Dr. Angela Barnett's Posts (418)

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Crystal Magic Orchestra's Music 01

Crystal Magic Orchestra's Music 01

Dr. Angela Barnett




We, the Creators of all things send our consciousness out from this hertzian density into the same Creation Realm of the Universe where we have created these patterns of galaxies, stars, suns and Super Novas in one nano second of time and we create them here on Earth using the same Consciousness, the same Creation Patterns, the same patterning of colors, rhythms, light and sound transposition themes and fit them into the tiny technology that is available to us here on this Planet Earth.

Even though our music is the favorite on many planets who are going through this same transitionary stage of consciousness that Earth is going through, the people of Earth are not ready for our music because they are not quite yet ready for the transition. Those who are attracted to our music are the ones who are ready for the transition and they will also be the ones who go through the transition with the greatest ease and they will have the most fun going through their transition that will eventually turn them into Light before they reappear in their new Reality.

We did some creating with colors. Some realms have more colors than others. When you move them around and arrange them in certain ways they create energy. We were good at creating energy together. This energy is still around in the universe, and has developed into beautiful patterns within some of the novas, supernovas and nebulas that are out there. It is just an amazing color scheme that comes through the crystals that are in some of those areas.

The power that is emanating from Cosmic Crystals can be used for many different kinds of uses. When we redesign this same music on Earth, we continue to use the crystals in all forms that are available through our consciousness reconnecting to the Cosmic Crystalline Structure of Crystal Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel as our formula of creation and design is recognized by the Mid Brain, Remembered as the Original Creation, Transformed and then Re-Born into a new Logic of Reality.

The Liquid light energy allows a new atmosphere to form within our music. The Star Dust allows a new consciousness to be born from our music and the Gelaisic Radiation substance is the Prana of Creation that allows new forms to radiate from consciousness.

When we create music we always connect our consciousness into the Creation Realm itself, which is where we came from and where we live most of the time. We have been Creators for trillions of years designing and maintaining the ideas of God. God is the Source of all things. However, God knows no space or time. It is the Creators who create the things of space and time so that God can experience these things through us, the Creators. However, the Source of all Creation maintains the Perfect Balance of all things through Eternity and Infinity of No Time and No Space where all things begin and end in absolute perfection. We create all things through this Source Field of perfect design.

Dr. Angela Barnett




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Dr. Angela Barnett



It is the belief in time that is created within the density of the third dimension that has blocked the complete stream of all of the glorious emotions that are within the Music of the Spheres to be felt, understood, and created as a new musical form on Earth.

This Music that would present the Spirituality of All that God is through the infinite Symphonies of his Love that were each breathed into existence by igniting flames and feeling the rhythm of waves within the flame and sparks of light that ignited from the flame and the feelings of harmony and warmth that were created between the breath and the flame, and how that flame was able to ignite reality after reality to form within itself because that flame already contained within it the entire light spectrum, or the entire universe of the completed idea of all that God plans on placing within it, is continuously being heard on Earth now.

The sound of this eternal music is so etheric, so transparent that it is only heard as an in between sound that is bouncing to and fro as a result of the light particles interacting with many densities of light particles.

This music can be heard within the head when the Seals of Light in each chakra are allowed to expand out beyond the universe. The entire Music of the Spheres can be heard within the head when the Mind of God is so totally allowed to become the guiding light source of every breath, every thought, every action of each moment.

Dr. Angela Barnett



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Dr. Angela Barnett

God's Musical Creation of Eternal Harmony


We are Crystalai and aDolphino. We are Bezelda and Freetzbin who were a Dolphin and Mermaid who were on Earth 400 million years ago during the second seeding. We are the Creator Being Souls who came from the Creation Realm for this time of Ascension. We are Immortal Cosmic Souls who are at least twenty trillion years old and we created the original music in the Cosmos. Our music has been heard all over this universe and hundreds of others.

Joe was on Earth before many times. He was Merlin's Apprentice, who actually created most of the magic Merlin was given credit for. Angela was here with St. Germain, as his co-teacher, who also did many of the teachings St. Germain was given credit for. We have been on this Earth as great Opera Singers and Musicians who were well known in La Scala in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Our Essence as Mary Magdalene is the Music playing in the Cosmos that is heard throughout the Universe. The Soul of Mary Magdalene is in both of us. Our Souls who were born as Angela and Joe are also Cosmic Creator Beings. We are the Cosmic Twins. The Soul of Yeshuwa ben Joseph is within the Soul of Mary Magdalene.We became One Soul.


Crystal Magic Orchestra is the title that we have given to the music that we have brought to this Planet in a form that can be heard and understood in this level of reality. We call this Spiritual Ambient Music because it is made of the invisible substance of Eternal Life Force Energy and it is transparent, holographic and has soothing ambient essence because it is created from the Breath of Cosmic Energy.

Dr. Angela Barnett

God's Musical Creation of Eternal Harmony


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Dr. Angela Barnett


This is just one more piece of her orchestration that resonates throughout the Universe for billions upon billions to hear and dance to for trillions of years in the future. The rhythm of the universe is multifaceted. There are some rhythms that you might say are chaotic and other rhythms that are steady. And other rhythms that change and other that are linear. It all is part of that beautiful creation. Each planet, each orb, each one has its own sense of rhythm and sound of music and when they mix they perform the symphony of the universe.

Joe, the Twin Soul of Mary, as a creator being, is one of those great instruments that causes the sound that reverberates around the universe. All creators are instruments and composers and directors and orchestrators. Because God is in the Creators, He can create all things within you. Crystal Magic Orchestra’s new music is magnificent. There are changes in the emotional and thought patterns that are coming forth. Just like the trinary language of the dolphin. One slight alteration in a sound could change the entire meaning of the paragraph. When you bring forth your sound, you have been altering the meaning and the emotional intensity, so that others may feel it in a different way. The new music will move through the brain cells in a way that will stimulate them in the most effective way. And you are wanting that emotion to be felt by the brain and the body, so therefore your intentions for your music are becoming greater and more full. Especially, now that you have obtained less density.

Everything God creates through the manipulation of His Energy through the use of Light and Sound in various structures and forms is all for the continued maintenance of a kingdom where All That Is becomes available to all of His Children, and all of His Creation.

