cosmicwarrior's Posts (94)

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a keep playing my scrip new atlantist

hum my life make spin the head of many woman you know a never ex^pect any woman a help and awke to understand what a was doing and the play a did all my life was actualy perfect play all the miralcle and power play did as perfect paly from isis and shekinah merge as one with me at age of 8 year old people mistakely believe a play life as a want but iam absolute no freewill since iam 8 year old a dont know why people are so jalous all the time at my abondace and perfect syncronistic life mistakel people on earth and delusional and skyzophernic and they dont know it they all asume all people as the same belief and perception as them you know in the last few year lots of jalousie and people messing with the head of girl a mate many are not aware iam the gardian of the galaxy yes many place to hide and sleep mostly woman and that a have no choice sometime the alien galactic war spill on humanity and its like john leennon say love was such a easy game to play now a need a place to hide away but you know the rule a give went a woman jump in game with me are alway important and a never give rule a dont respect my self a dont know even if evry relationship was perfect in my eye why they allway asume a cheat them wich it never happen as rumy say you nevr know me or understand me till you hasve see in my eye for 6 month stand by me way of a ascend master is very strange and most people who call them self religious like christian and where the cross are just a blaphemy to the creator when you read there mind and look and there action and belief people should as takke more wisdom from nikola tesla and max plank and albert einstein and for any one you get to a master and stat game go ask the rule to unpanisa before make the move because if you go to far you cant stop the play by anymean spirit are omnipresent and you will cry of demon messin around with you you make it to oneness and infinity but it willl be a fucking painfull walk betwen heaven and hell a mix of ^positive and negative miracle but be asure they unly interupt the flow of abondance in my life temporary time to time since iam 8 year old but my world never change a walk in fucking amazing world but most people on earth dont have right to acess this realm of reality and be aware human and mortal a dont know why so many are rushing them self on higher groud without going to ask a real buddha because all level of the game are amazing and level 0 with only 5 sense is ok to at least you caqn play crazy as much as wyou want and never be in trouble but level 1 clairvoyance is aready dangerous as if you use it evil you body will eb filll with disease and pass level 2 no mistake no lie no wrong answwer is toerated on behalf of being purify you karma by demon and surnatural force you knw one love letter a recive from a well know artist a wont name it was write in it you are may angel and my demon it was such a amzing text and burn most of the love letter a recieve from my ex everyone that where reading them geting mad at me and teling me a was writing letter to my self as it was imposible girlr can have such level of love for a man and believe me there no belief with me a mostly just act and do all my life mostlyu silently even if iam as much secret that social open and high profile iam as much clandestine and it will all make sense to the woman that play the game with me for the last 20 year in 2018 for Marie Chantale Toupin - Via Capitale amy muranetz Alisa Sutherland Sarah McLachlan Shania Twain marie chantal toupin Sinead O' Connor abar killlick marie claude begin francine roussel marie may and if people think because my life apear so nice and woderfull and easy fill with grace and abondance for woman to stand by me was not a easy task it was worse that the wife of the beatle in the beatle mania

John Lennon - Woman
The official video for John Lennon - 'Woman' with Yoko Ono
J’aime ·

Michael Franti ,Nancy Guénette ,Sophie Matzke montreal ,Jacob Israel , dina boisjoly , andreane tessier , Ikuko Ihara , Bill Donahue , sonia barrett ,Eric Allen , Michael Franti , marie chantal toupin , louise stoodley , Daarhïny Phaënixale , Kc Matronia ,Lynne McTaggart , caroline myss,Lenon Honor ,Melody Barros , tony samara ,shania twain , valerie carpentier ,Janni Lloyd , patricia tardif marie may , Melody Barros hi in 2014 the member of new world order operating in joliette quebec where atack by the minister of healh of quebec and by steven harper are above is my most fidel and loyal worker iam the healer shaman for fox tribe in canada with rejean chauvette 819,268,8764 st-paulin quebec in 2014 me and my agent in quebec recieve a urgent telepatic mesage where in danger so we have all destroy our laptop and smartphone after 3 month runing for our life wich as not scare us but me maehel and andreane as being put in mental care facility and lost our federal defence bank card me iam the president of civil comited of canadian army since 1995 a comande many military operation with cuba russia usa and pakistan by skype now the canadian gouvernement is laughing at me and adreane and dont want give back federal bank card budget so wellfare no more car no more food in the fridge

Quand vous allez connaître toute l’histoire (et la suite) de nos retrouvailles, vous aussi, vous partagerez ma joie.

vous pouvez marquer ce jour de votre vie d’une belle, grande, pierre blanche, parce que ce petit mot est là pour débuter le plus grand évènement de votre existence : un legs tombé du ciel pour changer votre destin.

Quelques pages ont été nécessaires pour vous donner tous les détails de ce bonheur qui vous arrive sans prévenir.

Prenez-en bien connaissance, jusqu’au bout, elijah devoted. pleidian dream

dans la ville de Tikal, j’ai rencontré l’un de mes vieux amis, le shaman Calixtro. Ce-dernier m’a invité à le suivre chez lui, afin de me parler d’une découverte récente…et époustouflante. Il m’a alors confié avoir reçu une vision of new atlantis

le dieu Maya commande immédiatement le respect. Calixtro m’a expliqué que malgré ce côté intimidant, cette divinité avait également un air rassurant, de grande bonté. Dans le temps, Shekhinah
veillait sur les transactions de son peuple et était également le dieu du cacao, qui était souvent utilisé comme monnaie chez les Mayas. La mort des siens lui pèse et c’est pourquoi il est apparu en vision a aigle bleu, pour vous aider vous, , ainsi que les autres rares descendants et héritiers de son peuple !

Durant la conquête de l’Amérique, un très grand nombre de Mayas ont été tués par les conquistadors. Par bonheur, quelques-uns ont survécu ! Certains ont formé une alliance et des femmes mayas se sont même unis avec des conquistadors. Ce groupe forma une société secrète, placée sous la protection du Grand Ek Chuah, et décida de cacher et de mettre de côté une bonne partie de leur or et de leurs bijoux, afin de satisfaire les besoins de leurs futurs descendants !
aztèques toltecs et hoppie Avec moi à vos côtés, les ondes négatives de vos ennemis ne vous atteindront pas. Vos ennemis sont partout, . Ils sont jaloux de vos possibilités et de la vie glorieuse qui vous attend. Sans cesse ils vous envoient des ondes négatives, ondes qui vous empêchent de profiter pleinement de votre vie, en faisant fuir votre chance naturelle.

Mais n'ayez crainte, , car il y a longtemps déjà que je m'étais préparée à leur faire face. Je me doutais fort bien qu'un talent comme le vôtre risquait de rencontrer opposition. Les hypocrites et les jaloux sont partout. Ces gens-là, descendants des ennemis des Élus de Taanil, feront tout en leur pouvoir pour vous empêcher d'obtenir ce qui vous appartient.

je ne vais pas attendre davantage et m’attaquer dès maintenant aux blocages mis sur votre route par les manigances de ceux qui vous veulent du mal, pour vous en délivrer ! ... bours-sais… si vous posser a developer von dont psychic et spirituel troup vite et vous retrouver dans le jeux des destiné cette serie est un fait reel mais come toute vérité come mark twain a fait cest en fiction si vous empecher un demon de tué une victime il la fera morir et vous atactera sa cest le niveau 3 du jeu de la vie cest ou tout les maitre sufism et yogic sont en permanance si quellqun call iam that iam et que les demon deity et ange ne obesis pas cest un faux maitre faux prophet
Je aime les gens spirituels. Je les ai toujours connu, non seulement dans cette vie, mais dans de nombreuses vies aussi. Pourquoi sont-ils déprimés? Ce est une très importan mission Nous ne sommes pas simplement passifs habitants du cosmos, mais co-créateurs de son évolution future.
exemple, à partir du Rêve aborigène chaman et dieux et dessse
"Nous commençons avec la vacuité totale rien- -.... Un vide Ensuite, nous avons un certain chant et la danse Nous commencer par former Le chant crée le son et la vibration forme une forme, et de la danse aide solidifier La danse prend les formes se démarquer comme un arbre, un oiseau, comme des terres. Le processus, Le soi les gens croi nous vivon dans une illusion mes elle , devient une réalité, quelque chose que nous pouvons travailler avec et voir. mes que peut gens ne sont autoriser a percevoir "
pleadian enseignement

