September 11, 2020
There are as many perspectives as there are humans on your Earth plane. It is important to keep in mind that if an opinion/thought/perception is stated, you do not need to agree or take it on as your own but, do your best to understand. It costs nothing and it gives you an opportunity to grow in ways you may not have imagined. ~ Creator
September 10, 2020
Remember when power struggles rage around you like a hurricane, you are the eye of the storm…the calm, quiet. You are so much stronger than you think. Embrace your peacefulness. In your connection with the Universe, no harm will come to you. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
September 9, 2020
If you are ever in doubt of your importance on this Earth plane; touch someone’s hand while they are speaking, hug someone who is releasing grief, smile at someone who appears to be hurting. The fact that you are a human, sharing a human moment with another is magic. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
September 8, 2020
Let your compassion for those who have lost theirs somewhere along the way or never had it open your eyes to the possibility that things can and do change. When confronted with a situation like this say, “Here, have some of mine”. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
September 7, 2020
As another energy surge arrives you have a choice; ride on top of it like a surfer or let it suck you under. Every shift gives you a new opportunity to release and grow. If you dig in your heels and refuse to budge, it is more challenging to navigate. Be the free-flowing spirit you were created to be and rise above, dear one! No one can do this for you but The Universe is always there to guide and assist. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
September 6 , 2020
From Kryon Book Eleven – Lifting the Veil – Page 139
Is Anyone Watching?

Some feel like they’re in a vacuum and God has no idea what’s going on in their lives. That’s not the way of it. Every single challenge should be met at the moment from the source. There isn’t anything that you’ll have in your life that’s unknown by God. Family stands next to you.

When you get that phone call, when you open a letter, when you hear from a friend, it’s all seen by your "connection." Through good news and bad, though challenges and joy, that family is there directly through the pipeline, and it’s there to deliver the wisdom you’re going to need to conquer duality.


through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via gary@kryon.us)
September 5, 2020
As humans, you sometimes view the flow of The Universe as an incomprehensible mish-mash of energy. Know that all things are placed where they are for a reason; every experience, every emotion, every situation. And yes, even you have your place in it. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
September 4, 2020
Do you exist in a paradox of pretenses, games, lies, wanna-be attitudes, insecurities or falsehoods? Strip it away and all you are left with is you, the bright and shining spirit you truly are. You can be safe in the knowledge that you are exactly how The Universe intended you to be. There is none better on the face of your planet. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
September 3, 2020
When you reach a plateau, you often become impatient with the pause and push, push, push for the next step. But if you remain calm, serene and peaceful, knowing the next step you take will be the right one, you will be able to enjoy the view and the company that decided to join you on your journey. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
September 2, 2020
As frail as you may feel at times, there is an indomitable strength within you. A depth of understanding in The Universe that has always been there. Release yourself and explore an existence that has no boundaries or limits. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
September 1, 2020
Dearest child, The Universe knows the awareness being brought you to is overwhelming and there may feel like too much pain and negative goings-on to overcome. Even though it seems as if you are in a hurricane of chaos, please remember that a purpose is being served. Consciousness is changing and the light you and your fellow humans carry is shining through the darkness to bring the definitive change you have been manifesting. Keep going my love, the end result will be worth it! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 31, 2020
As your world prepares for yet another huge energy shift, it is good to remember:
You do not have to be anything for anyone. Being yourself, without explanation, is all The Universe asks.
Practice kindness and compassion but maintain healthy boundaries. Your space is sacred, and you deserve to be treated well.
Listen carefully. Your soul and physical being will tell you when it needs a rest. If it does, take it! Respect yourself as you would respect others. Keep   learning. Knowledge is a pathway to greater wisdom and  growth. 
. Do not put yourself on hold to please others. Be who you are, be proud of what you have accomplished and love! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 30, 2020 At 12:51 PM
You have been working so diligently, my love! Clearing, creating, manifesting and brightly shining your light. Some things have gone well and other have required a bit more effort, but you have continued to move forward. Now is the time to keep stepping up to the experiences and challenges that are coming into your life. Do no be dissuaded by the negative, stay focused and know you are on the right path. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 29, 2020
Keep this in mind; you have been given the gift of free will, the ability to create whatever you choose. Everything you do, the words you utter, the thoughts you have, the smiles you give and all you look upon is a moment of Creation. What do you want to create with your moments on your Earth-plane? ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 28, 2020
In the crash and clutter of what and what not to believe, remember this; you can disregard it all! You do not have to believe one single thing anywhere at any time. The only thing The Universe requests is that you to believe in yourself. Everything is within reach! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 27, 2020
Within you exists a small piece of The Universe that, once activated, cannot be turned off. Would you want to? It contains everything you will ever need, all of the power and infinitely more love than you have experienced thus far. It moves within you, it asks to be recognized and can never be removed, it is a part of you. To use it…..just ask. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 26, 2020
As the lines between concrete concepts begin to blur, ponder this perspective; you are always a teacher and always a student. A definitive and unswayable thought may hinder your growth and will ultimately block the free flow of energy that is needed to expand your awareness. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 25, 2020
You may reach a point when you have to choose between love of self and love of another in spite of yourself. One reclaims your power, the other gives it away. What you choose is ultimately up to you and how you want to live the remainder of your existence on your Earth-plane; empowered or enslaved. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 24, 2020
How much energy are you willing to give a negative experience that is over and done with? In replaying the moment over and over, you are continuing to feed it the power you so richly deserve for yourself. Releasing the energetic charge and closing the circle of the will allow you to move forward into a new, more positive experience. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 23 , 2020
From Kryon Book VIII – Passing the Marker – Page 189
Responsibility of the Lighthouse Keeper