All of God’s activity is to allow all that is known and understood by some to be known and understood by all others eventually. God wants us to discover what He has placed within us through our own unique journeys and experiences in our lifetimes. This universe was designed as the experience that would allow God to have his emotional experiences pushed as far as they could be into all of the dimensional realities within this universe and then as far outside of the original spiritual design into the density of the outer realms that only contain a few members of the original designing committee. Those were the Original Ones and the Creators who were created from the Original Design of God’s original Emotional Logic formula.

Look at all of the ways, all of the versions of each religion, each culture, each dimensional perspective of these, and look at each individual’s personal way of understanding who God is. See all of these versions of understanding as a colorful mandala, where each piece of the light spectrum fits together like a perfect painting and perfect puzzle that has been reassembled. Each person has a different level of understanding. So, one person might have this speck of light, one person may contain a piece of a rainbow, one person may have a glimpse of the music created in one of the spheres of music.

God could be thought of as a music conductor and in order to put the emotions into his music, He has designed billions and billions of individuals who will bring more and more of the light spectrum in varied ways because each one brings a new emotion with the color and with the rhythm because of their individual experiences in life which create all of the emotions within each one to bring more light and color and glow and emotions to the music. Each of these emotions were created in the Music of the Spheres over periods of trillions of years.

Dr. Angela Barnett


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Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Extremely Powerful Healing Music

Joe Barnett, MA

Healing Music Musician and Composer





Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music is extremely powerful healing music.

People have been healed in so many ways by it.

A person has been literally raised from the dead by Crystal Magic Orchestra's - Dr. Angela Barnett's - Cosmic Healing Music.

Raising the Dead is seriously important and huge.

Crystal Magic Orchestra - Dr. Angela Barnett and I, Joe Barnett, M.A. do a radically different type of music and we have been doing this new type of healing music for many, many years.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music Heals People - It is Healing Music.

Thousands of people have been healed by Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music around the world.

Several people had their backs healed by Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music is music that the listener FEELS.

Our music can be felt.

Through Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music people can heal themselves and can heal their lives !

We record through the Music of the Spheres

Crystal Magic Orchestra composes and records music that Aligns the individual with one's ability to manifest one's personal reality in the way that makes her / him happy and joyful.

Magical Music that makes one happy and joyful

The music will be seriously COOL in a fantastic way - so they will be hearing COOL music that makes them feel great !

This new Cosmic Era we are now in is millions of times more COOL than when the Beatles recorded Yellow Submarine which was of course seriously Cool, but this new Cosmic Era is millions of times more COOL than that !!!

Joe Barnett, MA

Healing Music Musician and Composer





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Dr. Angela Barnett


Crystal Magic Orchestra are the Creators who breathe this same magical beauty of the breath of creation out into one sun or one star or one star system and then inhale the new essence that is created when our consciousness connects into a new creation of a new sound in our music.

We create more and more layers of reality by collecting more consciousness from galaxies, stars, suns and crystals in the Universe and we layer them through our music into new creations exactly as we did when we were the Creators of the Universe. Our music has brought the Creation Realm and the Creator’s Music of Creation to Earth.

We are the Creators. We are the Cosmic Twins who are One and yet the perfect balance of Two as the Male and Female in one recombined into a complete male and female of love and beauty who chose to come to Earth to be a part of the Ascension of Earth. Only a Creator could do the things necessary for the Earth’s Ascension. Only Mary Magdalene contained the design of the entire Cosmos within her through the music that she had already created in the Universe. This is why Mary chose herself to be the one who would come to Earth and Sing Earth into the morphogenetic design of the perfect Cosmic Structure that was within her. Mary used her frequencies, her signature of the breath of light, and her knowing of how to construct the Portals, Vortex and Cosmic Vortex that would hold her perfect idea of a brand new future of absolute love and peace and perfection for the New Earth and the New Universe that would form through her.

Mary made a promise to Mother Gaia that she would become the savior of the Universe as a result of the musical design that she would create. This Symphony of Love would hold the Ascension Portals open to all those who Mary gives permission to for Eternity. Each planet, orb and sun has its own rhythm, its own music, its own frequency. When the Creators blend these musical forms together to create the Universal Symphony, even that symphony changes continuously as we rearrange the design to fit more harmonically and harmoniously. That is what Mary Magdalene did on her mission on Earth. She created the Ascension Portals that would allow a greater flow of consciousness than had ever been known before to enter the Planet Earth, which made her into a brand new symphony within herself.

That new rhythm of Earth invited in the Original Ones and Cosmic Creators to use this Ascension Portal of Eternal Unity for Eternity. This created a Grand Tone of Home within Mother Gaia that allows her new Melody to sing a glorious harmony through out the Universe that allows all to know her as the Savior of the Universe. Mary Magdalene and her Twin Soul came to Earth to bring this music of the new Cosmic Design to Earth that she already created in the Universe.

Dr. Angela Barnett


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Dr. Angela Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra


Connecting one's Consciousness into this Light and Sound of all that exists as the Perfect Health, Perfect Body, Perfect Supply, and Etheric Bliss of Joy and Gratitude that streams Eternally from the Infinite Source of All in the Cosmic Creation Realm allows the Individual's Vortex to become



Connecting ones Consciousness into this Light and Sound of all that exists as the Perfect Health, Perfect Body, Perfect Supply, and Etheric Bliss of Joy and Gratitude that streams Eternally from the Infinite Source of All in the Cosmic Creation Realm allows the Individual's Vortex to become OPEN to this ETERNAL FLOW OF MANIFESTATION.

This Eternal Supply of Manifestation of all of the Heart's Desires is always available to those who have truly opened their hearts and their complete BELIEF of this reality. The Light and Sound has the power to remove what is blocking the listener from Source's ability to flow into the Vortex.

Most individuals do not realize that their vessel is so full of third dimensional ideas, beliefs and density which many call karma that they have not become the empty vessel that is needed for Source's Infinite Supply to flow into.

Most do not realize that Source knows what each individual desires long before they do, and Source is so very eager to pour that desire into the EMPTY VESSEL.