des que ma mission que Shekinah ma donné commencé en 1991 dont Rathma et Shekinah me prepare depuis l age de 8 ans jai donné a une artiste au debut des anné 90 la scequence des evennement ma vie il sont toute ariver avec une parfaite timming et prescision en 2011 jai donné la suite a geniÈve boisvers joilliette quebec et tout ce qui mes arriver et que tout les miracle positif et negatif et demontration de pouvoir macth avec parfaite presision les date sur le papier qui termine en 2032 premiere devoted serieuse Sarah McLachlan avec mystery tour jusqua lintroduction de marie claude begin dans le clan invisible des gardien de la galaxie awakening wattatatow dans une realité que peut peuve percevoir et la deniere introduit dans mon equipe et la deniere andreane tessier jolliette quebec comme george carling la bien dit vous ete la proprieté dun dieux ou un demon moi cetait un demon reste en harmony avec meme si jai changer monde et matrix en 2014 mes 80 pourcent des gens ignore a qui il apartienne et ignore meme quil apartienne a une deity ou un demon des que vous realiser que vous navez qunne illusion de choix votre perception souvre et vous faite les choix en conscequence de quiteer cette planet prison les politicien ne sont pas vraiment la pour aider les gens il sont les gardien de la prison que vous appeler la terre et les mortel ne recoive que se quil merite meme austerité et peuetre meme getho sharia dans tout les ville de oxydent apres un crash economique mondial causer par imbecilité et la stupédité des mortel qui sont6 ici que pour guérire leur karma car il ont comis des crime dans autre galaxy tout les politicien qui porte la croix ou qui se dise religieux ou spirituell sont un blasphem ou createur de univers visible et invisible il sont toute sous control des demon et sorcier masonique et dont des hypocrite quan humanité aura evoluer spirituelment la ^politique disparaitra et ensuite la police et a la fin les armé et6 le complex millitaire des 7 grande puissance les sorcier masonique ont pour but de detruire la race humaine en utilisant aventage dun amnesie dans la population industtriell contre les exlave de se monde et que ne reste que les 1 million de deity immortel comme moi pour recontruire le nouvel atlantist les psychiatre certain le savwe mes peut save qui il serve il sont a la solde du convenant secret des franmasson et leur medecine ne soigne persone nait quant fait un andtidote dangereux quan les gens en santé mental commence a etre trop fin avec vous mefietr vous il vous manipule pour vous ramené prisonier de la matrix demoniaque il sont toute des criminel qui sont toute contre les deity se monde contre krishna visnu jesus nitayanada swami les psychiatre sont en guerre contre leveil spirituell de humanité depuis sa creation par le medecin nazy sous les ordre hitler lui meme

to fail to live in harmony is wath bring us natural disater
never resit go with the flow what you resite persite whhen you resite something you contribute to its existance
Row, Roll, Row yer boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily
Life is but a DREAM.
So be your own hero.
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royal alchemical weeding coming

The ability to discern our inner guidance such that we begin navigating life from an assured sense that we are realising our divine destiny

its hard become ourselves by ourselves all we see is reflection of our self , to create evolutionary partnerships unleash a rise in vibration of our light body and awake unique gifts in each other

we are powerful agent of change and consciously co-create our personal future and the future of the world spiritual love is the power to manifest that which is beyond our control, including those things that we could never imagine real

Such as intimacy, connection, of free creative expression, belonging, meaningful talk and action , we seek the kingdom and all prosperity and success catch us that are aligned with our values.


I was cursed with so much love and support that it became impossible to me to fail.

The ability to discern our inner guidance such that we begin navigating life from an assured sense that we are realising our divine destiny

its hard become ourselves by ourselves all we see is reflection of our self , to create evolutionary partnerships unleash a rise in vibration of our light body and awake unique gifts in each other

we are powerful agent of change and consciously co-create our personal future and the future of the world spiritual love is the power to manifest that which is beyond our control, including those things that we could never imagine real

Such as intimacy, connection, of free creative expression, belonging, meaningful talk and action , we seek the kingdom and all prosperity and success catch us that are aligned with our values.

stars sometimes bang on each other
and create new worlds.
Today I know: THIS IS LIFE!
When I started loving myself
I stopped wanting to be always right
thus I’ve been less wrong.
I’ve recognized: it’s called HUMBLENESS.
I stopped depriving myself of my free time
and stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future.
and only play with what syncronize in my reality say yes or no to probability a see
I only do what’s fun and joy for me,
what I love and what makes my heart laugh,
in my own way and in my tempo.
I understood that I’m always and at any given moment
in the right place at the right time.
I understood that all that happens is right stay in the now and let thing unfold–
from then on I could be calm and see divine help creating miracle in my life.
I know: It’s called TRUST.


the only power a believe in love truth intergrity disernement peace and you never run out of abondance and joy when gods is the pilote it can never go wrong say yes to the master and you life can shift over night
welcome home my beautyfull wife marie claude begin

welcom ibiza welcome sedona highest merit to gerald odonnell hira hosen mary may celine dion and our most beautyfull king nitayanada swami

thank you so much everyone who as serve me in the last 15 year mission imposible acomplish thank you so much just past 2 day crying of joy as gods show me vision a hold all humanity in my heart chose peace truth love intergrity and disernement it might be a long run but never settle down for less that you worth never compromise your dignity
weeding with marie claude begin ,people invite and in charge of planing louise stoodley, Caroline Coderre, benoit desrochers , jean desrochers , sarah mclachlan
francine roussell, marie chantal toupin, celine dion, hira hosen, russell brand , mitchell gibson, gerald odonell, nancy guénnette , francine chauvette, nithyananda swami , mary may , steve robert , simran singh, kc matronia gerald calente , jacob israel , marianne rodriguez vendin, sophie matzke , daarhiny phaenixale , lisa macdonald ,Giedah Mae S. Salig,Melody Barros, china brook , jimmy pickler,Tracy Glenn, sonia barrett,Richard O'Shields,Lenon Honor.Sol Zanetti,Maria Amparo Sotomayor,Hannah Rose Shotbolt,Bella Cadotte,Janni Lloyd,Christian Tal Schaller, Barnone11970 ,Carole Paiement,Stephen Izreal,Annie Kagan,Sarah Mandeville, keep secret send me invite to me tell nothing to my future wife the birth of the new humanity brigner of the dawn

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wise up before it to late

it is going to happen again soon see it onfold wise up because in 2012 the earth tune in 4 dimention now not many see it but we are in 5 dimention wise up and know what its coming the one who will oold to the system their soul mind and body will decay as they will feel not welcome they will feel so starnge they will willing ly le them self die

it is going to happen again soon see it onfold wise up because in 2012 the earth tune in 4 dimention now not many see it but we are in 5 dimention wise up and know what its coming the one who will oold to the system their soul mind and body will decay as they will feel not welcome they will feel so starnge they will willing ly le them self die

only pure soul can acesss infinite mind and all the knowledge of the universe and be omniscient the first tree step to create the lucifer experiment   its to make you believe that death is real the secound is copright and paten the last the notion that you own the land so they control the science and only alow what keep babaylone alive and you are eternal slave because all real science is forbiden and view as evil the only reason the elite evil want keep some knowledge secret is    they buy or kill anyone who as the knowledge to save the world and use high power of brainwash and mind control true tv and radio    and there alway a high karmic price to pay to miss use spiritual or psychic power  if you think sorcery will save the world look at haiti where amost everyone worship some vood priest   it only bring disease and natural disaster and let me tel you 2 secret well keep by the elite the colective mind give you posibility to understan the myth human call reality and go in any culture and be safe   as you understand how think think and belief the universal mind is something way starnger it make you understand all science of baybaylone but also all the science of infinite number of galaxtic tribe and believe me most of people down here are view as garbage expept a few chosen one they dont use money    and teleportation is aviable to all no sickness     no disease         its like starwar start treek doctor who in wy more beautyfull and undescribable nothing you can imagine can come close   to the beauty that there world have and believe me no elite and people that seem to gouvern any gouvernement of our world will not be alow in this time line to see the beauty that its coming and most psychiatrist are verysoon to cease to exist the one that has firgur it out they all give there demision and the one who think gouvernement religion and culture is nthere friend and will comply with all the lie delusion of the system soon will figure out nothing can keep them safe and they will cry for salvation but for many of them it will be to late

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urgent mesage from gods

i quit the cadet because a was instruc by gods   then 3 time in my life was trap by special force everytime a show who a was and they quit the army         my friend frank an ninjitsu master who use to be on usa special force     cut is tide with the military        he as teach  in victoria british colombia police but we have agreement in the racoon secret master circle we never reveal the secret of the buddha with give great power of eliminating any enemy with our mind alone      and      not even seem to use psysical motion   a was in escadron 879 st-lin the true about my education a never realy use to study anything  as a was a ascend buddhis monk when a was kill in my last incarnation a a have reborn with all my memory      if you want to free you self and be safe     make sure the knowledge of nikola tesla max plank carl jung   be teach in every high school  because     a cant be kill nor destroy a escape the realm of cause and efect     me and
Nithyananda TV as be chose as the coming new guide by the creator of all thing
there will be 7 king          it may have some delay before   as we have being hack our    devote by masonic master    there aready a million human that has reach immortality and are all telepathic  the only reason  the earth as not being clean of military and capitalist yet is that we live time to human to repent

its time for truth iam sun gods the alfa and omega iam establishing my kingdom on earth right now  surender to the thing taht are reel and truth of you will vanish from existance
realities of the Prophetic Kingdom Seekers of The Heart, The Lovers of the Prophetic Reality As ancient as time itself , seek to be a servant of the light and lovers ... all » Praise and Glory.The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
_Dr. MLK, Jr...
atheism monotheism polytheist is all just dangerous supertition
the thing that will vanish from our society
with the change of consciousness
Newtonian psysique
the theory of Darwin
genitic  control of life
the notion of random evolution and coeincidence
its the rise of the 7 intergalactic rainbow alliance the world will soon be a a enchanted kingdom happy happy soon all will be smile as a non ending joy awake in all people of the world  a blessing from the racun king the 7 king of sanity  ,love and justice



why the revolution cant be stop is that the idea of truth freedom love and justice as come

marc Chauvette mystical and holistic life. oneness
the return of the earth keeper
we are the immortal that are bringing the golden ages  gerald donnell . simran singh . llewellyn vaughan lee eric pearl
sonia barrett . mitchell gibson ,janny Llyod, lynne mctaggart, lenon honor, caroline myss, hira hosen