When the light is able to help steer ships into the harbor safely, the lighthouse rejoices! When this happens, however, the lighthouse keeper does not go over and have a party with the captain of the ship. Instead, the keeper silently rejoices and continues to shine the light. Most captains who reach port safely due to the light of the lighthouse never know the lighthouse keeper. The lighthouse keeper doesn’t publish a statement telling others that he saved a ship! He is silent and continues, often alone, anchored in the rock.

For those ships that did not look up to see the lighthouse, and who wound up on the rocks in disaster, the lighthouse may be saddened. But the lighthouse keeper does not go over to rescue the ship. The lighthouse keeper does not take responsibility for those who end up on the rocks! The lighthouse keeper does not go into depression about the event and dismantle the lighthouse due to the ship that didn’t look to see the light. NO. Instead, the lighthouse has one purpose, and that is to shine the light, shine the light, and shine the light.

August 22, 2020, 12;51 PM
During this transition time, you may (and often will) be confronted with negative situations. Even those who have been awakened for some time will find the new energy challenging, reacting in ways counter intuitive to their normal way of being. Know that it is not personal, and you have the unconditional love and support of The Universe! You are riding this immense wave the best way you can…and you are loved! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 21, 2020, 12:03 PM
Many of you may have noticed a definitive shift in the energy this past week and you, as well as those around you, may have had a challenging time adjusting to it. As The Universe prepares you for the next wave, your manifesting abilities will be stronger than you have ever experienced before. Dearest one, use this time continue creating lovely and amazing things! Embrace your personal power with love, gratitude and kindness. Maintain strong, healthy boundaries, practice self-care and remember your compassion. Your Earth-plane needs it now more than ever! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 20, 2020, 10:51 AM
What you seek is already there, what you dream for is already yours, what you need is given without reservation. The only thing missing from the equation is your ability to believe it is. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 19, 2020, 12:51 PM
There is a greatness within you…an ability to shine brightly in the darkness with the knowledge to embrace (and show) empathy, kindness and compassion. Through these tumultuous times, you can see the peaceful light beyond the chaos. Have you had human moments? Yes, indeed! You are also consciously aware that those moments pass more and more quickly every time you have the experience. In continuing to be who you are, you have become a guide for those just beginning their journeys. You are beautiful and most beloved by The Universe! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 18, 2020, 9:50 AM
You create and exist in a world of your own making. You decorate it to your liking, inhabit it with the familiar, comfortable and safe, bringing in feelings and emotions that resonate with you. Each person on your Earth-plane has done the same. (Smiling) When your worlds overlap, dissonance may occur. Rather than looking at the situation as a learning, you may see it as an invasion. The Universe is asking you to consciously realize that you do not have to make their world your own. Understanding and growth can occur if you allow yourself to see things from a different perspective. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 17, 2020, 
From Kryon / Monika Muranyi -- The Human Akash
The Promise
Now, here’s the promise, dear Human Being: When you begin that pure intent, this process takes over and will work. It will work because this is what Spirit has been waiting for. Jump into the lake. You can’t stop it. There is no delete key in the Human brain. You can’t unknow what I just told you. Oh, you can try. But it won’t work, because I’m speaking to that which is inside you right now.