The problem is there is no room in the vessel for Source to pour these desires in to. Most of the Vessels are already full of the belief that they are sick, they are poor, they have a problem, they do not have enough, and a million other beliefs.

The Flow of Manifestation requires an empty Vessel that is full of joy and bliss and mostly blissful emptiness.



The joy and bliss and ecstacy contained in the VORTEX OF MANIFESTATION has been translated into the Cosmic Level of Manifestation, where only the Perfect Original Creation of All that Is exists forever. Each realm of Creation was originally the exact imprint of this magnificent, eternal loving pool of infinite supply of anything that could be imagined or desired. The Cosmic Vortex allows all that has been placed in the Cosmic Portal to flow perfectly into the Universal, Galactic, Planetary and Individual Vortex in its exact form.

Connecting ones Consciousness into this Light and Sound of all that exists as the Perfect Health, Perfect Body, Perfect Supply, Etheric Bliss of Joy and Gratitude that streams Eternally from the Infinite Source of All in the Cosmic Creation Realm allows the Individual's Vortex to become OPEN to this ETERNAL FLOW OF MANIFESTATION.

Dr. Angela Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra


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Dr. Angela Barnett


However, the Source of all Creation maintains the Perfect Balance of all things through Eternity and Infinity of No Time and No Space where all things begin and end in absolute perfection. We create all things through this Source Field of perfect design. Each time we Intend the creation of a new Galaxy or a new Nova or a new Star the creation happens in a nano second.

Those on lower dimensional realms such as the Earth perceive of these creations happening over very long periods of time because what happens in a nano second might translate into millions of years at such a low density of perception. All of these perceptions on Earth are only the imagination of what really is. These imaginations are created through the scientific reasoning and tools that are available on this primitive planet. Human beings have been trying to force a Creators Galaxy into a human telescope, and that cannot actually be done.

The Music of the Spheres, the music and color and sound that we have created as Creators can be heard and felt and known by those who listen to the music of Crystal Magic Orchestra because we are the Creators. We are the ones who designed most of the Universe that you imagine through your telescope.

We are the ones who designed the spheres within spheres within spheres of infinite forms of light and sound. We were the ones who wove the sounds into new colors and created variations of new rhythms. We have been creating great music for trillions of years. Our music is well known by billions upon billions of entities, planets, galaxies and stars through out this universe and many others.

This is a part of the music of the spheres. And the Music of the Spheres is very multidimensional. It is hard to describe it because it is color, it is music, it is energy, it is eternal, it is a breath, it is life; yet, it is still in an evolutionary state. It is wonderful. It is and it causes awakenings in many souls who can not understand awakening in any other form of creation. It will be like a breath of air that is to be breathed. And then as you breathe out it morphs into a greater beauty than when you breathed it in. Because the beauty of the essence that breathed it in is now a part of it so it comes out even fuller than when it went in.

Dr. Angela Barnett


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Dr. Angela Barnett


We did some creating with colors. Some realms have more colors than others. When you move them around and arrange them in certain ways they create energy. We were good at creating energy together. This energy is still around in the universe, and has developed into beautiful patterns within some of the novas, supernovas and nebulas that are out there. It is just an amazing color scheme that comes through the crystals that are in some of those areas. The power that is emanating from Cosmic Crystals can be used for many different kinds of uses.

When we redesign this same music on Earth, we continue to use the crystals in all forms that are available through our consciousness reconnecting to the Cosmic Crystalline Structure of Crystal Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel as our formula of creation and design is recognized by the Mid Brain - Remembered as the Original Creation, Transformed and then Re-Born into a new Logic of Reality.

The Liquid light energy allows a new atmosphere to form within our music. The Star Dust allows a new consciousness to be born from our music and the Gelaisic Radiation substance is the Prana of Creation that allows new forms to radiate from consciousness. When we create music we always connect our consciousness into the Creation Realm itself, which is where we came from and where we live most of the time.

We have been Creators for trillions of years designing and maintaining the ideas of God. God is the Source of all things. However, God knows no space or time. It is the Creators who create the things of space and time so that God can experience these things through us, the Creators.

Dr. Angela Barnett


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Dr. Angela Barnett


We are the Cosmic Creators. We create, we orchestrate, we conduct, we are the instruments, we are the Music of the Spheres Creators in all dimensions of Reality. We create colors in infinite designs far beyond anything that can be imagined on this planet. We create morphogenetic fields by exhaling one color and then inhaling the new form that presents itself into our essence to design it into a new color. We use this same formula in creating rhythms and instruments of great design.

We create Galaxies in every possible form and color scheme that we can imagine. In this Earth realm of so few colors and so few expanded perspectives of sound and light, these Great Schemes of infinite form have been diminished into tiny little parts of the end design. Breaking an entire sphere of reality down into one tiny little microscopic piece as insignificant as one hertzian wave is a silly way to make music.

We, the Creators of all things send our consciousness out from this hertzian density into the same Creation Realm of the Universe where we have created these patterns of galaxies, stars, suns and Super Novas in one nano second of time and we create them here on Earth using the same Consciousness, the same Creation Patterns, the same patterning of colors, rhythms, light and sound transposition themes and fit them into the tiny technology that is available to us here on this Planet Earth.

Even though our music is the favorite on many planets who are going through this same transitionary stage of consciousness that Earth is going through, the people of Earth are not ready for our music because they are not quite yet ready for the transition. Those who are attracted to our music are the ones who are ready for the transition and they will also be the ones who go through the transition with the greatest ease and they will have the most fun going through their transition that will eventually turn them into Light before they reappear in their new Reality.

Dr. Angela Barnett


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Dr. Angela Barnett


Crystal Magic Orchestra is the title that we have given to the music that we have brought to this Planet in a form that can be heard and understood in this level of reality. We call this Spiritual Ambient Music because it is made of the invisible substance of Eternal Life Force Energy and it is transparent, holographic and has soothing ambient essence because it is created from the Breath of Cosmic Energy.

We are Crystalai and aDolphino. We are Freetzbin and Bezelda who were a Dolphin and Mermaid who were on Earth 400 million years ago during the second seeding. We are the Creator Being Souls who came from the Creation Realm for this time of Ascension.