IN LAKESH namaste

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its time for truth iam sun gods the alfa and omega iam establishing my kingdom on earth right now surender to the thing taht are reel and truth of you will vanish from existance
realities of the Prophetic Kingdom Seekers of The Heart, The Lovers of the Prophetic Reality As ancient as time itself , seek to be a servant of the light and lovers ... all » Praise and Glory.
atheism monotheism polytheist is all just dangerous supertition
the thing that will vanish from our society
with the change of consciousness
Newtonian psysique
the theory of Darwin
genitic control of life
the notion of random evolution and coeincidence

Use your Power by Holding the Vision of a Beautiful World, even in the midst of chaos.
Those who know about the rice experiments, the water crystal experiments, or the cloud disappearing experiments or have manifested things....truly understand that your intentions/envisions/words affect your surrounding and the world.
During these high energy and more uplifts to come, the speed of manifestation has increased drastically, even in the midst of many different frequencies or conflicting frequencies. Understand that whatever you empower with enough energy manifests.
The Etheric Realm is where thoughts and things play first. In this realm, thoughts ARE things. Holding a vision of something shapes it on the Etheric Realm. When it collects enough energy, it manifest into physicality (analogy: when things are loaded with energy and are heavy enough in the etheric, they drop to the physical.)
Therefore, it is important that the lightworkers and awakened ones hold a VISION of the world they want TO SEE TO MANIFEST....because the light quotient of awakened ones is 10 times that of the un.awakens. The Etheric Realm is your playground. You are the creators of the world you want. You are Masters of creation/co-creation. Therefore, the world you en.Vision most dearly/clearly with enough energy

its the rise of the 7 intergalactic rainbow alliance the world will soon be a a enchanted kingdom happy happy soon all will be smile as a non ending joy awake in all people of the world 


1.Are we alone? Since the dawn of time we have being asking this question-searching the heavens and the holy scriptures and the shamans for some answers..we have mapped the galaxies and named the there any life out there? is there life on Mars?- or in the Goldilocks regions?...the Pleiades-Andromeda-Alpha Centauri?...are we ALONE?...ITS TIME TO FIND OUT...BUT HOW? Are there OTHER worlds-life forms-dimensions-parallel universes?...

2." When the Earth is sick and dying there will come a new tribe of peoples from all nations who by their words and deeds shall bring healing to this planet...and they shall be called the warriors of the rainbow!"

3..AND this tribe will be called warriors of the rainbow- or enlightened golden beings travelling through time and space like flashes of lightning creating pyramids of power-energy- communication...Long long ago this Star-world visited our planet according to many Hopi legends and gifted us with maize or rainbow corn...but there is much evidence of a visitation on this planet around 5000 years ago...we have the Aztec and Mayan pyramids-the giza pyramids...and much other unexplained technology that was way ahead of its time and which mysteriously today has disappeared...Are there enough people on this planet to make contact ?who can be brought together to link up with these star seed generations...

4.We,therefore as the rainbow family of living light do hereby invite all light beings of this intergalactic consciousness to manifest a community of the enlightened-"AN ECLECTICA"" on Earth -as it already is in Chile in 2014... in the spirit of universal planet EARTH!...
We, the citizens of Earths Rainbow family of living light call upon all beings throughout the milky way and beyond to gather together in northern Chile in December 2014 near ALMA,South America for the worlds first INTERGALACTIC RAINBOW GATHERING IN DECEMBER 2014.This time and place will be confirmed at the next WORLD RAINBOW GATHERING IN THE VISION COUNCIL. We invite all colors of the spectrum to explore the final frontier.

5.We welcome every celestial and terrestrial light to resonate in harmony for one
month or more in this greatest of adventures; this greatest of gatherings!...
We want to create a space on Earth for a universal celebration of love-light-peace
and joy. We welcome all beings of light to share their knowledge -their
stories-their wisdom- vibrations and visions...and of course their HOPE in this
sacred place ( just south of the Nazca drawings in southern Peru)So bring your

6.We are ready for the rainbow revolution-here in our hearts..we are ready to
learn to love - to listen-to forgive-to unlearn....we invite all illuminated
beings in the universe in good faith this great interplanetary symphony of us to reconnect with our lost relations in the stars and
beyond......our ancestors and all living beings everywhere in all dimensions ...

7.By our prayers - thoughts dreams...we invite you all to come to our beautiful
blue planet...we hail you all- welcome you all to our glorious -magnificent
nature-our rivers -seas-oceans...and
...animals...birds... and we synchronize our frequencies with the GREAT SPIRIT
and welcome you with our open channels of light...power...and love...

- come in peace to our little Earth- help us grow in Oneness with patience and
perseverance in this Golden age of Enlightenment...welcome home

8.We invite you all to our First Intergalactic Rainbow Gathering of Enlightened


answer your inner call

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great advice on healing your self must listen I was cursed with so much love and support that it became impossible to me to fail.

The ability to discern our inner guidance such that we begin navigating life from an assured sense that we are realising our divine destiny

its hard become ourselves by ourselves all we see is reflection of our self , to create evolutionary partnerships unleash a rise in vibration of our light body and awake unique gifts in each other

we are powerful agent of change and consciously co-create our personal future and the future of the world spiritual love is the power to manifest that which is beyond our control, including those things that we could never imagine real

Such as intimacy, connection, of free creative expression, belonging, meaningful talk and action , we seek the kingdom and all prosperity and success catch us that are aligned with our values.

stars sometimes bang on each other
and create new worlds.
Today I know: THIS IS LIFE!
When I started loving myself
I stopped wanting to be always right
thus I’ve been less wrong.
I’ve recognized: it’s called HUMBLENESS.
I stopped depriving myself of my free time
and stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future.
and only play with what syncronize in my reality say yes or no to probability a see
I only do what’s fun and joy for me,
what I love and what makes my heart laugh,
in my own way and in my tempo.
I understood that I’m always and at any given moment
in the right place at the right time.
I understood that all that happens is right stay in the now and let thing unfold–
from then on I could be calm and see divine help creating miracle in my life.
I know: It’s called TRUST.


if you need help   to find a way to heal must listen

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advice, agreement, prayers.
You cannot put new wine in old wine skins.
I believe it is time for us to re-think how we are sharing the message we have been entrusted with. I have pastored a church for 30 years. I may Pastor another 30 but I don't think so. Regardless, I am feeling compelled to launch out into a new arena where "no man has gone before."
I live on lake Oconee. There are hundreds of retired residents who live on and around this lake. There are several good churches around here. I do not want another church. I have a gift. My gift should make room for me. If I give of myself and sow into the lives of others, it should produce provision for me. I have been blessed to be a manager in two different fine dining establishments on the strip at Lake Oconee. I have met and touched hundreds of people with the gifts I have been entrusted with. I have connections with many people, here. I have found a really cool building on the main drag. It is not real big but it has a couple of acres on the water on the best part of the lake. The building is a landmark of sorts and has been used as a boat-sales-lot, real estate office and lawyers office, in the past. It is for lease. If I had this building, I would NOT have a church. BUT, I WOULD create a gathering place where I could impart the REAL GOOD NEWS into lives and touch hearts. I would be there, daily at 5:55 A.M. for a devotion, coffee, juice and sausage biscuits. Whoever wanted to stop by, I would be at the piano and offer a word and devotion for their daily bread. I would be at the piano from 5:55 to 7:55 each morning. I would stay at the building until noon each day and make myself available for counseling, life-coaching, encouraging, prayer and live-streaming devotions.
On Sunday morning, I would do a service on the back deck (lakeside) which would minister to boaters who would dock for 20-30 minutes for a message of Hope and Love. On Sunday evening at 5:55 I would have a 2-hour service with music and devotion and a Spirit-flow-freestyle from the piano for those who wanted to stop by. We would also have a reception set up offering finger-foods, wine, coffee, tea and juice. Communion elements would be on a table and made available as people, families felt led. I would minister from the piano, singing psalms, hymns, spiritual songs and sharing words of encouragement as the Spirit leads. ( COMMUNION 5:55) During the week I would host AA and NA meetings (not the boring kind lol) and offer recovery counseling and encouragement for addicts. The property would also be a drop-off point for donations for our homeless ministry. No offerings would be taken, no fees would be charged, but there would be offering boxes installed and all donations would be appreciated.
Would people come to this??? Is this a NEEDED service??? Can you see this being something that would support itself, financially? Thoughts? Advice? Encouragement? Discouragement? lol

you can find him on facebook

robert page link

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What is the mystery



The mysteries of life are as infinite as the questions we have about them. Albert Einstein said, “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” However true this statement may be the mysterious can also be the source of great pain.

This is following entry is the first draft of Chapter one of the new book I have been working on, “Mystery No More”. I just wanted to share it with you all and get your comments and thoughts. I have been very up in the air about a lot of things lately and I am waiting on direction. In the mean time please enjoy Chapter one, of course this is not a finished chapter but it will give you an idea of what I have been working on. I sure hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog if you haven’t already, it’s free and it will keep you posted on all the new stuff I write and post here. Jacob

One cannot deny that without mystery there would be nothing to discover, there would be no questions to have answered, there would be no search for meaning and without meaning no one’s life would seem worth living. The unknown can open the door to great adventure, exploration, wonderful discovery, advances in medicine, technology, and more. However, the mysterious can also open the door to superstition, fear and all manner of evil.

