THE MOMENTUM FOR JUNE 2014 IS ASCENSION, by Patricia Cota-Robles


The Momentum for June 2014 Is ASCENSION

     Now that the pockets of negativity in people’s etheric bodies have been transmuted by the Violet Flame, there is a Cosmic push by the I AM Presence of every person, and the Company of Heaven, to assist the masses of Humanity to catch up with the Ascension process that the Earth and ALL Creation are now in the midst of completing.

May 29, 2014, was the day celebrated by Christians around the World as Ascension Thursday. This celebration honors Jesus’ Ascension, which occurred 40 days after his Resurrection. This year the Christian Holidays involving Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension are being celebrated by both the Eastern and Western Christian Religions on the same day. That is very rare and increases to almost 3 billion the number of people who are focusing on these Celebrations at the same time. That is creating a very powerful collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness on those days.

On Ascension Thursday, Serapis Bey and the Legions of Angels associated with the Crystalline White Ascension Flame began flooding the Earth and ALL her Life with 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar frequencies of that Sacred Fire. As the Ascension Flame flowed through the Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness, every particle and wave of Life on Earth was lifted into higher frequencies of the New Earth than we have ever been able to reach.

Serapis Bey and the Angels of the Ascension Flame have made the Heart commitment to intensify this Activity of Light in, through, and around every particle and wave of Light on Earth throughout the entire month of June. The Divine Intent of this intervention is to help the masses of Humanity to Awaken and to move forward in the Light a quantum leap regardless of how far behind a person may be in his or her Ascension process.

June 8, 2014, is the day Christians celebrate Pentecost. This day honors the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Sacred Fire, which took place for the Disciples in the Upper Room ten days after Jesus’ Ascension, or 50 days after his Resurrection. Once again, with billions of people focusing on the Holy Spirit, who we now KNOW is our Mother God, a powerful Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness will be formed.

On that sacred and holy day our Mother God will Baptize ALL Humanity with Sacred Fire. This Gift from On High will flow through the Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness and be assimilated by every person’s I AM Presence in alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned. This Blessing from our Mother God will allow even the most recalcitrant person to remember our Mother God and to reconnect with her Divine Love in new and profound ways.

June 13, 2014, is the Gemini Full Moon. This is the third of the Full Moon Festivals of Spring. The first is the Passover Full Moon which takes place in the Sun Cycle of Aries, the second is the Wesak Full Moon which takes place in the Sun Cycle of Taurus, and the third is the Goodwill Festival of Humanity Full Moon which takes place in the Sun Cycle of Gemini. The Gemini Festival is the Full Moon during which Humanity is celebrated by the Company of Heaven for integrating and expanding the Light of God that blessed all Life on Earth during the two previous Full Moons.

Due to the miracles that are taking place during the Spring of 2014, the Company of Heaven said they have much to celebrate. During the Full Moon on June 13th, Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth will receive a Blessing of Supreme Gratitude from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is a demonstration of the deep appreciation the Heavenly Realms have for each of us for the sacrifices we have made by invoking the Light and serving as surrogates on behalf of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity. They are also extremely grateful for the Healing Light we have invoked on behalf of the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.

On June 21, 2014, we will be blessed with an intensified influx of Solar Light during the time of the Solstice. These 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Rays will greatly amplify the Ascension Flame that has been bathing ALL Life on Earth during the month of June. This will lift every facet of Life on Earth further up the Spiral of Evolution into the embrace of the New Earth.

In order for Humanity to experience the greatest benefit from the monumental Activities of the Ascension Flame that will take place throughout the month of June and the remainder of 2014, the Company of Heaven has given us a very powerful Invocation. Please ask your I AM Presence for guidance and then respond according to your Heart’s Call. Use this gift from On High as your I AM Presence directs you.

I AM Ascending Into My I AM Presence

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As this wondrous Ascension in the Light occurs within me it occurs through every person on Earth, in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with my arms and legs uncrossed and my spine is as straight as possible. I breathe in deeply and instantly I AM relaxed and peaceful. I empty my mind of all of the thoughts of the day and I KNOW, “I AM That I AM.”

I gently go within to the Divinity of my Heart and focus my attention on my Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. Within the full embrace of my Threefold Flame, I realize that I have transcended the old Earth and crossed the threshold into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the New Earth. I have truly entered a New Day filled with the full-gathered momentum of Heaven on Earth.