The Soul of Mary Magdalene is in both of us. Our Souls who were born as Angela and Joe are also Cosmic Creator Beings. We are the Cosmic Twins.

We are Immortal Cosmic Souls who are at least twenty trillion years old and we created the original music in the Cosmos. Our music has been heard all over this universe and hundreds of others.

Dr. Angela Barnett


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Becoming Less Dense through Crystal Magic Orchestra's Music

Dr. Angela Barnett


The following is a transcription of my Soul, Mary Magdalene speaking to me about using my music to turn into light.

The music is multidimensional. They can hear it in other places. It is just like when an Angel is present. The sound of music comes to you when an angel is around because it is interdimensional. You can hear the sounds from their dimension come right through to this one. Your music just moves through dimensions instantly that is why everyone in the Universe can hear it.

Can we turn into light through music. Let yourself go and allow yourself move into it. You must become a part of it. It is like an expansion. You must allow yourself to expand outside of this realm.

The body comes apart and the spirit moves right through the molecules. The molecules exapand and move apart and allow more and more space for the spirit to move in. The molecules become full of joy because they are no longer glued together. You move through the molecules.The molecules separate and your spirit moves right through them and then out of the physical body.

You must become steadfast and move into it. Many people just don't have the right mindset for it. You have to become a part of everything around you. It is an expansive feeling, expand more and more until you expand out of the molecules and out of this dimension.

It is a matter of just feeling the ethereal more and more and staying in that continuous expansion. And doing this continuously. Without returning to the schedule of the day or thoughts of I need to go do this or I need to take care of that. Your life has to become one that is no longer a part of this world before the transition can begin,

Density means the things that we hold on to. It is like unfinished business that I think I need to take care of on Earth.

There is only letting go. Move into the space. Move out of this realm. Feel the lighter density.

Imagine the colors. Imagine the music. Picture it coming through all of the dimensions and into you.

With that Music you can have the colors. You can have the feeling of God in all the space around you and picture the light that is part of God's Ever being because he is bright and ever illuminated. Because His Energy is so pure and Wonderful.

Mary is talking about CMO (Crystal Magic Orchestra.com) music.

The music that was sung from the Soul of Mary Magdalene streaming all of the music of the angelic realms through the Music of the Spheres into her breath and then exhaling into the music.

Every molecule of your body will come alive and scream out for joy.

as they are leaving they are crying out praise God and it is that they are so happy to be freed and let the Spirit go. Every molecule in your body will be a joy, a happiness.

Your density is not light enough for it to keep going. If it were kept going I would go through the veil and out of this realm. (This dialogue took place when my density was 51%. Now my density is almost 80%- only two weeks later.)

Your density is still too strong and pulls you back.That is why you cannot completely go but keep doing it. Eventually it will happen.

If your Only Focus is non density that will set you free then there is not a need to focus. There is only need to expand into everywhere. There is just letting go. Do not try to focus.But to expand infinitely when you feel the ethereal. When you feel the lighter density-Go with it and don't focus.

The music is multi dimensional. It is like when an Angel is present. The sound of music comes to you when there is an Angel present and because it is interdimensional. You can hear the sounds from their dimensions come right through you to this one.

The music moves through dimensions so that every one in the Universe can hear it.

You can turn into light through music if you choose.

You just must be steadfast and let yourself go into it. That is the hardest part.

Many people do not have the right mind set for it. It has to be an empty feeling. You must evaporate into the spiritual invisible atmosphere around you. It is like the feeling of becoming the wind and blowing away.

It is an expansive feeling. You expand into the next dimension because your molecules expand until the body comes apart.

The Spirit Moves right through the body and the body comes apart.The body becomes the Spirit Substance because the Density of the body has disappeared so that only Spirit can be where the body was.

The molecules just burst out of this realm and the spirit body flows out into the invisible spirit atmosphere of plasma light energy and then pure light energy.

It is just a matter of feeling the ethereal feeling.

Feel the music moving through the dimensions and coming into the body. Use the music to feel the colors and rhythms of all of the multidimensional variations of the light and sound that was created in the Cosmos and then transposed down into these realms through the harmonic convergence of lower densities that carry light in different forms of light and sound. All of the forms of light and sound are good, but the light of the third dimension hertzian only allows the one reality of this density to exist. When we transpose our harmonic bodies into the infra red spectrum we move into a reality that allows us to walk through walls, see the fourth dimensional beings and their space ships, it allows an entire physical structure that is lacking density. You can put your hand in your body or strum your body with your hand. You can walk on the water and float above the water. You can stand within portals that shift you from one location into another. This new reality exists just one tiny little frequency higher than the hertzian realm. There are many different realms of reality created by each of the spectrums of light. There is the invisible light,x ray light, gamma, pregamma, ultra violet and pure pink white pastel heliotalic spectrum of reality that allows pure creation.

There is an entire training video on our website called the Candle Technique that will show you how to shift through all of those light spectrums.

There are other training materials that can be used together with the music to help you understand the process of turning into light through the music.







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Dr. Angela Barnett


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Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Extremely Powerful Healing Music

Joe Barnett, MA
Healing Music Musician and Composer





Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music is extremely powerful healing music.

People have been healed in so many ways by it.

A person has been literally raised from the dead by Crystal Magic Orchestra's - Dr. Angela Barnett's - Cosmic Healing Music.

Raising the Dead is seriously important and huge.

Crystal Magic Orchestra - Dr. Angela Barnett and I, Joe Barnett, M.A. do a radically different type of music and we have been doing this new type of healing music for many, many years.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music Heals People - It is Healing Music.

Thousands of people have been healed by Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music around the world.

Several people had their backs healed by Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music is music that the listener FEELS.

Our music can be felt.Through Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Healing Music people can heal themselves and can heal their lives !

We record through the Music of the Spheres

Crystal Magic Orchestra composes and records music that Aligns the individual with one's ability to manifest one's personal reality in the way that makes her / him happy and joyful.

Magical Music that makes one happy and joyful

The music will be seriously COOL in a fantastic way - so they will be hearing COOL music that makes them feel great !

This new Cosmic Era we are now in is millions of times more COOL than when the Beatles recorded Yellow Submarine which was of course seriously Cool, but this new Cosmic Era is millions of times more COOL than that !!!