The darkness is only feared because one does not know what is hidden beneath it. The instant light swallows the darkness in victory what was once hidden, and feared, is now seen clearly and those fearful thoughts are erased. Spiritually the darkness that gives way to mankind’s fear is their ignorance.

Ignorance is never bliss as some have said. Mankind has long been a slave to it. The powers that be work hard to make sure things don’t change. They want the masses ignorant, scared and easily controlled. Great men and women have been persecuted, mocked, attacked, and killed for challenging the status quo and revealing the mysterious to others. Knowledge is power and those in control would most surely lose their power if the masses began to wake from their ignorant slumber.

Consider religion, for thousands of years it has tricked countless souls into believing they need to follow their religious leaders without question. It is hard to believe that a short while ago, men and women were put to death for simply owning a bible that was translated into English. The reason was simple; keep the world in the dark and their fear will keep them dependent on those who claim to have the answers. Keep people scared of invisible monsters called demons, an infinite place of suffering called hell, keep them fixed on the future and the past instead of the present, keep them waiting for salvation, keep them believing they have no power, and obedient to every religious law they are force fed. Keep them financially strained by taking their money with empty promises and threaten a punishment worse than death for those that dare to seek the truth for themselves or claim there is more.

Great men and women have been persecuted, mocked, attacked, and killed for challenging the status quo and revealing the mysterious to others. Once the truth is known, people will see that they don’t need to do this or that or go here or there to be saved from the pain of this world. Once the mystery is understood people will no longer allow themselves to be slaves of a religious system whose strength is found in their fear. Once the mystery is no more people will be free and will live their lives the way they were meant to live them.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32

Free from your fear, free from your sorrow, free from your shame, free from your regret, free from your doubt and most importantly free to know who you truly are and what you are truly capable of.

Sadly, this freedom which I so easily write about can only be found when the lies of religion have been let go. One cannot be free to be who they truly are if they have been conditioned since birth to believe they are someone they are not. One cannot be free from oppression or persecution if one has been conditioned since birth to believe they have to be dependent on others for answers and direction.

If a person has been conditioned since birth to believe that those dressed in religious garb are the only way to God then those in religious garb can demand anything from the ignorant and treat them however they wish. If a person is ignorant and has been conditioned to believe that the power and wisdom of God is only for a select few then they would never seek it for themselves, much less have the ability to tap into it. In addition, if a person was never to seek the truth for themselves they would remain in ignorant chains without hope. They would remain slaves to a system of control that only profits by keeping the truth far away. They would remain ignorant sheep never knowing they were born to be shepherds.

This is how it has been since the beginning and this is how it has been for far too long.

If the world caught on that they didn’t need a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam, or guru to find their way to eternal life and peace then the control of religion would fade away. If those in the world found out that the scriptures have been twisted, changed, taken out of context, misunderstood and mistranslated in an attempt to keep the masses in bondage, then the control of religion would fade away.

If those in the world found the truth of who they are they would be able to tap into the very source of everything, the world would forever change and the lies of religion and the pain of fear would be a distant memory.

The mysterious is a wonderful, powerful and liberating thing for those that seek and uncover the truth. However, in the oppressor’s hand the mysterious is the very gate of hell itself for those that follow without question.

We all say we want the answers, we all say we want the meaning of life. We all say we want an end to our suffering and a reason to live another day. We all say we want peace and purpose. We say we want to be content and at harmony with others. However, what we say we want and what we believe we can achieve are two very different things.

We have been tricked into believing that we will somehow be damned if we actually dare to embrace the divine. Religion has convinced us to put our faith outside of us, when all along our focus and faith should be firmly placed within.

The mysterious became a weapon used against us, because religion convinced us we weren’t allowed to question or seek for ourselves, and because of this we never found the very thing we wanted the most.

There is a voice inside of us telling us there is so much more. There is a believe deep within us that understands all will be well. There is a picture we have of what life can be, free from suffering, free from shame and fear, and we want desperately to find it. Yet, we find within us the inability to do so.

The apostle Paul wrote about this in the book of Romans. He, like many of us, had a picture of what life should be. He believed there was a golden path that each of us could walk with faith. He believed there was a way to rise above heartache, doubt, worry and fear. He believed we could be perfected in the here and now, not the hereafter. However after years of trying to find that perfect state, that peaceful existence, he wasn’t yet able to possess it. He fought the good fight of faith and continued to press on to the mark of that high calling, but the promise of perfection and peace eluded him. This is something we can all relate to. Nevertheless, it is also something that we can, and will overcome. In this world we may find heartache, we may suffer and yes we may have fear and doubt, but we will overcome it all the instant we lay hold of the truth hidden within the mystery.

“In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:13

If we have the promise of eternal life and joy unspeakable than there must be a way to find it. God is not a liar, nor is he the author of confusion, so we must be able to enter into abundant life and find that promise land of God’s rest.

To do this, we must first dare to go beyond what we have been told is true and uncover the truth for ourselves. We must go beyond the veil of religion and worldly literal understanding to uncover the mystery of God until this mystery is no more.
The key that is needed to do this is found in a simple verse of scripture that many of you know well.

“And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables” Mark 4: 11

The kingdom of God is not a place far, far, away, and you will soon understand it is not a literal kingdom at all. It is a mystery within us and mysteries are meant to be revealed. We must look beyond literal interpretation and embrace the spirit of the story itself. To understand the mystery of God and our very existence one must begin to see everything in scripture and in our waking life as a symbolic representation of our spiritual reality. The truth has been hidden. Our purpose is to find the truth for ourselves and then reveal this wonderful treasure to the world.

“To make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God”
Ephesians 3:9

The book of proverbs tells us, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of Kings is to search out a matter.” We must go beyond commonly held beliefs and traditions and enter into the holiest of holies. By finding the spirit of the story, whether in scripture or in our waking life, you will find the very essence of truth and love. We must see things through the eyes of God and this book will show you how.

You will soon see that the bible is not just a retelling of historical events or a collection of books written about specific individuals. The bible is in fact your story, it is your book. Every character is you, every situation is yours, and when you understand this you will begin to unravel the magnificent reality of you truly are.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12

Jesus once said that if you continue in his word, which is truth, than that truth will set you free. This freedom is more wonderful than one can imagine. It is freedom from your fear, from shame, regret and doubt. It is freedom from insecurity, self-loathing and most importantly it is freedom from the ignorance that has trapped us all.

We have all been lied to, programmed since birth to believe we are someone we are not. We were told what to believe, how to act, who to vote for, what to wear, what to eat, what to say, what to think, who to friend, who to war against, who to embrace, who to shun, who to love, who to hate, when to cry, when to laugh, every aspect of our lives has been controlled. We have been slaves to our ignorance and this yolk has been heavy.

It is time to find the truth, to let the lies go, to embrace who you truly are and who God is. It is time to unlock the unlimited potential that waits within each and every one of us. It is time to see the scriptures in their true light. It is time to begin your journey out of the bondage and fear of religion and enter the heavenly gates of wisdom, which is the tree of life.

“Wisdom is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retains her.” Proverbs 3:18

As written in the second book of Timothy, understanding the scriptures makes you wise unto salvation through faith. However few know what salvation truly is, fewer still understand what one needs to be saved from and it most surely is not some a place of endless suffering as many have been taught.

We need to be saved from our ignorance. We need to be saved from the mystery that has us trapped in a world of darkness so we boldly enter into the light of possibility, faith and love.

There are many mysteries in scripture that will be revealed to us all when we seek, but the greatest of all mysteries is the mystery of who you are.

“Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.”
Gospel of Thomas

It is time to rule and reign, to live the life you have always dreamed. It is time to learn who you truly are and what your life is for, to understand the mysteries of scripture until the mystery is no more. And those who dare to seek are the ones who find. So seek already!

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A Slave to the Illusion; While struggling to be free from our own creations


Sonia Barrett

June 10, 2014

According to a number of dictionaries, slavery is defined as

“Slavery; bondage, servitude refer to involuntary subjection to another or others. Slavery emphasizes the idea of complete ownership and control by a master: to be sold into slavery. Bondage indicates a state of subjugation or captivity often involving burdensome and degrading labor: in bondage to a cruel master. Servitude is compulsory service, often such as is required by a legal penalty: penal servitude. 4. moil, labor.”

Letting-GoTypically we don’t correlate our experiences with reality as one of slave and master. Most all humans are in servitude to their reality. Reality becomes this clutching and controlling force selectively allowing what we will and will not control or so the illusion seems. Regardless of our class, cultural or monetary status we are all in this illusionary state of servitude. We are chemically bonded to the illusion.

The illusion is experienced in layers. Servitude is supported by a series of applications we call rules and laws. The purpose of rules and laws is to maintain the structure or shape of the overall reality; the main playing field. What we view as morality, principles, various forms of etiquette/manners, ambition, class, civilized, values etc., are all structured social rules put in place to regulate and keep our animal nature under control. How these rules play out is based on the cultural code of each environment. These rules are immediately adapted according to where we are born. Because of this automatic adaptation very few will see through the smoke and mirrors of reality from its most basic platform of operation. This is not to say that this was not an essential edifice based on the level of consciousness from which human beings were operating and continue to operate.