Victory is mine! Victory is mine! Victory is mine!

With this inner knowing, I realize that I have the awesome responsibility of BECOMING the full manifestation of my I AM Presence while I AM embodied on the New Earth. This literally means Transfiguring my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of my I AM Presence.

This Divine Alchemy is occurring within me now at an atomic, cellular level. Every electron, every atom, every subatomic particle and wave of my bodies and all the spaces in between the atoms and molecules of my bodies are being filled with multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.

My I AM Presence is now able to take full dominion of my Earthly Bodies. As this occurs, my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories, and beliefs reflect the Transfiguring Divine Love, Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace, Bliss, Harmony, and Oneness of my Father-Mother God. My physical reality is transformed, and I now experience at every level the infinite physical perfection of the New Earth.

My I AM Presence claims full authority within my Earthly Bodies. I stand forth now as a complete God Being pulsating within the glorious multicolored, multidimensional radiance of my I AM Presence. 

My feet are planted firmly on the New Earth, and simultaneously I AM One with all of the Ascended Realms of Infinite Perfection. I AM a God Being of resplendent Light, now realizing the fullness of that Light on every level of my Being. As I AM lifted up, all Life is lifted up with me. Therefore, I know that within my I AM Presence, I AM now ALL of Humanity standing forth and realizing that we are God Beings­—Sons and Daughters of God—on every realm associated with the New Earth.

Within my I AM Presence, I AM the Ascension Flame and I AM the full Divine Momentum of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity blazing in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life. I AM liberating every physical and chemical interaction within the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth. The Ascension Flame is raising all of the energy bonds between atoms and within atoms into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of God’s Infinite Perfection.

I KNOW and ACCEPT that contained within this flowing electronic pattern of Light is everything necessary to Transfigure the entire physical realm into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This unfathomable Light contains everything necessary to set straight the orbit, spin, and electronic charge of every cell, atom, and electron of Life on the old Earth. I feel all energy bonds within the atomic realm now Ascending in vibration toward the frequency of infinite physical perfection. Every cell of Life is now blazing with the full perfection of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.

Within my I AM Presence, I AM the Ascension Flame and the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity blazing through every interaction within Humanity and all of the energy bonds therein—this includes the relationships of all people, organizations, races, religions, and nations—liberating these interactions into the harmony of a Higher Order of Being, expanding the Sphere of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth.

Within the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet, I AM aware of this Higher Reality. I AM now clearly receiving the Divine Promptings, Ideas, and Concepts of my I AM Presence. Daily and hourly, through the Gift of the Ascension Flame, I AM experiencing the Higher Reality of the New Earth within my heart and mind.

I AM now a living, Light-filled Temple of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, God’s Infinite Abundance, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Happiness, and Abounding Joy. I AM my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of I AM Consciousness now made manifest on the New Earth.  And so it is.

I return my consciousness to the room. I become aware of my body, and I allow these Divine Energies to be assimilated into my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. I breathe deeply and gently as I absorb the bliss of this moment. (pause)

I AM Grateful, I AM Grateful, I AM Eternally Grateful.

Beloved Father-Mother God—All That Is—I AM.

The Next Step In This Unfolding Divine Plan

As miracles unfold step by step the way is being cleared for the next phase of the Divine Plan, which involves the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. The Company of Heaven said the Activity of Light they have asked us to orchestrate will catapult the Earth and ALL her Life up the Spiral of Evolution into the wondrous frequencies of the New Earth. This plan is designed to trigger within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity the KNOWING that we are not the victims of our lives WE ARE THE COCREATORS OF OUR LIVES. This sacred knowledge will bring to a conscious level the profound Truth that WE are the co-creators of the New Earth and that through our unified efforts we will tangibly manifest the patterns of Divine Love, Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace, Vibrant Health, Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, and every other pattern of perfection associated with the New Earth.

This amazing transformation will not involve a monumental effort on our part. The manifestation of the New Earth will result from a slight adjustment in Humanity’s awareness. The tangible manifestation of the New Earth will be the result of Humanity’s shift from a consciousness of separation and duality into the Awakened Christ Consciousness of Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for ALL Life.

This shift is not destined to occur in some distant future time as many people believe. This unprecedented shift of consciousness is taking place right here and right NOW, through the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. The next phase of the unfolding Divine Plan is designed to accelerate this process a THOUSANDFOLD. And the Company of Heaven is invoking your assistance.

