloak over their body & energy field. The hood makes it so they cannot see or realize that anything is even there, so when you tell them they have one, many will say "No I don't." The cloak covers their energy field so the Angels have a harder time helping & protecting them or even seeing their light or guiding them. They portray as a person's angels, guides, higher selves, Twin-Flame, and can portray as us to our loved ones to deceive them. They shape-shift into anything. One minute it may look like your Twin, and the next minute it looks like Christ or an Angel. Now, along with creating deception, they are also randomly attacking viciously as well. They are the single biggest problem Twins and higher spiritual people face these days, with curses & dark arts right behind them. Demons usually stick to those not Twins or of lower vibration and leave the big boys for the high vibrational people, but Twins will often have both because they all work together so hard to keep us apart. There is nothing dark forces hate more than for Twins to come together; they will stop at nothing. When I clear the newer entities, I have to remove and destroy them, remove the hood & cloak, then do a spiritual wedge between the person & them so they can't get them again, and then cut cords. The energy & dimension clearing comes first before all that. Even with the wedges they can come back, but are much less likely to and only get in when the person does something to lower their guard or become vulnerable. Drugs & alcohol and many other things leave an open door for them to get in. Any tiny vulnerability at all, they will be watching & waiting, so we have to be vigilant and diligent in our methods to keep clear. The only energies at this time that are sufficient against the newer entities are the Rainbow energies and Infinity energies of Heaven. I tell people to infuse all they do, other methods, communications, meditations, energy work, everything with these 2 energies. Then add in and infuse everything with the Diamond Ray and Platinum Ray as well for added strength. If we use any other methods without using these also, the newer entities will get in. There are so few of us that know of them or know how to effectively protect against them & this is why there is so much trouble.

Most recent information: There are two sets of newer entities. One has been coming in since 2012. Now there are other new ones coming in just very recently and the Rainbow energies & such don't seem to get rid of them. Otherwise, they are very similar in many ways to the other new ones in how they act & portray. I was told to ask for a ball of light, golden, fiery like a sun, full of love & light, and throw it at them. This works. That is the new gift! Also, you can use dark blue fiery balls of energy as well as these were given to me recently & strong enough to use on satan and the antichirist, so they are quite powerful. I'll add pics; the 2nd pic they look like that, but darker blue.

This info is from here :

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Guiding spirits(ghosts) to the light

What to do:

You will do this while watching spiritually as it happens, so watch for each thing to happen as you say it. Call in AA Michael, helper Angels, and all true high beings of Spirit of the Light. Ask Michael to open a clear, pure channel of light. Ask him to send a helper Angel/Angels to go down and stand beside the earthbound spirits. Ask the Spirits to please stand if needed and take the hand of the Angel standing next to them. Ask them to take one step into the channel of light with the Angel. Tell them to take another step into the light. Tell them to go on up with the Angel into the light. Ask Michael to close and seal the channel of light after all are through. Use your Golden Staff and stamp it on the ground and hold it there while you project God's golden energy out into the entire area, destroying anything dark, evil, or negative and filling all with golden light. Say the Lord's Prayer out loud. State that this home/space is now completely cleansed and blessed in the name of God. Amen

If you are doing this in your own home/area, you can also burn sage and repeat the Lord's Prayers while you walk through the home/area with it to remove all darkness.

I think that everyone should do this daily because spirits come in everyday,and then you help spirits go the light, Earth's vibration raises too,spirits who can move things around,they can move things around because they have dark energy around them.

I got this information from her


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