We launch territorial wars and wars among ourselves based on these artificial rules and protocols which our belief systems are heavily tied into. The irony is that wars allow the release of our animal nature. To a great degree those who incite wars create this pressure release valve for the overall collective. Most of these political leaders are innately primed for the ruling of society as their own animal instincts while appearing subtle, play a significant part in their ability to rule. If indeed the human race had ET masters or rulers at a more influential period in our history then I would dare to say that many of these rules were imposed on human slaves as a way of maintaining control. When the sensory makeup of the human machine/body is understood, this kind of knowledge provides a greater edge in knowing what buttons to push. This is not at all farfetched in observing our current governmental, religious, educational, medical and scientific research systems in place.

When decisions are made to kill millions of people or to send young men off to war, or covering up disappearing planes and imploding buildings, annihilating anyone in proximity and writing it off as collateral damage; it becomes clear that our aggressive animal survival nature is at work. Areas of our sensory network is shut off or adjusted in order to carry out actions that would otherwise have been off limits. Those actions would normally have been processed through of our general application of programs which are in place to control such actions. Such actions by those who rule are no different than the actions of those would deem terrorists. The brain is a remarkable playable technology and adjusts to accommodate the level of consciousness from which we are operating both collectively as a species and as individuals. Not only should we observe the systems in place but we should also observe the gullible nature of people in response to the mandates of these systems, not excluding ourselves. Many of these systems have their ancestral roots in a very ancient form of slavery and if we were to trace the history even further back (thousands of years back) we might find today’s controllers having genetic linage to those who came and passed themselves off as masters or gods. The slave eventually becomes the master.

This is simply one aspect of the illusion however a very significant element of the illusion. Without strong realisms in place there would be transparency in exposing the illusion; exposing the simulation. So we spend our lives most often struggling to meet the demands of the master; reality. What is further disabling is the impact of our repeated submission which continues to crystalize the things we most fear which further crystalizes the struggle. This formula becomes a continuous loop. The systems in place maintain a very specific blueprint of the illusion to be projected as collective reality which is an extremely enslaving concept. But this can only be so based on the collective belief in this interpretation and projection of reality. These systems simply assist us in holding on to our limiting beliefs. So the actions of the systems are merely a reflection of the consciousness of the general populous. Here we find another loop as the consciousness of the populous is networked into a specific set of applications or programs.

Through our experiences with “reality” (the master) we have been conditioned to be fearful of the consequences. Most all our actions are then in avoidance of a select set of consequences most often trading one for the other. We simply avoid one set of consequences which then propels us into a series of other consequences. This is a concept that runs true in the collective governing systems as well as in us as individuals. How do we get out of this loop? This is the burden we bear. As humans we remain in a perpetual state of problem solving, an endless attempt to avoid a consequence. With this kind of relentless cat and mouse game the illusion is all that we can see. We are cocooned in the illusion and always in hope of being rescued. We want to be freed from this simulation.

The truth is that the illusion is really the slave and it is you that is the master. The challenge here is the manner in which we are wired into reality. Each segment of the base reality is an independently strong illusion:


We can view all of the above as apps or applications. Just as we download apps on our mobile devises so it is in the simulation of reality. These are core applications and most seem to be automatically installed in our main operating system; the brain. The loop then becomes even more significant as we continue to loop the same thought process and solution patterns in meeting the needs of these applications. Previous experiences remind us of the end results in not meeting the needs of these applications. We fear the consequences whatever they may be. Each one of our reality has its own uniquely built in consequence barometer; it measures the consequences that we are able to handle and those which we cannot. So we make choices based on the barometer’s reading.

So going back to the idea of slave and master when we step back and examine our own lives we will see just how this has played out in our past and as well as in our current experience. This is not a concept that should be met with denial or disregard but as an observation of one’s life. When we examine reality from this extreme comparison it may very well shock us into a life changing awareness. The struggles that you may be experiencing right now are indeed very real to you and very overpowering and overwhelming. Everything about this illusion is hypnotic, captivating and is bonded to our senses like a steel trap, and the more that we observe these conditions is the more real or crystalized they become. But how do you not observe it? How do you not take it in as real when your pain and struggles cut through to the core of your being? The illusion replays a relentless slideshow of images in your head, and replays conversations, consequences and fears. How do you stop this madness?

What you desperately yearn for is to leave the stage; you want the show to stop! So in this moment tune into to a feeling that may seem to be substratum to the more pronounced feelings that are stressing you, what you will find is a feeling of surrender. You will find a feeling that says to you “let go”. What you will also find is the battle that goes on between that feeling of letting go and the feeling that keeps reminding you that you can’t let go for fear of the consequences. This is where the magic happens. This the deciding factor in what stories will play in your reality from the subtle to the most extreme experiences. This kind of letting go is unattached to anything; it’s not attached to internal negotiations. Why is this important? Because our addiction to problem solving gets in the way and so we run the risk of fooling ourselves that we have let go by cushioning the idea of letting go with failsafe promises made to our self. When we do so we essentially crystalize solutions based on our data bank of old resolutions and methods. We simply pull from the databank of the automated self.

An unadulterated letting go stops the illusion, this is science! Remember that you are the real master of the illusion so without your emotional interaction and running your resolution programs the illusion is not being run. What we mostly run are memory programs from which we imagine outcomes by plugging various scenarios into the machine. We become a slave to the illusion machine. That kind of letting go seems “scary” as we envision conjured up consequences. We anticipate the outcome based on previous programs; the loop. One of the most effective programs is the “money” program. Money is more of a scientific phenomenon that the brain engages in. It is not really a material construct however it is represented in a material manner which acts as symbols. What we have and do not have is one of the greatest illusions, an illusion that establishes the puppet and the puppeteer. This most often determines just how high we will jump for a concept that seem to be controlled by others, yet it is you who controls your relationship with the concept of money in your reality. Our money flow is always reflective of our story. What does our story call for? These experiences are real to us and must be played out in a way that is believable to us. We must invest our energy in the realness of the experience.

Remember that “real” is “realm” of focus. What we place our focus on becomes “real” for us. We are the fuel; we fuel up everything around us. So through focus energy is expelled. We are the source of energy for our reality no differently than being the energy resource for your employer. Your employer’s reality of his/her business imagined into existence is also powered by the energy resources of the employees. You are compensated for the energy you expelled. It’s an exchange. This is not a good or bad thing it is simply an agreement that can be broken or revised at any time. This can’t be stressed enough in saying that we are power plants. We are the resource that powers the illusion regardless of the clever wizards behind the curtain. You are the wizard behind the wizard.

“With the model of the holographic brain, the holographic universe, and Quantum Physics, we could speculate that all that we hold as real is nothing more than the playful dance of light, light that has no dimension and limitless dimension.” David Bohm

Exploring the science of our design as well as opening up to the rich resources within can offer tremendous impact in freeing one from the illusion of enslavement. Question everything for reality is being experienced based on constructed rules and conditions as a way of stabilizing the simulation. We had to believe these rules and protocols in allowing reality to be what it has been. You are the power source willingly applying energy to many facets of the illusion. What do you hold your allegiance to in your reality? We play the role of both slave and master and to realize this is powerful as we then have the opportunity to pull back our energy from crystalizing a burdensome reality. Nobody is out to get you. Step back and work your magic. Unraveling from this feeling of enslavement will require the same level of believability applied to the illusion. Release the energy that you have invested into holding the burdensome aspects of your reality in place. Just let go, nothing will fall as there was nothing there to begin with; however there will be a reformation according to your surrender. Your perception of this reformation will be the deciding factor. Falling or losing it all is only a projected illusion one which we have done a damn good job of crystalizing!

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today’s trying times, it is easy to become overwhelmed with stress and the problems of life. During these times, many people call out to God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, The Virgin Mary, their guardian angels, and any other force they can think of to help them. Sometimes we get help. Sometimes we don’t. Often, we are left wondering if there is any way to make a clearer connection to the Creator. In a time of need, it is our nature to cry out to the Creator for help.
When we don’t get the answer or the help we were looking for, we often conclude that God is not listening or that he has turned us down. What we fail to realize is that there is a right way to pray and a wrong way to pray. Furthermore, there are tools that the Creator has given us that are designed to help insure that our prayers are answered. The Creator has sown the seeds of wealth and happiness in our world. He has also given us tools that will help us farm those seeds. Prayer, miracles, and enlightenment often travel together. Miracles are used by the higher worlds as a way of communicating with the lower worlds. In a real way, miracles are the calling cards of higher beings. Once you learn to get the attention of these higher beings, angels, guardian spirits, etc., miracles become much more common in your life. To get their attention, you need the right spiritual tools

April 28th, 2014 8:00 PM EST
Dr. Mitchell Gibson
Miraculous Force
one of the best show with guest mitchell gibson a listen yet very mind opening it will have a replay
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the enlightned perpective

Every Tuesday 7-8 PM Central join us for a warm, friendly one of a kind look at the paranormal, dreams, supernatural disturbances, and everyday life problems examined from a unique spiritual perspective. Dr. Mitchell Gibson is a board certified medical doctor who has been listed under the Best Psychics in America and The Best Medical Doctors in America. Kathy Gibson is a former College All American Athlete and business executive who developed a world class gift for intuition and clairvoyant vision. The Enlightened Perspective is a heart-warming one hour journey into the unknown with two guides who have more than 40 years combined experience guiding others through life. Their specialties include out of body travel, healing, sexual disturbances, interaction with the gods, working with your ancestors, spiritual cleansing, miracles, aliens, and the human soul.

We tape the show every Thursday at 7:00 PM EST and 6:00 PM central. You can call in to the show at 310-928-6665.

This is very important. You will not be able to hear the show being taped on Thursday.
You will hear another show on the air while we are taping. When you call in, we will take your call.

