Bluesword Angel's Posts (2)

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Operation Storm

Worldwide Activation of Operation Storm
Under Global Military Alliance Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump
The Plan Has Always Been About Saving the Children

Black Swan Events Have Begun.
Big things to happen over the next 24-48 hours. WW3 rhetoric is on increase. Balfour Agreement expired at 6pm Israeli time Mon. 15 April (6 O’clock is a dangerous time – Q). Worldwide Martial Law Lockdown Imminent.
WARNING: Highways across the US will be shutting down Fri. 18 April 2024. …Q
Blackout Necessary

“During the Blackout, 34 Satanic Sites will be destroyed, such as Washington DC, the Vatican and Buckingham Palace.”
…17th Letter on Telegram Mon. 15 April 2024


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The Galactic Federation of Worlds is here to help Humanity of Earth.

l find Elena Danaan the best that comes forward from her heart to help the people of earth,Her mission is simple,to inform the masses to 'Wake Up'


This is a very important message, raw and real, directly from my heart. I need to speak this truth and stop sitting on my hands, frightened to offend anyone. I don't care anymore, because those I love are putting their lives at risk for all of you and things need to be said. Would you believe blindly someone who says she's Joanne of Arc or get their info via strangers through dodgy social media sites such as "Discord"? (only the name, right...) Well... Follow your heart and common sense; it knows best.
I have no personal interest in doing this. It is only for you. What you believe for yourselves I don't care, but what I do care for, is that from the awakening of the Humans of Terra, depends the fate of this galaxy. That is why I came for, to guide you through this.

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