mevyn's Posts (42)

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Having faith

Ah, you don't know the taste of honey unless you have actually tasted it. Until you find faith you will not know what it is even if someone describes it to you. I'm not talking about manufactured faith to a particular God representation. I am talking about believing in again the source of all things living and non-living. My life always happens in cycles. I sort through the jumble of my beliefs and out with the old and in with the new. I was never a religious person since I consider the source of much power remains inside you. However, in those lean times when your mind is heavy and you are in desperate need you will come to find faith. The belief in something more than yourself and outside yourself. I was having trouble this year for some reason in carrying on as I was. I think it was time for a change. I am a constant worrier and worried about things that I had no control over such as death of loved ones. It was during this time that I can to rediscover my faith. In the past, I thought that when it's just me then I'll be fine. It's not that I stopped believing in myself I just needed something more. Don't be afraid to break your own rules you've set in place. If it doesn't serve you anymore let go even if you've been carrying on like that for most of your life. Nothing is permanent here and trying to hold unto things will just make you suffer. One example, people I know switching from veganism to eating meat and vice versa. Some may say that that is betraying one's beliefs or morals. When you think about it, our beliefs and our morals are subject to change. We are always changing and even if others are imposing unto you that you should stay the same, you should push through with what you have to do and what you need. Others have commented on my and my newly found faith in the divine creator, but it's more about focusing on myself. We don't have to instantly focus on others and answer to their opinions and systems of beliefs. I live right by myself and try to promote positivity for everything around me so my message is that even if its strange at first and you feel unsteady, you'll know deep down if what you're doing is right for you. You don't have to answer to those other people in matters concerning yourself.
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The gift of sensitivity can be much a curse when you think about how much pain you have to suffer to get to greener pastures. It seems that nothing in life is going right and you feel really bad about yourself and on top of that you feel horrible for other people suffering misery. It's because you know pain so well that you can give a level of compassion and care no other can give. Here are some tips to help you. I know this has to do with empathy, but I feel it can apply to life in general.

1. Your pain is not less or greater than someone else's. You shouldn't compare the degree of pain seeing as it varies from people to people.

2. Don't belittle your emotions. Cut yourself some slack. If you aren't belittling someone else's emotions why do it to yourself. Honor your emotions and treat them with the same compassion and care as you would treat someone else's.

3. Get away from that terrible negative mentality. You must first give to receive. You have to allow yourself to let go of the pain to bring happiness. The world can be a hostile and somewhat evil place. If you stick with one type of mentality you get lost in it.

4. Nothing in this world is permanent. Happiness passes as well as pain. You're hurting now, but in the future you won't. If you try to stay with one emotion be it happiness or pain, you will only cause suffering and unable to live in the present.

5. Let yourself have it. You need to open yourself to changes. I know many who may say they want change and that they are trying, but they do nothing to facilitate such changes. If you want stability and peace let yourself have it. You will get there.

6. Patience and it'll blow over. I've said it before. A empath's goal should be balance of their varying aspects. It can be slow since there's much to sort through emotionally. With the constant bombardment from other emotional sources, it can be a trying time, but you with patience it'll pass. Everything comes to pass.

7. Smile. If you just find something that makes you feel light-hearted and smiley do it. A baby's laughter. A smell of fresh cut grass. Watching comedy.

8. Reality is what it is, but you don't have to carry it with you all the time. What I mean by this is reality can seem like a constant struggle against a flood of pessimism. We all taste it and know what it is. Life can be bitter, but it is contrasted by it's sweetness. Don't carry reality with you too long because you stifle the flow of the realm of imagination. Your thoughts are powerful. Use your imagination to spice up reality don't carry it with you like a chimp on your back.

Some of those tips are kind of similar, but it will happen. One day you will feel secure and happy with yourself. You WILL I promise. Let yourself have it!
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