Savannah Crownover's Posts (3)

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Archangel Michael speaks on the living word Faith.

Channeled by Savannah Crownover.

What is faith? It is surrender. It is trust. It is love. It is belief so strong that outside ideas/perceptions can’t shake the foundation of your values. Faith is when you love yourself so much and you love your Source so much that it is easy to let go of anything that doesn’t align. It is a knowing that you are incredibly sacred and you come from something incredibly sacred so you complete all your tasks with a deep love and a sense of sacredness. A living ceremony.

To have faith is to be fully present, in every moment. To have faith in yourself and the universe/Source/God is to be present. There is no concern over the past and there is no worry for the future. You simply surrender and flow in love. You act on that which aligns or calls for your love. You act on anything that will spread that passion and creation energies within. You act to grow yourself and others. Within all this action it is done in joy and sacred love because you are present. You have faith in yourself. You have faith in the order of the Divine. When you have faith in yourself and in the Divine order you release control of circumstances, of others. You honor that you can only control your own actions, thoughts and words. There is no desire to control another’s actions.

Having faith means allowing the dance of mystery into your life. Letting go of the why or what and just accepting and flowing, never reacting. When you accept that you can’t explain everything and not everything needs to have an explanation it frees your energy in such a way that it pulls you to unique places, individuals and adventures that trying to dissect the mystery would have blocked. Allowing mystery is what sparks creativity and passion and allows your magnetic resonance to vibrate at his or hers highest… because if you allow mystery you are limitless.

Being strong in your PERSONAL faith opens all your energy pathways so that you have the awareness of limitless potential. There is awareness that there are no obstacles just experiences you can easily navigate and negativity can’t weigh down the energy of someone who is strong in their own belief.

If you have faith that means you believe in yourself and you know that you are enough. You are more than worthy of everything Divine. If you have faith in yourself you are the embodiment of love and it is easier to share that love with others. This allows the pathway to compassion for yourself and all of creation as you begin to FEEL the interconnectedness. We are within each other and without. Limitless, eternal.

Having faith in yourself means understanding that this life simply is an experience, an opportunity to just exist and express and share your divine radiance and grow and encourage that in others by compassionate acts.

When you are firm in your faith you are constantly inspired and you’ll find that there is so much excess energy of that inspiration you can’t help but create with it.

If you have faith in yourself you understand that you are the I AM and the Source and at this recognition you can accept that change is beautiful and brings a sense of compassionate joy instead of resistance. Therefore, if you have faith you are never stagnant, stuck or low energy.

How then you may ask does one cultivate their faith? You start by looking at you in all your layers. To have faith you must accept all parts of yourself. To look at each aspect of you, each stage of your journey with unconditional eyes and heart. To grow your belief in YOU, you must learn to really love yourself, all of you. You’ll need to let go of your perceptions of good and bad and learn to allow all. You’ll grow your belief in yourself if you reflect on your journey and recognize that each event simply is a lesson to allow growth, to allow you to choose love, to allow you to create. You are all creators. To grow your faith means you stop trying to dissect everything and you simply trust. You must learn to trust yourself and your intuitive pulls to action, to rest and observe. Can you observe yourself without judgement? When you can observe without judgement of yourself then you have reached faith.

You must go through the many layers of programming and teachings and reflect on your personal values, these are the foundations for your faith. Only hold on to that which makes you full of love and resonates deep within. Everything else toss out as it weighs you down and weakens your reserve. It makes for confusion. These values are personal, individual. To have a solid foundation you will not base your values by programming or what others believe. You will base your values on what resonates. What inspires you. What gives you hope. That is where your faith lies.

To develop faith, you must act on intuition. The more you do the more you will believe in your personal wisdom and that increases your self-esteem. You might have to start out simply choosing to act with compassion and love in every minute. Before long though, you will eventually see the ripples of that choice to act in love in others and your reality so it moves from choosing to belief. You move from action to knowing, to believing, to faith. This paves the way for you to try new things and dream new experiences that you never would have entertained previously.

Think on your favorite stories or movies. The hero goes through many challenges and obstacles and they are only ever “challenges” while the hero doubts his or her magnificence. Each of YOU are that hero, which is why those stories appeal to many on a deeper level. The hero is always beat down until he or she finds their faith. Their belief in themselves and their belief in how they view the world becomes unshakable. They ARE faith. When you have faith, you have compassion. When you are compassion, you are joy and inspire joy, hope and peace. This aligns the hero with all the support from the universe in the form of people, tools and being in the right place at the right timing so they may complete their journey. They then become the embodiment of love. At this level, their belief is so strong and they realize they are capable and enough that the challenges before them are viewed in clarity… there are no obstacles. They are the higher energy, they win. Love wins. It always will. Their success started when they chose to believe first in themselves.

Faith is an energy, a living word. This word was filled with light in such a way that it is the rainbow bridge that connects you straight to Source/Creator/God. Faith is your yellow brick road to the Divine energies, to YOUR Divine Self. Faith is that bridge to everything magical and loving. Faith is that pathway to infinite possibilities. Faith is your path to freedom. Do you wish to be free? If so start at faith.

It is not about belief in a certain teaching, religion or higher power. It is about you and honoring that you are magnificent and all loving. Faith is about understanding that you are a ray of the true Source/God. You are Source/God. Therefore, you are infinite, limitless and bound to no circumstance, place or person. You are free to fly.

I am Archangel Michael and I am always here to help you remember who you are and to assist you with the courage to have faith.

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Choose life. Archangel Michael 10/27/2015

Channeled message by Savannah Crownover from Archangel Michael.