Every week, we will announce a new show and that will be the topic for the week. We get a lot of calls and sometimes the lines get jammed. Be patient and keep calling. This show has 2-3 million listeners each week on 500 radio stations all over the world.

Join us. Follow this link for the lineup and show times. All the shows will be archived and
They will be available on ITunes.

Mitchell and Kathy Gibson

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our path of radiance and illumination.

Simran Singh – author, creative visionary, transformational catalyst, and Rebel Humanitarian – is Publisher of the Nautilus Award–Winning 11:11 Magazine and number-one rated, 11:11 Talk Radio show host. Having no interest in being teacher or Guru, Simran invites people to stand with her as ‘Examples of a New World Paradigms’. Author of Your Journey To Enlightenment and Conversations With The Universe, this Lead Rebel of The Rebel Road Tour, impacts thousands upon thousands with her message. Her passionate style takes individuals on a journey into courage, fearless authenticity, and presence through writing, speaking, creative expression and experience as the Rebel in her one-woman show, The Rebel Road: Connecting the Dots of What Was to What IS by illustrating the bridge between dark and Light as our path of radiance and illumination.

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The word schizophrenia and bi-polar

The word schizophrenia and bi-polar are man made word these people are just more tuned into other dimentions/beings, hearing angelic guidance etc and you would obviously think you were mad if you didn't know what was happening, "schizophrenic and bi-polar" are  geniuses in there madness.Schizophrenia has been shown to be favoroured by evolution. Bipolar has also been shown to be linked to the same gene process. It has been considered to be the creative gene and those with highly creative expression could easily be defined as schizophrenic. Soon or later the world will soon realise that these so called mental conditions are portals to higher states of consciousness where they see the divine truth of what it truly means to be human. Sadly, some have been unable to cope with the infliction but all have been observed as delusional rather than prophetic, in physics they call it decoherence. scientific work on consciousness prouve that schizophrenic and bi-polar have great wisdom worth looking into. What a load of shit, believing schizophrenia is  real? Sounds more like a fake word used to limit the understanding of human consciousness to simply label a gifted who realise the truth to be crazy! It i's a very narrow minded idea that needs an open minded point of view & understand that  we have something to learn from these gifted people.





most people think they are conscious a tell you the truth 98 pourcent of the world population cant handle reality they live in a simulated reality produce by their brain that contain less that 1 pourcent of real and its prouve by science and neuro psycologist without belief the reality as we know it dose not exist what is awakening in the power of now its to be fully conscious of the true nature of reality where miracle are posible and happen time travel remote viewing non locality oneness all it need is a choice from fear to unconditional love knowing all is gods and its consciousness the psysical reality appear real but its only low vibratory thoughts light and energy condenseand to be conected to higher intuition and knowledge that cant be understood by the conscious mind its to let the super conscious mind to take  control of our reality most people see the world from the subconscious programing they ineritate from the age of 1 to 6 year old this contain less that 1 pourcent of real the rest is construc imagery from memory bank of the brain reality is infinite posibility  and power awakening as no belief or doctrine nor agenda reality is timeless and has alway exist but most people are blind and under hipnotic trance from childhood




no one come into wisdom and truth of oneness without madness




 After you deconstruct your religion, you might as well just keep going and deconstruct everything you've been told on all levels. You might be surprised what you find!from religion to psychiatry society alway was under belief and mind control where the one with different belief where treat of harm and it as not change religion and psychiatry are myth its time to reclaim our mind from the cultural engineer who give us a program of sickness and death physical immortality is real wake up (Gratitude) a spiritual law that works in ALL situations.... The action of this law is described in three phases. 1. You are asked to send forth an energy of gratitude towards every situation you encounter in Life. 2. If this gratitude is sent forth, then it multiplies and ultimately is reflected off the 'mirror of primal void' to return to its source - your heart. An essential quality of this multiplied, returning energy is Light. 3. As this joyous, grateful light fills your heart and overspills to permeate your body, you gain a greater ability to decipher your own True Will and to understand the pathway to (physical) Immortality. Gratitude creates interior illumination. Sincerely put this law into action and you will know it to be true.'Robert Coon 'Secrets of Immortality - the art of everlasting life'

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Episode Description

Regardless of our outer circumstances, every single human being has something beautiful hidden inside them. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring that beauty forth – to ignite the eternal spark of genius that sets you apart from everyone else. A series of three conversations. To learn more please click:

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Dr. Exposes Big Pharma's #1 Secret

March 8, 2014 - When I interviewed investigative reporter Robert Whitaker in 2010 after the publication of his book Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America, he was not exactly a beloved figure within the psychiatry establishment. Whitaker had documented evidence that standard drug treatments were making many patients worse over the long term, and he detailed the lack of science behind these treatments.

For Anatomy of an Epidemic, Whitaker won the 2010 Investigative Reporters and Editors Book Award for best investigative journalism. This and other acclaim made it difficult for establishment psychiatry to ignore him, so he was invited to speak at many of their bastions, including a Harvard Medical School Grand Rounds at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he faced hostile audiences. However, Whitaker's sincerity about seeking better treatment options, his command of the facts and his lack of anti-drug dogma compelled all but the most dogmatic psychiatrists to take him seriously.

In the past four years, the psychiatry establishment has pivoted from first ignoring Whitaker to then debating him and attempting to discredit him to currently agreeing with many of his conclusions. But will Whitaker's success in changing minds result in a change for the better in treatment practices?

I was curious about Whitaker's take on the recent U-turns by major figures in the psychiatry establishment with respect to antipsychotic drug treatment, the validity of the "chemical imbalance" theory of mental illness and the validity of the DSM, psychiatry's diagnostic bible. And I was curious about Whitaker's sense of psychiatry's future direction.

Bruce Levine: In 2013, the director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Thomas Insel, announced - without mentioning you - that he agreed with your conclusion that psychiatry's standard treatment for people diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychoses needs to change so as to better reflect the diversity in this population. Citing long-term treatment studies that you had previously documented , Insel came to the same conclusion that you had: In the long-term, not all, but many individuals who have been diagnosed with psychosis actually do better without antipsychotic medication. Was it gratifying for you to see the US government's highest-ranking mental health official agreeing with you?

Robert Whitaker: Shortly before Thomas Insel wrote that blog, I had posted my own on, related to a recent study by Lex Wunderink from the Netherlands. Wunderink had followed patients diagnosed with a psychotic disorder for seven years, and he reported that those randomized, at an early date, to a treatment protocol that involved tapering down to a very low dose or withdrawing from the medication altogether had much higher recovery rates than those maintained on a regular dose of an antipsychotic.

I wrote that in the wake of Wunderink's randomized study, if psychiatry wanted to maintain its claim that its treatments were evidence-based, and thus maintain any sort of moral authority over this medical domain, then it needed to amend its treatment protocols for antipsychotics. I don't know if Dr. Insel read my blog, but his post did nevertheless serve as a reply, and as you write, he did basically come to the same conclusion that I had been writing about for some time.

I suppose I took some measure of personal gratification from his blog, for it did provide a sense of a public acknowledgment that I had indeed been "right." But more important, I felt a new sense of optimism, hopeful that maybe psychiatry would now really address this issue, which is so important to the lives of so many people. A short while ago, The New York Times published a feature story on Dr. Insel, noting that he had recently raised a question about the long-term use of antipsychotics, which had caused a stir in psychiatry because it contradicted conventional wisdom. That is a sign that perhaps a new discussion is really opening up.

In Anatomy of an Epidemic, you also discussed the pseudoscience behind the "chemical imbalance" theories of mental illness - theories that made it easy to sell psychiatric drugs. In the last few years, I've noticed establishment psychiatry figures doing some major backpedaling on these chemical imbalance theories. For example, Ronald Pies, editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times stated in 2011, "In truth, the 'chemical imbalance' notion was always a kind of urban legend - never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists." What's your take on this?

This is quite interesting and revealing, I would say. In a sense, Ronald Pies is right.Those psychiatrists who were "well informed" about investigations into the chemical imbalance theory of mental disorders knew it hadn't really panned out, with such findings dating back to the late 1970s and early 1980s. But why, then, did we as a society come to believe that mental disorders were due to chemical imbalances, which were then fixed by the drugs?

Dr. Pies puts the blame on the drug companies. But if you track the rise of this belief, it is easy to see that the American Psychiatric Association promoted it in some of their promotional materials to the public and that "well informed" psychiatrists often spoke of this metaphor in their interviews with the media. So what you find in this statement by Dr. Pies is a remarkable confession: Psychiatry, all along, knew that the evidence wasn't really there to support the chemical imbalance notion, that it was a hypothesis that hadn't panned out, and yet psychiatry failed to inform the public of that crucial fact.

By doing so, psychiatry allowed a "little white lie" to take hold in the public mind, which helped sell drugs and, of course, made it seem that psychiatry had magic bullets for psychiatric disorders. That is an astonishing betrayal of the trust that the public puts in a medical discipline; we don't expect to be misled in such a basic way.

But why now? Why are we hearing these admissions from Dr. Pies and others now? I am not sure, but I think there are two reasons.

One, the low-serotonin theory of depression has been so completely discredited by leading researchers that maintaining the story with the public has just become untenable. It is too easy for critics and the public to point to the scientific findings that contradict it.