Now that the dense tar-like pockets of negativity have been removed from the etheric bodies of the masses of Humanity and transmuted into Light, our fear-based human egos do not have the ability to block the awareness of our Mother God or her unfathomable Divine Love. At long last, the masses of Humanity can experience the Divine Love and glorious Presence of our Mother God unimpeded. Bringing that awareness to fruition in a tangible way is, in fact, a critical factor in Awakening Humanity to the reality that we are the cocreators of our lives. THIS DIVINE MISSION IS THE NEXT STEP OF THE DIVINE PLAN.

Your I AM Presence has drawn this information into your sphere of awareness because you have been preparing for aeons of time to assist with this facet of the Divine Plan. You are a harbinger of Divine Love whether you are consciously aware of it or not, and the time for you to fully manifest that aspect of who you are is NOW!

Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers, this includes YOU and me. We are being asked to gather within the most powerful Portal of Precipitation that exists on Planet Earth. This portal exists within the forcefield of the Grand Teton Mountains in Wyoming in the USA.

Precipitation is the Activity of Light through which unformed primal Light Essence is drawn directly from the Universe and converted into form. This is the Activity of Light that Humanity must use in order to tangibly manifest the wondrous patterns of the New Earth. This also the Portal of Light through which the Light of God is flowing to most effectively reconnect the masses with our Mother God and her Divine Love.

The translation of the word WYOMING is, “LAND WHERE THE MOTHER GODDESS IS LOVED.” The origin of the word is Native American, with strong links to Inca and Mayan civilizations. The Inca, Maya, and Native American Elders named geographic locations using sounds that conveyed information about the energy and frequency of vibration associated with the location or sacred site involved.

We are being asked by the Company of Heaven to assist in an Activity of Light that will greatly accelerate Humanity’s shift into Christ Consciousness. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth revealed that this will be accomplished by Lightworkers volunteering to gather in Wyoming, within the Portal of Precipitation, to form a mighty transformer through which the Light of Precipitation will be secured in every person’s Heart Flame.

If you have the Heart Call to serve our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity in this wondrous way, we will welcome you with open arms and Divine Love from the deepest recesses of our hearts.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present for this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. We will join our Heart Flames which will be pulsating with the Light we have brought from our homelands, all over the world. Together we will form the transformer­—the Chalice of Light—that will serve as the Open Door for the Light of Precipitation.

Ask your I AM Presence for guidance, listen to your heart, and Trust your inner knowing. Your Light is needed now! Know that we will all be in our right and perfect place for this Global Activity of Light, but only YOUR I AM Presence knows where that location is for YOU.

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Precipitation in the Grand Teton Mountains where the Lightworkers will be physically gathered at Jackson Lake Lodge in Moran, Wyoming. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.

No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Precipitation, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 28th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place September 13-18, 2014. We will gather at the beautiful Jackson Lake Lodge in Moran, Wyoming. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Precipitation. All of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available on our website:

(If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser.)

This is going to be an incredibly powerful and joyous event. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want us to clearly know that EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED. Our Lightwork will no longer involve the overwhelming struggles we often experienced in the past. That time is over.

From now on, our service to Humanity and the Light will be glorious adventures. They will be the experiences we have long awaited and patiently anticipated.

THIS is the Cosmic Moment we were shown aeons ago when we decided that no matter what we had to go through to get to this life-transforming time, it was going to be worth it.

Well, here we are.  So let’s make the conscious choice to continue our service to Humanity and the Light from the Heart Space of Divine Love, Joy, and Infinite Bliss!

I Love YOU, and I AM Eternally Grateful for your willingness to be an instrument of God, as we move forward together co-creating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

If you have the Heart Call to be physically present at this opportunity to serve Humanity and the Earth you will receive a $50.00 discount if you register by June 17, 2014.

Whether you are planning to be physically present in the Grant Tetons or not, please click on the link below and watch this short video that will allow you to weave your magnificent Light into this Portal of Precipitation and connect with us at a Heart level from wherever you are on the Planet.

(If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser.)

Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

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  • Mmm, very interesting painting. It dates July 2012.
    The ascension workshop at Orval of last Easter (18-21 April, 2014) had this same base setup: in the centre the Labyrinth, strengthened with many Crystals, and around in a circle 8 Goddesses (each representing a different cosmic aspect)... 
    To me it is obvious that the same High Energies were guiding.

    Anya ka wa (let the Light come).


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