Joshua's Posts (6)

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Jed McKenna - Has anyone read his books?

I really enjoyed them.

Jed is kind of a fictional, anti-teacher but a lot of his stuff really resonates with me.  It's not very "spiritual" and definitely not "new age" but I could see some folks here having some appreciation for it...  It's about awakening/enlightenment.

The works were consistent my view of accountability and "all is in perfect" - introduced some fun new challenges for me - and gave me a viewpoint from much more intellectual and well-read person experiencing a similar perspective shift.

Much Love on your path


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Ending Duality...

I still experience dualistic thoughts - but something that has really helped me in seeing the bigger, unified picture is the following example.


I love Monsanto - That's right!  The same mega-corporation that brought us BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone), GMO (Genetically-Modified Seeds/Foods and agent orange.


But without such a company, with there be a food movement that is leading to people growing their own food, connecting to nature and heading back to ecovillage and community in the same way????


I don't think it would - Thank Monsanto - until we KNOW ONENESS - everyone is doing exactly what they need to be doing on their plan.


Before judging anyone or anything - try to understand that there is a bigger picture and everyoneo is following their own blueprint.  I thank them and I thank you for you own journey!



Much Love!






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Unlearning everything I thought I knew....

So many of the conditions we apply to this creation are beliefs that have been indoctrinated from school, parents and the media.


The sun - gives us love not cancer.

Food - gives us energy - nothing else.

Everyone is doing exactly what they need to be doing.  No one can harm or offend me.  Only I am able to do that...

My body and health are perfect - we are designed that way.  Nothing made by man or technology can improve perfection.


I challenge all readers to monitor your thoughts to see if you are being a divine creator or ruminating over someone else's beliefs when approaching your experiences.


The immediate benefit seems to be limitlessness.  Most of our beliefs only limit our creation - so without such beliefs - we can see more than the world we have always dreamed of.


Much Love!



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I'm finding the color violet on everything I grow.  Especially Sprouts and Wheatgrass...


My first observation of this was 3 years ago, when my friend, Jerry Brown observed a Greenhouse full of Tomato vines had change from green to violet.


Just yesterday, I laid in my favorite spot of grass to enjoy the sun and noticed that larger stalks of grass had turned violet.


My understanding is that it violet marks the appearance of 5th dimensional energy in our 4th dimensional construct.


Does anyone else have experience or insight of upon this?


Much Love!





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Radiation - A completely different take on it...

What if "radiation" is just a term for higher dimension energy?

Uranium has a very high frequency.  High Radiation = radiates very rapid - hence higher frequency.


If the fallout is feared - the radiation will not positively affect dense 3rd dimensional beings.  If we view radiation without fear - it will help us adjust higher frequencies.  I view the radiation as a opportunity for humans to elevate their frequency and adapt to Mother Earth.


Much Love!



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