The Higher Self* another key :-)

Just watched Drunvalo Melchizedek  and I am writing this to   <get it>   myself  and hopefully  share some about the Merkabah.  Mine is activated via kryonschool in the most incredible way that I could wish for.    At glossary  of kryonschool, Rosenheim  are mudras.   This one may be of interest*


Mudra for the Activation of the Merkabah



Also I want to share that  I went to a Didgeridoo Healing & talk  with Jeremy Donovan.

My interpretation of what he said ~

b r e a t h e/ s p i r a r e      is  the key to all spirituality. He has taken peyote & ayahuasca in sacred ceremony and    b r e a t h e  is still the key.  Amazzzing album ~  Walk with Spirit ~ Never Alone*   Can google his soul sessions.  Interestingly  he said does not like the vego  attitude.   It is one with life to eat  the turtle & goanna.  < It makes him feel good & healthy & strong*>  There is no pollution & that is the way of nature after all. Perhaps the key is to HONOR  the animal & have gratitude. 


Drunvalo also talks of breath & invoking higher self   & asking  for a specific test to prove the connection.  Some people were not getting it that  higher self connection  is essential with use of Merkabah*    I find this  verrry interesting ~  finding myself  good at childlikeness mmm

not always appropriate  hmmm

HUNA KNOWLEDGE  ~ 3 levels ~  Higher, everyday/now    & l o w e r/ subconscious mind with childlike innocence*  Must connect with this  inner child  i n n o sense  to have true link with  Higher Self.   Jesus  did say something like?   ~ come to me as little children ~ 

the meek shall inherit the Earth*


Connect with the child-like mind*  the more serious the less likely to connect with lower self...

find  the innocent place without    e go.   In everyone of us  this has been suppressed.

We must allow that part to come out.  In nature attention level   precisely  here &    n o w*

with what is being presented.This a t t e n t i o n  we need to cultivate. Druids connected with powerful tree spirits.  Connection with nature reality  & childlike innocence  is    the  doorway*     Do what one reallllllly wants to do & get morrre  at one  with nature

& morrre ecstatic & filllllled with pure  JOY*


Find that subconscious mind is directly linked to subconscious of  whole being of the planet  &  Lady Gaia* what I got from Drunvalo's  message.....then the synchronicity he mentions blows me away as I had just written in a previous email...that my daughter is named Kala ~ freedom ~ a principle of HUNA.


The beautiful Angels he saw  said...  we are you on another level ~ at another time  0;-)*







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  • Thank you for Sharing this! :) Love & Light!
  • Lea',

    I love what you bring to the table and i want further this and most important ly I will always reserve time to listen to what you have to say....

    'because my soul comes from other times

    you can see it in my face

    All of us are Human-kind

    but not all human race'


  • The Faery Faith
    Every good faery story starts with; 'once upon a time'
    Once upon a time, there was a civilization that lived in harmony with all living things on this planet… weapons or locks were ever made because all believed in the abundance of that great living entity upon who's skin we walk.
    There were other races of advanced beings that shared this world with us.. and many more that came to visit. Every one took what they needed and there was plenty for all. This was all done under the stewardship a great race known throughout the universe as the Angels.
    Each new born boy and girl born on this planet was taught a basic group of tenets that help guide them in their learning process until the day they were accepted into the Great Galactic Tribe and earned the honored title of Hu-man.
    Those children learned that what their minds created and their hearts felt was communicated to the divine matrix as magnetic instructions on just how this reality was to be manifested. They also learned of their galactic heritage and so recognized they were not from this place but chose to serve here.
    Each boy and girl learned carefully the Tenets that were gifted to Humanity by the servants of the Great Mother Earth. Those servants were named as to their function; Gaea-elohim….. the 'Children of the Gael' Commonly known to us as Fae-ry. They each chose a boy or girl to personally teach the 'Tenets of Faery'.
    They knew that the creation of their world depended on how well they taught their students.
    By learning the Tenets and proving themselves in the service of Gaea at their acceptance ceremony every boy and girl were given a new name to signify their new honored position as co-creator.
    There was always much celebration and a joyous tiding for it was a title not easily earned. The other races often bowed to show their humble appreciation for ones who had chose to incarnate into such a responsible and powerful position as to be called Co-creator.

    So their title was named also according to their function. Heart-singers of the Divine sound Hu The common way to say this is Human.
    The Humans and the Faery’s lived in harmony so long as the Tenets were taught and followed......
    I present to you now;
    The Tenets of Faery
    1. You are God; Not only is spirit in all of us, but we are each and important part of God.....and we are all a part of the divinely directed sentient who rules over our planet. Her name is; Gaea.
    2. Diversity is Strength; In diversity is our strength....conformity and uniformity diminish our adaptability or ability to evolve mentally, physically, and spiritually
    3. Do Union; Discipline applied as 'self improvement'…. Connecting mind, body, and spirit is an improvement yourself and of the whole (Gaea).
    4. No Sacrifice; Sacrifice is not an option! To diminish any part is to diminish the whole (Gaea).
    5. Direct your Destiny; You choose your birth. Your soul is an immortal energy structure. Your body is the ‘standing wave pattern’ of the vibrations you call your soul. An incarnation is a soul’s form of education on the path to divinity. All sentinel events in your life are chosen by your soul and are ultimately your responsibility.
    6. Connect to Faery; Once you take responsibility for your part of god and apply the discipline of ‘Union’, you have the orientation and ability to communicate thru the multidimensional energy links that connect us all. Then you are a part of the Gaea ‘body’ and can participate in ‘shaping’ this reality.
    7.7 Generations; All decisions are made in regards to sustainability the whole (Gaea).....(how would any decision effect the 7th generation)

    Take the Faery gift and personalize it.
    Post it where it will be ever present to remind you of the power and responsibility you have assumed in this incarnation.
    For then you can be truly be called Co-Creator or Hu-man.
    love as light,
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