Right now, some of you are starting to feel it. There are Old Souls here whose Higher-Selves are yelling at you: "Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen!" It’s because they’ve been with you all your life and all they’ve ever wanted was for you to touch the hand that’s outstretched – that’s all they wanted. It starts the process.
August 17, 2020, 9:27 AM
It is time (again) to brace yourself, tie down anything you would like to keep and hang onto your hats. You have been moving through this crucial time with as much ease as possible and you are to be commended for it. The winds of change may continue to bring challenges your way but, you are up to the task at hand. The Universe would also like to remind you to stay as focused and centered as possible. The greatest gifts come out of the most tumultuous times. Your light…and your love is needed now more than ever! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 16, 2020, 11:49 AM
Are you an advanced soul? Take a quick look at your past experiences; some may have been soul rending, others more challenging than you thought you would survive. Did you ever feel alone, not quite right or like you did not belong? Did you come out the other side of those experiences lighter and brighter than you ever thought possible? Understanding where you came from helps guide you to where you will go. Rather than bemoaning a difficult past, take some time to be thankful. Without it you would not be where you are now! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 15, 2020, 12:44 PM
As stated before, you…the advanced soul, chose this time, this place, this moment and this situation. You knew it would be beneficial to your growth and learning, leading you to a deeper understanding of the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of Infinity. Even though it may not feel like it, your very presence is raising the vibrational level of your Earth-plane so that you may all move toward a peaceful and productive future. Keep manifesting dearest one, it is the key! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 13, 2020, 12:46 PM
You are the dreamer, awakened early from your gentle slumber, opening your eyes to a new day. The endless possibilities surround you; infinite choices, infinite directions to travel. There is no need to choose just one, my love. If the one you have chosen is not for you, return to the beginning and start again. Learn experience and grow in joy. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 12, 2020, 10:23 AM
Over the next few days and weeks, you will be making decisions on several manifested experiences. Some of the will be easy and others a bit more challenging. Regardless of what is presented to you, it will be particularly important to include your heart as well as your head in those choices. As always, free will is yours and The Universe will support anything you choose for yourself. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 11, 2020, 12:46 PM
As you continue to move through the stages of release, please be gentle with yourself and others. You will move at your own pace and in your own time, allowing peace to encompass all that you are. There may be bumps in the road and it may feel as if nothing noteworthy is happening…it is all part of the process. Allow yourself to just be. The Universe will take care of the rest. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 10, 2020, 9:16 AM
The Universe can tell you about upcoming shifts and changes in your world but, what happens during the in-between times? You may spend your time waiting and forget there is a life to live, people to love and growth that needs to be accomplished. (Smiling) Your existence and how you move through it is a shift/change in progress! The small, seemingly mundane moments are when the greatest developments occur. Celebrate them all just as The Universe celebrates you! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 9, 2020, 11:48 AM
From Kryon Book Eleven -- Lifting the Veil
Your Responsibility