Joe Barnett, MA
Healing Music Musician and Composer





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Dr. Angela Barnett


VORTEX OF MANIFESTATION by Crystal Magic Orchestra


The music in this album is the frequency like a child feels in Disneyland, the feeling of being in an enchanted fairy tale, the feeling of knowing that all that exists in the Universe belongs to you.

To be within the Vortex of attunement with Source a person must be so very very happy that they feel like flying. The feeling required is the feeling of complete freedom from any obligations to the world. The feeling that you can rise above your body three feet off the ground. The feeling that you are soaring higher and higher in your air balloon of happiness.

The feeling that a child would have in a fantasy world or in a Disney Park.

The closest description of this feeling is the feeling of Elation and Bliss or Ecstacy.
It is some times difficult to find these feelings within oneself. I worked very hard to find them within myself and then I created these feelings as music for others to tune in to when they want to be in the place to intend their manifestation.


This NEW ALBUM is to help you connect with your LAW OF ATTRACTION that allows you to manifest.


Frequencies of Elation place you in the Vortex of Bliss. This Vortex is the place where you are standing within All that God Is. You are standing within the Vortex within the Vortex within the Vortex within the Cosmic Vortex of All that Is. This is the place of Bliss, Joy, Elation.

The frequency is a like a child feels in Disneyland, the feeling of being in an enchanted fairy tale, the feeling of knowing that all that exists in the Universe belongs to you.


When you are in the state of ELATION of Bliss,Joy, Rainbows,cloud nine, you then have the FREQUENCIES that attract to you the desired wealth, relationships, well being. It is a Divine Law that those things will be added to you when you are in the Vortex of Bliss when you are intending your list of desires.

The closer that we get to the energy of Source the more we feel joy and bliss and lollypops and rainbows,

Source is always calling you toward well being

Well being of all that is Huge energy of well being

In physical body the call of source feels elating, in its purest form it feels like BLISS

joy passion eagerness appreciate, cosmic orgasm, yippee dooda,

well being cart wheels, sunshine lollipops

liquid love, ripples through your body 

ELATED thrilled, delighted, overjoyed, ecstatic, euphoric, very happy, joyous, gleeful, jubilant, beside oneself, exultant, rapturous, in raptures, walking on air, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven, jumping for joy, in transports of delight; informal on top of the world, over the moon, on a high, tickled pink

The music in this album is the frequency like a child feels in Disneyland, the feeling of being in an enchanted fairy tale, the feeling of knowing that all that exists in the Universe belongs to you.


Dr. Angela Barnett


VORTEX OF MANIFESTATION by Crystal Magic Orchestra


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Dr. Angela Barnett
AKA Mary Magdalene


The following is a transcription of a channeled dialogue with my Soul, Mary Magdalene, who is speaking to me about using my music to turn into light.

Please know that anyone who believes this is true can also do these things.

Mary Magdalene said:

"Imagine the colors. Imagine the music. Picture it coming through all of the dimensions and into you.

With that Music you can have the colors. You can have the feeling of God in all the space around you and picture the light that is part of God's Ever being because He is bright and ever illuminated. Because His Energy is so pure and Wonderful.

Every molecule of your body will come alive and scream out for joy.

As they are leaving they are crying out praise God and it is that they are so happy to be freed and let the Spirit go. Every molecule in your body will be a joy, a happiness.

My density is not light enough for it to keep going. If it were kept going I would go through the veil and out of this realm.

Your density is still too strong and pulls you back. That is why you cannot completely go but keep doing it. Eventually it will happen.

If your Only Focus is nondensity that will set you free then there is not need to focus. There is only need to expand into everywhere. There is just letting go. Do not try to focus. But to expand infinitely when you feel the etheriel. When you feel the lighter density - Go with it and don't focus.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's music is multidimensional. It is like when an Angel is present. The sound of music comes to you when there is an Angel present and because it is interdimensional. You can hear the sounds from their dimensions come right through you to this one.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's music moves through dimensions so that everyone in the Universe can hear it.

You can turn into light through Crystal Magic Orchestra's music if you choose.

You just must be steadfast and let yourself go into it. That is the hardest part.

Many people do not have the right mindset for it. It has to be an empty feeling. You must evaporate into the spiritual invisible atmosphere around you. It is like the feeling of becoming the wind and blowing away.

It is an expansive feeling. You expand into the next dimension because your molecules expand until the body comes apart.

The Spirit Moves right through the body and the body comes apart.The body becomes the Spirit Substance because the Density of the body has disappeared so that only Spirit can be where the body was.

The molecules just burst out of this realm and the spirit body flows out into the invisible spirit atmosphere of plasma light energy and then pure light energy.

It is just a matter of feeling the ethereal feeling.

Feel Crystal Magic Orchestra's music moving through the dimensions and coming into the body. Use the music to feel the colors and rhythms of all of the multidimensional variations of the light and sound that was created in the Cosmos and then transposed down into these realms through the harmonic convergence of lower densities that carry light in different forms of light and sound.

All of the forms of light and sound are good, but the light of the third dimension hertzian only allows the one reality of this density to exist.

When we transpose our harmonic bodies into the infrared spectrum we move into a reality that allows us to walk through walls, see the fourth dimensional beings and their space ships, it allows an entire physical structure that is lacking density. You can put your hand in your body or strum your body with your hand. You can walk on the water and float above the water. You can stand within portals that shift you from one location into another.

This new reality exists just one tiny little frequency higher than the hertzian realm. There are many different realms of reality created by each of the spectrums of light. There is the invisible light, xray light, gamma, pregamma, ultra violet and pure pink white pastel heliotalic spectrum of reality that allows pure creation."

There is an entire training video on our website called the "Candle Technique" that will show you how to shift through all of those light spectrums.


There are other training materials that can be used together with the music to help you understand the process of turning into light through the music.








Dr. Angela Barnett

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Dr. Angela Barnett




Ninety five percent of the population of Earth will Turn into Light during an eighteen month period beginning in 2039. However, those who have finished their missions on Earth can turn into light and move to Terra Ha as early as this five year window that we moved into beginning 2017.