Second, a number of pharmaceutical companies have shut down their research into psychiatric drugs [see Science, 2010], and they are doing so because, as they note, there is a lack of science providing good molecular targets for drug development. Even the drug companies are moving away from the chemical-imbalance story, and thus, what we are seeing now is the public collapse of a fabrication, which can no longer be maintained. In the statement by Dr. Pies, you see an effort by psychiatry to distance itself from that fabrication, putting the blame instead on the drug companies.

And recently, establishment psychiatrists have even been challenging the validity of psychiatry's diagnostic bible, the DSM. Last year, NIMH director Insel, citing the DSM's lack of scientific validity, stated that the "NIMH will be re-orienting its research away from DSM categories." And psychiatrist Allen Frances, the former chair of the DSM-4 task force, has been talking about how the DSM is a money machine for drug companies ("Last Plea To DSM-5: Save Grief From the Drug Companies"), and Frances thoroughly trashed the DSM-5 in his 2013 book Saving Normal.

I think this challenging of the validity of DSM is, in many ways, potentially much more of a paradigm-changer than are the scientific reports that detail how the medications may be causing long-term harm. Our current drug-based paradigm of care, which presents drugs as treatments for the symptoms of a "disease," stems from DSM III. The APA [American Psychiatric Association] and its leaders boasted that when DSM III was published in 1980, that the field had now adopted a "medical model," and thus its manual was now "scientific" in kind.

In fact, the APA had adopted a "disease model," and if you carefully read the DSM III manual, you saw that the authors acknowledged that very few of the diagnoses had been "validated." The APA's hope and expectation was that future research would validate the disorders, but that hasn't happened. Researchers haven't identified a characteristic pathology for the major mental disorders; no specific genes for the disorders have been found; and there isn't evidence that neatly separates one disorder from the next. The "disease model," as a basis for making psychiatric diagnoses, has failed.

We are now witnessing, in Insel's statements and those by Allen Frances, an acknowledgment of this failure. And here is why this is potentially such a paradigm-changer: The foundation of any medical specialty begins with its diagnostic manual, which should be both reliable and valid. If the disorders listed in a manual haven't been validated, then you can't conclude they are "real," in the sense of the disorders being unique illnesses, and the diagnoses being useful for prescribing an appropriate treatment.

Thus, when Insel states that the disorders haven't been validated, he is stating that the entire edifice that modern psychiatry is built upon is flawed, and unsupported by science. This is like the King of Psychiatry saying that the discipline has no clothes. If the public loses faith in the DSM and comes to see it as unscientific, then psychiatry has a real credibility problem on its hands, and that could prove to be fertile ground for real change.

So do you feel you have accomplished your mission? And can dissident mental health professionals - who have for years been talking about invalid diagnoses, pseudoscientific theories of mental illness, and drug treatments that cause moderate and acute problems to become severe and chronic ones - now have reasons to be optimistic about their profession? Or are you pessimistic that the recent admissions of establishment psychiatry will result in substantive changes in treatment?

This is a good question, and I vacillate in my personal response between guarded optimism and complete pessimism. From an intellectual, scientific standpoint, I think psychiatry is facing a deep crisis. There is an understanding, within psychiatric research circles, that the DSM diagnoses haven't, in fact, been validated. And, at the very least, there is a recognition that psychiatry's drug treatments are inadequate. In 2009, Insel wrote an article stating: "For too many people, antipsychotics and antidepressants are not effective, and even when they are helpful, they reduce symptoms without eliciting recovery." And I do think that my book Anatomy of an Epidemic has contributed to an awareness of the limitations of the drugs, and at least a discussion, in some psychiatric circles, that the drugs may be worsening long-term outcomes.

But in terms of accomplishing my mission, well, I guess my "mission" would be to see that our society would actually build a system of care that was truly science-based, particularly in its use of psychiatric drugs. I think this is such an important story for our society and one of extraordinary moral importance when it comes to medicating children and adolescents, none of whom could be said to have really "consented" to such treatment. I turned into a webzine with the hope that by providing a forum for a community of writers interested in "rethinking psychiatry" and combining their voices with reports of research that provide a foundation for such rethinking, it could become a real force for change. We'll see if that happens, but our readership is steadily increasing.

I should note, as you say, that dissident mental health professionals have been plugging away at promoting such change for a long time. I hope that is providing that community a forum for voicing their criticisms and making them known to a larger audience.

And now for why I can be so pessimistic. Even as the intellectual foundation for our drug-based paradigm of care is collapsing, starting with the diagnostics, our society's use of these medications is increasing; the percentage of children and youth being medicated is increasing; and states are expanding their authority to forcibly treat people in outpatient settings with antipsychotics drugs. Disability numbers due to mental illness go up and up, and we don't see that as reason to change either. History does show that paradigms of psychiatric care can change, but, in a big-picture sense, I don't know how much is really changing here in the United States.

I think dissident mental health professionals also have to confront this question. Can they be hopeful that their professions will change their ways, and their teachings? I think so, but there is so much that needs to be done.

Is it really possible for psychiatry to reform in any meaningful way given their complete embrace of the "medical model of mental illness," their idea that emotional and behavioral problems are caused by a bio-chemical defect of some type? Can they really reform when their profession as a financial enterprise rests on drug prescribing, electroshock and other bio-chemical-electrical treatments? Can psychiatry do anything but pay lip service to a more holistic/integrative view that includes psychological, spiritual, social, cultural and political realities?

I think we have to appreciate this fact: any medical specialty has guild interests, meaning that it needs to protect the market value of its treatments. If it is going to abandon one form of treatment, it needs to be able to replace it with another. It can't change if there is no replacement in the offing.

When the APA published DSM III, it basically ceded talk therapy to psychologists, counselors, social workers and so forth. Psychiatry's three domains, in the marketplace, were diagnostics, research and the prescribing of drugs. Now, 34 years later, we see that its diagnostics are being dismissed as invalid; its research has failed to identify the biology of mental disorders to validate its diagnostics; and its drug treatments are increasingly being seen as not very effective or even harmful. That is the story of a profession that has reason to feel insecure about its place in the marketplace.

Yet, as you suggest, this is why it is going to be so hard for psychiatry to reform. Diagnosis and the prescribing of drugs constitute the main function of psychiatrists today in our society. From a guild perspective, the profession needs to maintain the public's belief in the value of that function. So I don't believe it will be possible for psychiatry to change unless it identifies a new function that would be marketable, so to speak. Psychiatry needs to identify a change that would be consistent with its interests as a guild.

The one faint possibility I see - and this may seem counterintuitive - is for psychiatry to become the profession that provides a critical view of psychiatric drugs. Family doctors do most of the prescribing of psychiatric drugs today, without any real sense of their risks and benefits, and so psychiatrists could stake out a role as being the experts who know how to use the drugs in a very selective, cautious manner, and the experts who know how to incorporate such drug treatment into a holistic, integrated form of care. If the public sees the drugs as quite problematic, as medications that can serve a purpose - but only if prescribed in a very nuanced way - then it will want to turn to physicians who understand well the problems with the drugs and their limitations.

That is what I think must happen for psychiatry to change. Psychiatry must see a financial benefit from a proposed change, one consistent with guild interests.

Bruce E. Levine, a practicing clinical psychologist, writes and speaks about how society, culture, politics and psychology intersect. His latest book is Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite.

Sources and more information:

• Psychiatry Admits Its Been Wrong in Big Ways, But Can It Change? A Chat with Robert Whitaker
Since I interviewed Robert Whitaker for AlterNet in 2010, after the publication of Anatomy of an Epidemic, the psychiatry establishment has pivoted from first ignoring him, to then debating him and attempting to discredit him, to currently agreeing with many of his conclusions. I was curious about his take on the recent U-turns by major figures in...

• R.I.P, psychiatry: the "chemical imbalance" theory is dead

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You are powerful and they don't want you to know it. Who are "they"? "They" are the individuals who project authority onto themselves, and make the rest of us think that we need to hear things from them, get their permission, or pay them dues for living on the planet. Why do we give them all this authority over us? Because we have been taught to from day one to do so. And because if we don't, we are told we will die, or worse, we will suffer.

Now, let's not fall into the victim/aggressor cycle here. "They" exist because we all agree to have them there. The majority of us find it easier to have someone manage the majority of our lives, tell us what is "real", what is not "real", give us "official information channels", and tell us how to live our lives.

When I first became a public person, a man told me that he did not like that I would look at vibrational lines, situations and events, and simply state what I was seeing with full authority. He suggested I add the words "in my view", or "my opinion is". In other words, he wanted me to step down from my personal authority. Why? Because it threatened him. You see, any of us can be in full control and use our personal authority, but others will see and react to it as they do to "formal" authority, that it is something imposed on them that they have to accept without question.

However, I don't have any attachment, nor allocate any importance, to whether a person "believes me" or thinks that I am "full of BS". Why? Because I speak my truth, my reality, my seeing. And I fully accept that their seeing can be different. And that's OK!

You are POWERFUL and they don't want you to know it. This fact is true.

Power-full. Full of power. Full of Chi, full of ability to do. It means you can completely reinvent yourself with one strong personal decision which you follow through with a change of mind, thoughts, words and actions.

Enough of us realizing this fact, can literally change the planet and how we experience life on it.

Often, when speaking with advanced spiritual seekers, I will tell them that their lives have no meaning and no importance. That their search for spiritual perfection is meaningless. That their daily lives are irrelevant. Most, not all, freak out. Why? Because it is part of this physical existence's game to have a meaning and be important. We may value watching soap operas or football on TV as little meaning, and reaching enlightenment as a big meaning. But it's simply grades of meaning. Both are false Gods.