When you go home tonight, you’re not going to be in a survival situation – in a tent in a tribe with no lights or clean water, with no food. You’re not going to be in sorrow or despair. Instead, you go home to a warm place with plenty of food and friendship and the love of family. That’s why you’re the Lighthouses, because you have the time for it. You’ve got the intellect for it. You’re not in survival mode, as is so much of humanity on the earth. You have the education for it and the intuition for it. Now, do you understand why there are so many Lightworkers in the western world? It’s because your culture has created a situation where there’s abundance of these things, and it allows you to lead the way in changing the energy of Earth, instead of having all your time spent just trying to survive. Does this help you understand the responsibility of what you have before you?
August 9, 2020, 11:40 AM
The Universe can tell you about upcoming shifts and changes in your world but, what happens during the in-between times? You may spend your time waiting and forget there is a life to live, people to love and growth that needs to be accomplished. (Smiling) Your existence and how you move through it is a shift/change in progress! The small, seemingly mundane moments are when the greatest developments occur. Celebrate them all just as The Universe celebrates you! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 8, 2020, 1:33 PM
Many, many people are experiencing one of the most traumatic events of their lives and may say and do things out of the ordinary. Those of you ‘in the know’ are capable of handling most of what comes your way with grace and ease, however, most are not. This is where the Law of Compassion comes in. When you feel yourself losing patience, ask that you be shown a way to move through the situation in the highest and best way. Asking The Universe for assistance is sending more love into the world which will, in turn, come back to you. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 7, 2020, 1:02 PM
It may be disheartening to see people emboldened and acting out just because others are doing it as well. Please remember, this is not being done to hurt or offend you in any way. Often, those words have been said to them or someone they love, those actions have been viewed and deemed acceptable by another in their life. Can you imagine being in such emotional pain and so deep in denial that you are unable to confront what is right in front of you? If you are at a loss for what to say or do, send The Universe’s unconditional love. It may not cure the ill they carry but, you will know you have done your part in guiding them a little closer to the resolution they need. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 6, 2020, 10:04 AM
Each of you have had experiences that shaped your reality in unimaginable ways…especially recently. You may be longing for a moment that happened in another place/time or longing for something you have never experienced. The Universe would like to remind you that you are continually in the process of creating and can manifest any situation you choose. Your thoughts, words and actions affect how it is presented to you. Yes, you will have your human moments but, there is also great joy in living! Embrace the positive and know you are being supported every step of the way. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 5, 2020, 1:07 PM
During this extraordinary time, there has been tremendous change, most of it unexpected. There have been challenging moments but, there has also been great moments of insight and joy! Most importantly, there has been learning! The Universe is asking you to take all you have learned so far and begin manifesting because, in the next few weeks, you will be given the opportunity to change your entire existence for the better. How slowly or quickly depends solely on you. (Smiling) This is your time to shine and show others how it is done! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 4, 2020, 12:15 PM
A calm center exists within you; let the storms rage, the tornadoes swirl and the hurricanes blow; it is of no consequence. You know exactly who you are and what it takes to be at peace with yourself. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 3, 2020, 12:12 PM
There are moments of meaning (that free your consciousness) and those of no consequence (ones that do not). The first is a gentle path of expansion and the other keeps you static. By standing by and repeatedly attaching yourself to the small pains and digs of your Earth-plane existence, you effectively stop your growth. Which do you choose to embrace? ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
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August 2,2020, 12:26 PM
As was stated before, any notice of shifts or changes on your Earth-plane may seem anti-climactic but, you are being asked to step up again. The Universe knows you have been working diligently on keeping your space light as well as continuing to be mindful in your thoughts, words and actions. This next wave will see even more awakenings. They may be disoriented by the incoming information and looking for guidance. Your light and love will provide them with the direction they need. It is time to take a deep breath, ground yourself and get down to business. (Smiling) ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
August 2, 2020, 10:11 AM
From Kryon Book Eleven -- Lifting the Veil
They’re Not Gone... They’re all here
Do you understand yet that death is often as precious as life on this planet of many energies and lessons? They are not gone! They’re all here. [Speaking from Kryon’s perspective] They’re having a great time! They’re joyful! It seems like a moment ago they leaned into the wind of birth with us beside them. We said, "How would you like to participate in an event that will change the compassion factor of the planet so that energies can move forward and provide faster acceleration of vibratory shift? How would you like to help create peace on Earth through a consciousness shift within Gaia itself?" And they said, "Show us the way!"