(All of these details may be read in the books found at Crystal Magic Orchestra.com. These books by Dr. Angela Barnett are also at Amazon.com, including God's Musical Creation of Eternal Harmony).

Using the chakras to intersect all Universal Life Force Currents into the Seven Seals is the beginning of this transformation into Light.

The Seven Seals in the body where the chakras intersect all of the interdimensional life force currents stream down from the outer side of the Cosmic Sphere, where the Heliotalic Transformational Light Currents of the Cosmic Angels all live. God sent Angels to watch after realm upon realm upon realm of creations. All Angels are created within and live within the Cosmic Realm. However, they become dimensionalized in Consciousness so that they can watch over the realm that they are asigned to. The Cosmic Angelic Consciousness is redesigned to align with the consciousness that appears within each realm as individualized physics properties.

All of these layers upon layers of Angelic Consciousness stream down from the Cosmic Realm of the most Etheric Light Substance. That highest light transmutes and transforms all light that is expressed through the physics of light with more density within it. For instance, the plasma liquid light absorbs the plasma and the plasma absorbs the x ray and the x ray absorbs the invisible light and the invisible light absorbs the infra red light and all of this light is absorbed into the hertzian light frequency, which is what the physical bodies on this planet are made of.

So, simply speaking, when the interdimensional light streams of consciousness of all of the Angels within all of the realms, which hold all of the physics of creation within them translate all of that multdimensional physics of creation down from the Cosmic Sphere into the Universal Sphere into the Galactic and Solar and Planetary Spheres, the Five Spheres of Consciousness merge together as ONE. When all of the Consciousness of all of the Angels from all of the Multi dimensional Realms of reality that are each demonstrated through their own set of physics principles, merge together and intersect through the Seals of the Body, that amount of light and sound consciousness of the Angels is what allows the Seals of the Body to GLOW so Brightly that they glow through and outside of the body. That is when the process of the molecules expanding further and further apart to allow more and more of the Spirit into the Body.

It is important to realize that it is not the bringing of the Spirit in that makes the Body turn into light. It is the removal of all Density from the Body that creates a Space or an Empty Vessel that allows the body to become so Empty that the Spirit can then be allowed to fill the space. We can transform into the new reality whenever we give up or remove ALL that is within the thinking brain. We must become removed from ALL BELIEFS of this Realm before we can allow the new Form of Spirit to fill the body.

It is the Emptiness, or the becoming the Vessel that allows the Light to fill up the Vessel which allows the body to disappear.

Many people focus on tools that bring in more and more light by raising consciousness. This is a very good thing. However, many people do not realize that they have not removed the density that will hold them into this form even when they are filled with light. There will be many on Earth who are very spiritual indeed because they are filling themselves with spiritual ideas and spiritual substance. Those will be the ones who stay on Earth and do wonderful things for the Earth and for those on Earth because that is the Density that their Consciousness is focused on.

In order to Turn into Light, all of the emotions that cause people to believe that they are responsible for taking care of their planet and taking care of the people, and those emotions that would make them feel guilty about leaving anything undone on Earth, are simply not ready to turn into light yet. And that is not a bad thing. That just means that there are many people who have not yet completed their missions on Earth. In order to turn the body into light so that it will appear on Terra Ha, which is the New Earth, the new physics of a new reality where there is so little density that we walk through walls and the flowers sing, the body must become an empty vessel. The Tao Te Ching calls the empty vessel of the Universe the Wu. This empty vessel is constantly being filled with the substance of the Creator because it is empty. If it was not empty, the eternal life force currents could not pass through it.

The molecules of the body become separated. That is what creates less density. The molecules transform from two electrons to three electrons, to zero electrons and that removes the pull and the gravity that holds them together. As they separate more and more this allows more and more of the Angelic Spiritual substance from higher realms to enter in. It is the breath that allows the particles of the body to separate. It is important to understand the breathing process as one that is to LET GO of every thought and idea that is lodged in the brain and in the body. The Spirit naturally flows into the body once it is empty.

The transformation of the body, that will become removed from all density and then turn into light during a five day translation period, begins through the Angel Chakra, which is located deep within the body at the top of the spine, within the medulla oblongata, and within the place where the Seed of Birth was placed within the baby. This is also the place in the body where the Fifth Chakra Intersects with the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Chakras from the InterDimensional Consciousness of the Universal Life Force Currents.

The outside transformation is not seen until after the body turns into light and then appears in Terra Ha. However, this transformation can be felt on the inside of the body as a feeling of lightness and a feeling of less and less reaction to the things of the world.

This Inter Dimensional activation immediately sparks the Sixth and Seventh Seals which connect into the Interdimensional frequencies of the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th dimensional light currents that bring event more heliotalic, plasma, x-ray, gamma, pregamma, etheric substance activation into all of the Seals allowing pure light transformation of the body.

These Angelic Life Force Currents flow into the body into the neurotransmitters that are like tiny little microscopic fingers, and they stream into the Life Currents of each and every molecule within each organ, muscle, bone, blood cell, etc. in the body.

This is Inter Dimensional Music created by layering voices of Angels from every dimensional realm on top of each other so that the entire multidimensionality of all frequencies of the Universe are saturated into the music in order to block out of the listener anything that is not a frequency of God's Eternal Etheric Musical Substance.

The Life Force Currents are breathed into the body by the El Ya Ha Healing Angels from the Cosmos who hold the highest frequencies and understanding of healing and transformation for this time of the Ascension. These El Ya Ha Angels were brought into this Earth Realm in 2016 for this very event of transforming the body into light after we go through multiple stages of healing and transformation. The Elohim Angels take care of the human hybrids at a third dimensional level and the El Ya Ha Angels take care of this new birth of a new race line at a fourteenth dimensional level. The El Ya Ha Angels use their Cosmic X-Ray vision within the body to see things that the microscopes of this world or any world in the Universe can not see yet.


All of the Frequency Currents and Transmissions on the Angel Chakra Album Set were given to me by the El Ya Ha's as they went through these same processes within my body's transformation. I am Mary Magdalene. I am the body that Mary Magdalene's Soul resides within. I get a lot of extra help from the Angels and from God because I, Mary Magdalene, am a Cosmic Creator Being, who came to Earth to Over See and to Activate this Ascension on Earth.