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Choose life. Archangel Michael 10/27/2015

Today is an important day, marks the first of a trinity, yet the end of a cycle. You have moved into the brightest part of this multiverse. Moved into a higher spiral.

Celebrate this. Enjoy the increased light that is now available to all. Your system is now breaking into new territory. Yet because of the perfection of the universal order, it isn't new, it has graced this 'space' before. It is just new for this cycle. For you it is new. It is YOUR cycle that hasn't experienced this light  in this incarnated plane. This isn't the end. Your universe continues on. You have left a previous spiral cycle and are now on a new link.

We are watching you, watching as you absorb and adjust to this new light, this new information available. Many of you are aware of the significance of spirals. Think of a picture in your imagination, if you will, of your universe moving fast. It is not stationary. You are moving in spirals. Your universe is doing the same. So it is returning once more to a part of the multiverse however, it is on a much higher plane. Same space, just moving faster as all the matter of your universe expands their boundaries and vibrate faster. Same space, just that much more in sync vibrating with the light.

Your universe is constantly moving through the same territory, however it is new because with each circle, it spirals higher. With each link, your universe, the live record you are a part of, gathers more information (light).

I'm giving all who read this a very specific visual. Your universe is forever growing, expanding, changing and moving. Your universe is on a path to the source light. This simply means it is on a path to knowledge, to life.

Know that simply by existing you are a part of this record, this journey. You all are a part of the ride. Each soul adding to this library by simply existing and allowing your light expression to sing in this dimension and all dimensions your soul light decides to incarnate.

So to each person asking, 'what is my mission, why did I come?! am I on the correct path?! The answer is yes. By simply existing you are doing right by your 'path'. By simply existing you are fulfilling your 'mission'. Sure you have each added extra desires. Though if you don't complete them, you will be okay. Your time is an illusion. Your existence is less than a second. Live it and enjoy the illusion effects to learn while you can.

If you choose to live a multidimensional experience or stay firmly planted in your 3rd dimensional program, it is okay, you are still aligned and will not be left behind. If you ask us for guidance, of course we encourage a more balanced existence, aknowledging that you are a multidimensional being incarnated in a 3 dimensional plane. Just because the physical is 3 dimensional doesn't mean you should limit yourself to the 3 dimensional experience. You are allowed the choice though, to experience simply being part of the '3d programming'. Either is a correct path, as long as you choose to live while you are here.

If you want direction, my suggestion is to not live your life confined by fear based decisions. Be strong and confident and LIVE. To live, is to love. Living is growing. Living is adding to this universal record. We sing when you choose to expand and grow, to be filled with information is to be filled with light. We sing more though, when you achieve the greatest lesson of all and that is to just live. Live, love, let go, be filled with new light, new life. Repeat, repeat, repeat. This is growing. This is all that is needed to move towards the light.

See yourself moving with your universe, it reaches higher and higher into light, higher into life.
This is my message for you all, to have the courage to live your life. This is what makes you a warrior. Leaving this plane is easy. Living is the lesson. Living is the experience. Life is the knowledge.

I am Archangel Michael and I am always here for you in light and in love, to give you that strength needed to choose life.
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This is a channeling that I am providing from Archangel Michael. I was meditating with him a couple of days ago and this is what he wished to share. I channeled it and posted it to my blog. I am just looking to share, because I believe it is a great message. So if it resonates, great. If not, that's great too! :) We are all on our own journey.

Channeled by Savannah Crownover from Archangel Michael:

"Truth just is. Truth is light. To search for truth is to explore the realms of light. Each very different expressions of the divine light from the source, our galactic heart center.

To understand and fully comprehend the truth you must learn to read, see, hear and feel the language of light. Light is the constant in the multiverse. Even the ‘void’ is a light expression. The void absorbs light and stores it within, not reflecting any out.

Truth will be different for everyone. Let me repeat that. No persons truth will be the same. It is easy to get caught up in the safety of a like mind. Ideas can be similar, emotions similar. However your truth, or soul expression is individual. Therefore each group may view the same light, the same dimension and come back with varying information and experiences.

Truth is light. Light is made of millions of hues and shades of color. Thirty people may be exploring the effects or information of the red dimension. There are many hues of red that someone can tap into. Red being the base, each varying hue a different piece of information to make up the base. Those thirty people are not going to tap into the same hue. It is impossible. You can use symbols and titles to connect with the same hue. However, regardless of intent you will connect with the base and then read the hue that is aligned with your specific soul expression.

Realize that truth is a personal journey. Share your journey if you’d like as others may benefit. However your truth will never be the same as another.

Each soul comes to your dimension to play as light expressions in a material form. You all came from the same place. Until you return, you are on a journey in all your lifetimes to learn exactly what your soul resonance means. The idea of this earthly dimension is to celebrate the individual ray, the unique expression. Free will after all is simply the ability to indulge in all light experiences.

An aspect of co-creation on the physical level is co-creation between individual expressions. I encourage you to change your thought and see that embracing the individuality of another’s expression is more beneficial for yourself and the other. Working together, allowing each person to contribute their individual expression allows for truth to show in all situations.

Those on the journey for truth must realize that it is within and that only by encouraging everyone to share their authentic expression will the bigger picture be seen for all.

I am Archangel Michael and I share this message as a reminder to everyone that all facets of light are beautiful. You will eventually return to the source light, don’t be so distracted to return that you forget why you came. You came to remember your unique expression while experiencing the resonance of all truths in play.

Celebrate your unique facet and others on your journey to remember your truth. 

I am infusing this message with the entire light spectrum so that those who read these words will be drawn to their individual facet of light and choose to embrace it and express it. I am encoding this message with layers, each word and each sentence unlocking your truth stored deep within your vibration."

To read more of my channelings or experiences, please visit my blog!

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