through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel
August 1, 2020, 
Leaning on someone does not diminish your independence or your feelings of self-love/worth unless you want it to happen. Having someone lean on you does not make you responsible for their well-being in any way. Light beings, in their human forms, need and want to connect with each other on occasion. There is no shame or guilt in it if the give/take comes from a place of unconditional love. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 30, 2020
Honesty, integrity and conscience are guideposts on your travels through your Earth-plane existence. If you ever lose your way, remember to use them and you will always be led back to your truest path. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 29, 2020
You can anticipate the hurtful, negative things that come your way. You can be constantly on your guard to protect yourself. Does it change the fact that those negative experiences still appear on occasion? No. If you allow yourself to relax into them, let them flow over you like water, they are gone before you realize it. There is a certain freedom and peace that comes from knowing you will recover, grow and be okay when it is over. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 28, 2020
You may ask yourself on occasion, “Is this all really worth it?”
You have been through some interesting times; letting go of hurts, angers and limiting beliefs. Learning to allow joy, peace and unconditional love to take their places. Releasing negatives to make room for the positives and delving into the most intimate parts of your existence to find and honor your true self. You have worked hard with almost limitless tenacity to be who you are today and you are celebrated and admired for all you have achieved. Even when you have felt quite alone, The Universe has been standing by, quietly anticipating your next milestone.
So, is it worth it? The Universe will respond with, “Yes, always!” ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 27, 2020
Today, The Universe would like you to know that, sometimes, a pause is needed before the next leap forward. Instead of worrying about whether you are fulfilling your purpose, think on this…
Just being where you are now, existing in the space you are in, in this moment is enough. While you are here, take some time to feel all the love The Universe has for you. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
Expectations are heady, powerful things. Their scattering energy takes the truth and bends it toward an alternate reality where feelings are hurt, disappointment is the order of the day and emotions ride crazy highs and lows. One of the best things you will do as a human is to release expectations held for and by you and refocus that energy toward the Universal Gift of Love. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 25, 2020 at 1:29 PM
My dearest child, it may be challenging to focus on the good with so much chaos and pain going on in the world. On the surface, misunderstandings and divisiveness seem to be more common than acts of kindness and compassion. Today, The Universe is asking you to look at things from a different perspective.
Behind every act of senseless violence and vitriol is a wounded person who, at some point in their lives, felt misunderstood about who they are and what they need. After all, it is much easier to deny and project those feelings than to accept responsibility for them. Remember, each of you carries a Divine Spark within that has existed since the beginning of time. If you find the actions or words unacceptable, do as The Universe does; send love to that Spark. It is a freely given gift that is meant to be shared with your world. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 24, 2020 at 1;37 AM
Each human on your Earth plane came to learn, grow and change. Some may choose to use this time productively, others may not…that is the joy of free will! (Smiling) One of the most important things you will accomplish is releasing judgement, taking responsibility for your own actions and allowing others to do the same. If you need help, just ask! The Universe will always be there to guide and support and teach you. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 23, 2020 at 1:05 PM
f you have to ask others if you are doing something ‘right’ then you are probably not. The inner guidance system you came to this Earth-plane existence with is fully operational; it is the doubt you took on while you have been here that is the issue. Release the doubt, listen to your heart and you will always be shown the best way for you. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 22, 2020 at 12:44 PM
You have always been presented with many choices. Stay or go, grow or remain static, move or remain inert. The number of paths available to you are infinite and limited only by your imagination. What you may forget is that sometimes, positive action needs to accompany positive intention. Are you ready? ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 21, 2020 at 3:55 PM 
Some of you have been experiencing a deep longing for things to be ‘normal’ again. The changes in progress may make it challenging to think, focus and live your life in a way that is comfortable for you. Yet, through all the chaos, there is a glimmering moment or two where all is right in the world and you can see what the finished product will be.
The Universe is reminding you that it is okay to feel a little off during this time of imbalance, and to give yourself a break. As things become calmer those small glimmers of hope will become larger and more encompassing…until one day, very soon, everything around you will be peace and joy. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, dear one, you are almost there. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 20, 2020 at 7:28 pm
So much is here, so much revelation, so much love. There has never been a better time in the history of humanity for you to look in that closet! Perhaps that team uniform is there with your name on it? There are healers in the room who don’t know it yet. There are potentials unrecognized, but it’s up to you.