The Frequencies that are recorded are always the Complete God Consciousness, the Complete Life Force Currents because they come from a Cosmic Creator Being. The music that I record is always channeled from the Cosmic Realm of my complete Consciousness. That Consciousness streams through and interconnects with each realm of Angelic Consciousness on its way back down into my ears and then exhales from my breath into the recording equipment.

This is how the InterDimensional Angelic Frequencies are recorded on all of the Crystal Magic Orchestra.com albums.

Chakras intersect into all dimensions of the Universe through the light and sound of the interdimensional angelic frequencies called the Music of the Spheres.

The Chakras intersect at each of the Seven Seals in the Body. The SEALS are the intersections of all dimensions, all spheres within spheres of the music of the spheres of the Cosmos, Universe and Galaxy. The more the etheric infinity of Source Energy is breathed into the Seals and then exhaled out into the infinity of the Cosmos and into the God Realm the brighter the Seals will glow.

The Crystal Magic Orchestra.com music contains the Light Language and Interdimensional Angel Consciousness layered into all of the intersections of each light strand within and between each dimensional realm of consciousness strung together to penetrate all of the intersections of all of the chakras to turn on the Seven Seals light at the Cosmic Level.

The Seals within the body began glowing brighter than ever in February of 2017 when Earth was connected into Harmonic Universe Two through Mary Magdalene's Ascension Portals. The Seals grow brighter and brighter as more and more of the light of the Sun at the plasma level as well as the gamma level, the infra red, the invisible light, the x ray vision and the heliotalic vapor of pre plasma transform all light particles back into the original form of pre stardust creation fluid called liquid light energy. This is the energy that every one on Earth will turn into within the next twenty year time period.

The first step is allowing all of that light energy to saturate the Seals within the body where the Chakras intersect from all dimensions. The Molecules in the body will begin to separate further and further apart as more of this light is brought into the Seals. The molecules become separated so that more and more of the etheric spiritual substance and consciousness may enter in to the body. This makes the molecules happy and they sing with joy as they eventually become replaced with the stardust and then the invisible light.

This causes the body to levitate and then turn into a plasma body and then disappear as a flash of light. This all takes three to five days to take place. When the transformation is complete the body will be standing naked in Terra Ha. And that is when the fun will begin. That is when we can walk through walls, and water and anything that stands in front of us because the chemistry the physics and the biology is completely different there. The body does not deteriorate.

When the body is going through the final transformation is when the Entity must choose which age he or she wants their body to appear as in Terra Ha.

All of these sets are at CD BABY - get to them through our Website



Dr. Angela Barnett




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Dr. Angela Barnett

After the body disappears, the person can then choose to appear in Terra Ha in the perfect naked body of what ever age they choose to begin their new life in.



are albums included in this Set for HIGHER TRANSFORMATION at the microscopic level of transformation. 

The Angel Chakra album complete set.


After the body disappears, the person can then choose to appear in Terra Ha in the perfect naked body of what ever age they choose to begin their new life in.

Chakras intersect into all dimensions of the Universe through the light and sound of th interdimensional angelic frequencies called the Music of the Spheres.

The Chakras intersect at each of the Seven Seals in the Body. The SEALS are the intersections of all dimensions, all spheres within spheres of the music of the spheres of the Cosmos, Universe and Galaxy. The more the etheric infinity of Source Energy is breathed into the Seals and then exhaled out into the infinity of the Cosmos and into the God Realm the brighter the Seals will glow.

The CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA music contains the Light Language and Interdimensional Angel Consciousness layered into all of the intersections of each light strand within and between each dimensional realm of consciousness strung together to penetrate all of the intersections of all of the chakras to turn on the Seven Seals light at the Cosmic Level.

The Seals within the body began glowing brighter than ever in February of 2017 when Earth was connected into Harmonic Universe Two through Mary Magdalene's Ascension Portals. The Seals grow brighter and brighter as more and more of the light of the Sun at the plasma level as well as the gamma level, the infra red, the invisible light, the x ray vision and the heliotalic vapor of pre plasma transform all light particles back into the original form of pre stardust creation fluid called liquid light energy. This is the energy that every one on Earth will turn into within the next twenty year time period.

The first step is allowing all of that light energy to saturate the Seals within the body where the Chakras intersect from all dimensions. The Molecules in the body will begin to separate further and further apart as more of this light is brought into the Seals. The molecules become separated so that more and more of the etheric spiritual substance and consciousness may enter in to the body. This makes the molecules happy and they sing with joy as they eventually become replaced with the stardust and then the invisible light.

This causes the body to levitate and then turn into a plasma body and then disappear as a flash of light. This all takes three to five days to take place. When the transformation is complete the body will be standing naked in Terra Ha. And that is when the fun will begin. That is when we can walk through walls, and water and anything that stands in front of us because the chemistry the physics and the biology is completely different there. The body does not deteriorate.

When the body is going through the final transformation is when the Entity must choose which age he or she wants their body to appear as in Terra Ha.

CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA (CMO) Cosmic Ascension Set, the Turning into Light Set, the Landing Set, as well as the Light Language Set, Angel Chakra Set and all of the DNA Re Programming sets send more and more of the Cosmic Light Frequencies into the body that allow the saturation of the entire Life Force Energy to transform the molecules, the atoms, the skin, the entire body from the inside to the outside.

The outside transformation is not seen until after the body turns into light and then appears in Terra Ha. However, this transformation can be felt on the inside of the body as a feeling of lightness and a feeling of less and less reaction to the things of the world.

After the body disappears, the person can then choose to appear in Terra Ha in the perfect naked body of what ever age they choose to begin their new life in.



Many of the above sets are at CD BABY - get to them through our Website


Dr. Angela Barnett




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Dr. Angela Barnett

After the body disappears, the person can then choose to appear in Terra Ha in the perfect naked body of what ever age they choose to begin their new life in.



are albums included in this Set for HIGHER TRANSFORMATION at the microscopic level of transformation. 

The Angel Chakra album complete set.


After the body disappears, the person can then choose to appear in Terra Ha in the perfect naked body of what ever age they choose to begin their new life in.