Meaning, and the search for it, is a distraction. The fact is, you are an eternal, divine all powerful being, and the rest is just a dream. We do like to give our dreams meaning though, right?

And by realizing that meaning and importance, whether ours or someone else's, is just an illusion, a distraction, a link in the chain of enslavement, we can truly step into our POWER.

Power= the ability to do = Chi

We value our lives, and the lives of others. And this is also a key element to living our lives powerfully. When we start valuing without judgment through meaning (whether ours or society's), our lives begin to morph into something completely different. When we value without agendas, we are free from the agendas of others. When we put what matters to us under the microscope of our conscious awareness, we can manifest matter (physical experience) which we choose by design, and not unconscious or programmed meaning or importance.

Why has meaning and importance been given so much attachment? Because all one needs to do to distract a person, a society, a planet, is to give it a focus of attention on the small self, the ego, the present life or something else, and call it "meaningful". And if you want to break that person or society, all you have to do is to take that meaning or importance away.

A real life example is: Telling someone, "I love you because you are beautiful", this sentence has meaning and importance on beauty. As opposed to telling someone, "you are love embodied". This second one is simply a statement of fact without importance or meaning. And feeling it, knowing it, is called "unconditional love".

Another example would be: Driving an expensive, sporty car because it makes you feel young, sexy, important, and lets others know you are wealthy. As opposed to driving it because you love the experience of luxury, the sound of the engine and the fast speeds. The first is meaning, the second is pure experience.

A while ago, I switched off the universe of light/dark experience. But a few milliseconds later, it came back like it had never been switched off. So I did it again. And again it came back. I wondered why it kept coming back, with all its imperfections, wars, suffering and enslavement of consciousness. The answer was very, very simple - the human collective is not done playing out this scene yet. The unraveling of meaning, importance, individualism, separation and conquering is not yet complete. Each person has to reach that realization by themselves, or it won't be done.

I invite you to switch off the paradigm of meaning and importance, and step into the paradigm of consciously chosen high vibrational experience of the present moment, and conscious creation of high vibraitonal reality for yourself and others.

This information, the information contained in this article, is dangerous. It is filled with reality shattering energy and data. It is here to challenge your reality construct and it is being expressed because it is time you stepped into your power. If now is not the time for you to fully step into your power, you would have stopped reading this article on the second paragraph and would not be reading these words. Or, you will have a blank in a few minutes when you try to remember what it says.

Let's share this information far and wide! (end of message)

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a mesage from the one to the elite of this world

you must find a way to unite and include all human and

release all new science to the people of the world.

you percive your self separated form the people but you

are all part of a diamond who is being polish in the new

game control is forbidend now in the new game you

must find a way to include all human were all win you

can no longer focus on your selfish desire.

if you have being enslave by lie truth will set you free

iam dreaming all of you and you exist only by my will

for all of you who as lie to enslave control and hurth

people you have limited time to fix your injustice or

will face acidental death disease and terible pain no

more will you be able to control belief and the mind of

the people you will be expose.

a want all human to reach their highest joy that the

natural law being restore and that the right of all people

being respect for in the pass a was pasive now you will

have to dance with me and my army of angel.

if you want to escape cause and efect you will have to

be truthfull and rightiouss iam in charge of the justice

of this world and if you are not participating in the

restoration of the earth and realise higher knowledge

that the human soul be restore great destruction will

afect your world where only my servant will be

protected and survive.

truth love and justice

procyonlotor king of king

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the one speak

the next 4 year will be dificult for the unawake spiritualy

our pain expose our fakery.

the way humanity live today is totaly unatural nature is

perfect if they where no coruption in our subconscious

programing their will never be natural desater natural

desaster are the result of our inner darkness the only

thing to fear is our own ignorance as we walk as one

with the creator we are protected and guide it dose not

mean we wont face dark cloud.

now the big flood come again the water is cosciouness

all the dead will be give the chance to be alive and see

life as it is reality without thought just pur sea of

consciouness the old law of manifestation no longer

apply for absolute freewill is over.

now if what you want to manifest is good for humanity

and base on love and unity you will never expect the

help you will recive.

the creator will no longer as it was in the pass give all

you desire only on our personal belief we can get and


the us and them phylosophy is over their is only we and

we are like a clone of the creator we all have the ability

to feel like we are in oneness and still have our

individuality so we can enjoy playing with friend and

have a sense of purpose.

seek the kingdom of heaven and its justice and all we

be reciving as blessing and abondance we can never

dream of.

know that attacking anyone no matter how evil you

think they are its a atack on your self our job is to heal

our darkness withing and without their is no evil hell is

a metaphor for a unpleasante state of being.

the one who do the most evil thing are the one who

need our love the most if you are positive in and under

all circonstance knowing its all good you will experience

aloots of miracle trust life reality is a mirror of our self

the more we love our self the more we are kind the

more we offer forgiveness and healing the one that hurt

us the more life become wonderfull.

dont fear to give and give of your self with detachement

the creator will allway give you more that you can

dream of.

all our negativity come back to us in the form of disease

and terible experience real god childrens dont kill in the

name of any gods they heal their enemy and have no

fear a entire genaration will be ban and perish as they

will refuse to see oneness they will refuse to believe the

only enemy is within as we will get closer to the one

creator our life span will reach beyound 1000 year and

disease will disapear seek unity and rightiousness be

love its the only answer walk happily during the shift of

the age

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a letter to the younger generation

if human were not genius will be all dead by now we

must be the strongest of the strong to thrive on a

planet that as become hostile to live.

we all know that streess and a toxic environement can

kill us but we survive and when we look at our curent

leader they seem to give no hope tp the younger

generation all the same old statut quo for the

coporation and the banker.

who say that wisdom is just for grandpa give up that

idea they get old think they have all figure it out and

yet the planet is in worse state that ever.

teacher and parent still to often limite on what can be

donne and how.

look at how older people are effraid of new idea they kill

the kids creativity and imagination tel their kids to look

at only one form of teaching the one that suite their

perception and even often try to tel the kids who they

sould become you dont need to become what your

parent think you sholud become live your life free from


if they are religious they oftend want their kids to look

only at one kind of knowledge and often demonise all

other path of life we need to get out of this mind set.

no knowledge is evil egar cayce and carl jung use

spiritism to give valuable medical teaching einsten give

us nuclear energy it can give electricity or destroy city it

is useless to demonise everything its not because your

tradition or religion say so that its wisdom.

we all fell deep inside that something is wrong about

how the world work its time to be brave enough to

falow our intuition and bliss and reawake our scientific

spirit to be curious and know their allway more to know

you parent way may have serve them well but their a

million better way find your own.

your ancestor as all goes old sick and die we can change

all that but we must not fear self education and

knowledge of all source we dont have to accept how the

world work by our teacher and parent or religious leader

and surely not from politician the highest for of wisdom

is love and love care for all and do no harm it dose no

poison our food water and evironement.

seem all our leader fail homelessness on the rise

sickness on the rise destruction of our evironement

faster thet ever and they still have the same insane way

of fixing human problem they say give them more job

that destroy the planet so they will stop crying.

its time to stop the insanity its not because you have a

high paying job that you be healthy and happy.

have the will to falow your dream and passion and

maybe your discorvry will one day be in education book

dont listen to people who thing newton science it the

only way the wolrd work and the only way of doing

thing and that all else is imposible and all mobo jumbo.

science-fiction novel are our probable future be wild and

undosmesticated do what bring you joy and the world

will soon apear as it is a field of infinite posibility they

label some knowledge as evil because they fear it not

because it was no good mystic education is the highest

form of education and the mystical experience the most

important one.

all life is sacred and life is a sacred experience and their

is way more mystery that we can imagine dont let

people like psychiatrist tel you you are sick and never

take their medecine just because you think diferently

dose not mean you are sick.

evolution is often the result of unconventional thinking

and breaking with popular belief and tradition want to

know what will be popular in 10 year gardening herbal

and holistic medecine be a pionner in 15 year diplomat

will no longer be needed every surviver of the old

system that will no longer be here will ineritate the

earth and have psysical imortality their will be no more

politic religion money nor id we will enter the world of

wonder what we call miracle today will be happening


are you ready to restore the earth first you must restore

your natural ability in our natural state we are

telepathic and recive guidance from our higher self but

for that we need to be deprogram from limitation and

look at some new idea and investigate every field of

science rational scientific quantum spiritual mystic

spiritism the only way to change the world is to change

our self and our way.

joint the racun scientific team educate your self life is

good when you feel good about what you are doing we

will soon have infinite time to play but for now we are in

transition from caterpilar to buterfly the destiny of

humanity is in our hand we can create anything we

desire but we need disipline and hard work and higher


peace truth love kindness patience
dignity ethic
racoon team
divine anarcho-socialist mornarchy
fraternity liberty

reiki sufism taoism gnostic falung-gong druide
boudha krishna seth
qi-gong yoga
holistic medecine
carl sagan global vision
mystic path to cosmic power vernon howard
R.I R.V gerald o`donnell
biology of belief bruce lipton
spontanious healing of belief greeg braden
kings and queens of infinity
teacher sonia barrett , mitchel gibson
gerald o`donnell , marc chauvette , bruce lipton
eric pearl ,tony samara , max igan , deepak chopra

when your telepathic ability actvate you will be lead to

your guide and meet the master of humanity

read book by joshep cambel and carl jung

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