JULY 19, 2020 at 12:42 PM
Where you go and what you experience often depends on your state of mind. It may be uncomfortable in this moment but if you choose to be open to change and amazing things, they will often happen unbidden. Trust your heart, dearest child…it will always guide you in the perfect direction. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 17, 2020 at 11:46 AM
The latest wave of change may bring some unexpected things. There are a multitude of layers and levels being revealed that may become overwhelming for you. It could be extremely easy to fall into old patterns and behaviors and take the well-traveled road. The Universe is inviting you to continue forging your own path, releasing what is not needed and growing in a way that feels most comfortable for you. There are many more shifts on the way, and it will be important to trust your intuition. As always you are loved, supported and guided with unconditional love. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 16,2020 at 10:52 AM
Your growth and learning is like skydiving; you are in the plane or you are out the door and free falling…..there is no in-between. Do not be afraid of jumping into and exploring your darker self. That is where the most healing occurs. If you wait too long, the moment just may pass you by. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 15, 2020 at 10:26 AM
Today, take a few moments and sit with yourself. Release everything that may be taking up ‘brain space’ and feel! This will give you the opportunity to find and see the space you are existing in now. The gentle movements of your soul will show you what needs to let go. Even though you are moving through challenging times, there will always be a peaceful and loving center you can visit any time you like. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 14, 2020 at 12:57 PM
Remember when you first started walking your path? The excitement, anticipation, joy and a little bit of fear of it all? The learning had just begun! The Universe is inviting you to experience those moments again. You do not need to release all you have learned; that knowledge and wisdom is yours to keep. (Smiling) You are being guided to go back to the basics. Just like visiting an old friend, reacquainting and reinforcing the familiarity will open you to the newly arrived energy in the highest and best way. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 13, 2020 at 10:08 AM
As you assimilate the most recent changes, be gentle with yourself and others. You are learning a new way to be in the world, and some may embrace this more quickly than others. When you encounter resistance, take a moment and breathe. When you are ready begin the deconstruction slowly, releasing each layer as you go. When you arrive at the root, send it off with unconditional love then set the intention of something beautiful and pure taking its place. The Universe has designed shifting to be be graceful, peaceful and easy…let it happen. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 13, 2020 at 5:49 AM
From Kryon Book Nine -- The New Beginning – Page 167
A Unique Group
A tremendous ancient and ongoing karma exists between many of you, but because Humanity has pulled the sword from the rock, it need never be manifested. Because it’s not necessary anymore. You have changed even the reality of the test. Yet the joke is that with all this energy around, you do not recognize one another. There will never be a group like this. Its uniqueness is special.
through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel
July 12, 2020
On personal power; those that have not yet achieved it will spend their time attempting to convince you that they have it. Those that truly possess it remain silent and centered in the knowledge of its existence. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 11, 2020 At 11: 29 AM