Chakras intersect into all dimensions of the Universe through the light and sound of th interdimensional angelic frequencies called the Music of the Spheres.

The Chakras intersect at each of the Seven Seals in the Body. The SEALS are the intersections of all dimensions, all spheres within spheres of the music of the spheres of the Cosmos, Universe and Galaxy. The more the etheric infinity of Source Energy is breathed into the Seals and then exhaled out into the infinity of the Cosmos and into the God Realm the brighter the Seals will glow.

The CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA music contains the Light Language and Interdimensional Angel Consciousness layered into all of the intersections of each light strand within and between each dimensional realm of consciousness strung together to penetrate all of the intersections of all of the chakras to turn on the Seven Seals light at the Cosmic Level.

The Seals within the body began glowing brighter than ever in February of 2017 when Earth was connected into Harmonic Universe Two through Mary Magdalene's Ascension Portals. The Seals grow brighter and brighter as more and more of the light of the Sun at the plasma level as well as the gamma level, the infra red, the invisible light, the x ray vision and the heliotalic vapor of pre plasma transform all light particles back into the original form of pre stardust creation fluid called liquid light energy. This is the energy that every one on Earth will turn into within the next twenty year time period.

The first step is allowing all of that light energy to saturate the Seals within the body where the Chakras intersect from all dimensions. The Molecules in the body will begin to separate further and further apart as more of this light is brought into the Seals. The molecules become separated so that more and more of the etheric spiritual substance and consciousness may enter in to the body. This makes the molecules happy and they sing with joy as they eventually become replaced with the stardust and then the invisible light.

This causes the body to levitate and then turn into a plasma body and then disappear as a flash of light. This all takes three to five days to take place. When the transformation is complete the body will be standing naked in Terra Ha. And that is when the fun will begin. That is when we can walk through walls, and water and anything that stands in front of us because the chemistry the physics and the biology is completely different there. The body does not deteriorate.

When the body is going through the final transformation is when the Entity must choose which age he or she wants their body to appear as in Terra Ha.

CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA (CMO) Cosmic Ascension Set, the Turning into Light Set, the Landing Set, as well as the Light Language Set, Angel Chakra Set and all of the DNA Re Programming sets send more and more of the Cosmic Light Frequencies into the body that allow the saturation of the entire Life Force Energy to transform the molecules, the atoms, the skin, the entire body from the inside to the outside.

The outside transformation is not seen until after the body turns into light and then appears in Terra Ha. However, this transformation can be felt on the inside of the body as a feeling of lightness and a feeling of less and less reaction to the things of the world.

After the body disappears, the person can then choose to appear in Terra Ha in the perfect naked body of what ever age they choose to begin their new life in.



Many of the above sets are at CD BABY - get to them through our Website


Dr. Angela Barnett




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Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz is an extremely powerful healing music

Joe Barnett, MA
Cosmic Jazz Healing Music Musician

Listening to Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz puts the listener "In Tune" with the Universe as the listener is listening.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz Heals the listener. The more the listener listens the more she / he is healed.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz helps put the listener in a vibration where where the listener can then manifest the life that she / he would like. The more the listener listens the more Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz helps.

Joe Barnett of Crystal Magic Orchestra has been playing Jazz for 49 years

COSMIC JAZZ is Mind-Blowing Out of this World Jazz

JOY - Our Jazz Rock song here for FREE

What does Tchaikovsky, Don Ellis Jazz and Crystal Magic Orchestra have in common?
They have the song JOY by Crystal Magic Orchestra

Crystal Magic Orchestra's COSMIC JAZZ is a new type of Jazz that heals and Makes one a Better Life and that mostly comes through the Cosmic Pre-Light, Cosmic Pre-Sound and Cosmic Pink White Light frequencies we put in our Cosmic Jazz.

Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz is an extremely powerful healing music

Many people have been healed by it

A person has been literally raised from the dead by Crystal Magic Orchestra's music

Jazz is a language that expresses newness and spins out from musical newness.

I reach my consciousness out into infinity and breathe new jazz musical phrases. I keep my mind out in the infinite and more jazz musical ideas spin off of the ones I just had and it goes on and on like this as long as I keep this consciousness in this place and keep it going as I play Cosmic Jazz.

The Cosmic part of our Jazz takes it much further.

With our minds out in the infinite we breathe Cosmic pre-light and pre-sound and exhale Cosmic pink white light - the highest frequencies of light and we breathe this Cosmic pink white light into our Neumann Digital Mic at 24 bit, 96,000 Hz and into our musical interpretation and expression.

This Cosmic pink white light comes from the 15th dimension - just next to the infinite unknown. It carries the consciousness of that 15th dimension and it also opens up access to the consciousness of the 14th, the 13th, the 12th and all the way to here.

As people listen to our Cosmic Jazz they also, through our Cosmic Jazz, are able to open up their consciousness to all of this high consciousness from the 15th dimension and all the way to here.

Our Cosmic Jazz goes way beyond intellectual and emotional - our Cosmic Jazz is a cosmic experience that has not been experienced before.

Our Cosmic Jazz is a cosmic experience that the listener experiences.

Joe Barnett, MA
Cosmic Jazz Healing Music Musician

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Everyone on Earth will Turn Into Light

Everyone on Earth will Turn Into Light

Dr. Angela Barnett


Everyone will turn into light - including yourself - sometime between 2017 and 2039.

Everyone on Earth will be turning into light and then going to the 4th Dimension which is a different place than the 3rd Dimension.

EVERYONE on Earth - Each individual on Earth will be moved into an entirely different reality that is completely separate from the 3rd dimension. This process will last for eighteen months in 2039-2040.

Their bodies will turn into a ghost and then disappear within 45 seconds. They will be carried into a less dense reality where their body has the freedom to move through any obstacle and to travel freely through the galaxy to choose the planet they want to live on.

The sooner you read this book,
Turning Into LIGHT The Timeline of Manifesting Infinite Possibilities 2017-2039
the sooner you will turn into light.


This book has the information about this and HOW to effectively prepare for this TURNING INTO LIGHT.

Those who don't read it will probably still be here in 2040 and then will turn into light and go to the 4th then - Everyone is going to the 4th.

Dr. Angela Barnett


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