You are standing on a precipice of personal change. Do you continue traveling your current path or do you shift in a higher and better way? Some change is easy, other times it can be challenging. If The Universe has presented you with a particular situation, it is time to take a closer look within. You can do this now, dear one, or later. Free will has always been yours. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 10,2020 at 12:06 PM
In angry retort, a person may say, “Who do you think you are?!” Well, I am you…you are me…we are one. To deny that fact and continue to view yourself as singular is the most common mistake you will make on your Earth-plane. Learn from the mistakes, know that everyone is your mirror and derive great joy from the thought that you have learned something new today. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 9, 2020 at 12: 03 PM
Since your Earth plane is experiencing quite a bit of change, any information relayed to you by The Universe may seem a bit anti-climactic. (Smiling) With that being said, it is time to prepare for yet another wave in this tsunami of growth. Those beginning to walk their paths may still be prone to projection and denial because they know nothing else. Be patient, be kind, demonstrate compassion, remember you were once where they are now and, most importantly, send Unconditional Love! The journey may not always be easy, but love will always make it better. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 8, 2020 at 10:57 AM
The greatest gifts come from the most difficult situations and questions. Difficult situations present themselves as a reminder of what you do not want to be, act, react or live. Difficult questions present themselves as a reminder that ALL thoughts can change in a moment. But, it takes your participation. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 7, 2020 at 12:00 PM
How are you going to approach your existence on Earth? As always, The Universe gives you the opportunity to exercise your free will. You can either embrace and take in all you can from stretching, growing and moving forward or stop just short of your bliss. Either way, The Universe is most happy to oblige. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 6, 2020
What does it mean to be of service? That, my dear child, depends on your heart. It could be something as simple as giving a smile to someone who does not have one or giving your time and love to an idea you believe in. Large or small, it is important to remember that all forms of service are valid in the eyes of The Universe. Let your heart lead the way! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 5, at 10:46 AM
Where have you been hiding, my love? You have been standing quietly on the sidelines, waiting for the perfect moment to contribute and you have yet to find your voice. Your Earth plane is as expansive as you and still you remain silent…why?
You have done your homework, you have practiced your skills, now it is time to step into the circle and add your love and light to the mix. It may not be easy at first. Anything worth doing/accomplishing rarely is but, The Universe knows you. It knows the wild and raucous you, the part of you that loves to dance, sing and proclaim your thoughts and opinions out loud. (Smiling) It is time, my darling one, to step up, step out and step into what you are truly meant to be! Once you begin, nothing will be able to hold you back. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 4th at 12.18 PM
You are much more expansive than you lead yourself to believe. Do not fear, embrace! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
July 3 at 12:17 PM
Every once in a while, you may need a reminder of exactly how incredible you are. You are, in this moment living through a time that few humans have experienced, and you are doing it with an amazing amount of grace! The Universe is aware of the great changes you are going through on a personal level and commends your efforts. Today, The Universe is asking that you do your best to release the negative (there is a lot of it right now) and focus on manifesting your most perfect world. It may take some time but, you have the skills, knowledge and wisdom to complete the task at hand. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley

July 2, 2020 at 11/42 AM
Remember to look for the unexpected gifts. Experienced personally or witnessed from afar; they are all around you. A smile, a comfortable pause in a conversation, the way a child laughs or a loving glance between two people. They are to remind you that your existence on this Earth plane is full of miracles. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ADDED UP TO HERE 
July 1, 2020
You are ‘as you are’ in this moment.
You can change to ‘you will be’ in less than a heartbeat.
Free will has always given you that choice.
The Universe sees you ‘as you are’ and ‘as you will be’ in the same instant. You can stay your course or change at any time…your growth is completely up to you. You are loved, cherished, respected and admired regardless! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
June 30, 2020
The Universe will always offer, and provide you with, information that you can easily understand within your particular paradigm. You may be guided to deeper, more esoteric thoughts and that is okay. But, do not be so consumed with the ego-driven ideas of esoteric thinking that you miss the fun, simple and easy answers that are readily available to you every day. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
June 29, 2020 at 11:38 AM
There are an infinite number of ways to experience your Earth plane. Some were chosen before you arrived, some are conscious choices or decisions made in response to situations. Some can be changed, others cannot and many of them will be in direction relation to where you are in your journey. Regardless of what they are, please remember that The Universe is there to guide and support you. If you are in need of assistance, just ask. You will never be refused. ~ Creator
 June 28, 2020 at 1:36 PM
Be patient, dear one. The swinging pendulum of your reality is beginning to slow and your Earth plane will begin to settle into peace. It may be a long road yet but, it is in process. More of the sleepers are slowly awakening, using their voices and change has become the movement in which they are participating. Remember, it is the experiences you are having now that will shape your world of tomorrow. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
June 27, 2020 at 1:25 PM
As a human you may view your Earth plane existence through the filter of the past. If you have previously experienced a negative reaction, your default emotions may put the same face on a current situation. If you have a conscious realization this is occurring, it is best to stop…breathe…and bring yourself back to the present. The Universe knows it may be challenging to be who you are in this extraordinary time but, knowing you can change is the first step in growth. Release the past and move forward, dear one! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
June 26, 2020 at 12.47 PM
Take a moment and think of all the times you have said, “I’m nothing special.” Now, ask The Universe to show you who/what/how you really are. For every ‘nothing special’ moment you have ever had, there are a hundred moments that you have been something very special to someone or something. Whether near or far, there are people that recognized your Divine Spark and celebrated you for simply being the human being you are. Even when you do not feel it you are, always have been and always will be something special! ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
June 25, 12:36 PM
It is okay to be tired and to be tired of being tired. (Smiling) The Universe knows there is a lot on your plate right now and wants you to know how wonderfully you are handling your own personal paradigm. Changes and emotions will happen. Integrate what resonates with you and let those emotions roll. These are very human qualities and you are unique to this space and time. When things become overwhelming, just take a deep breath and ask for assistance. It will always be there when you need it. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
June 24, 2020
It can be challenging to see and let others walk their own path. To you, it may seem hurtful, painful or destructive. To them, it is just another lesson they need to learn. Bless their journey and release your attachment with unconditional love. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
June 23, 2020 at 11:59 AM
Before you speak, ask yourself if what you intend to say is something you genuinely want to create in your life.
Think…is it negative or positive?
Think…will it help or hinder your growth?
Think…is what you are going to say motivated by something other than love?
Every day, you are offered choices to make your Earth plane existence a better place. It is all up to you…you are co-creator. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
June 22, at 3:11 PM
The Universe would like to remind you…again (Smiling)…that before things settle into a steady and peaceful pattern, there may be wild undulations from one side to the other. Your Earth plane is in one of those phases now. Rather than responding strongly to any of it, take a step back and think! Give yourself the time to sort through the copious amount of information coming in and how it fits into your current belief system. Will deciding now lock you into one way of thinking or will there be room for change later? Have you observed all sides of any given situation to make an informed decision for yourself? There has been and will be much to consider before things settle into a regular rhythm. Take your time, dear one, there is always plenty of it. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley
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  • Dear amparo,

    This picture looks like the eye of God !


  • You will learn to listen, as well as listen to learn, (win/win situations). Thank you Amp & blessings.

  • Dear amparo,

    Because our Father / Mother God is constantly wacthing and help us when ever we need their help...if not directly then by any means !


  • Omg, I just read the July 6th message somewhere else, right before I saw this post. Must be meant for me. 

    It's perfect!

This reply was deleted.

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