
The following is an introduction to the experience of synchronicity and that it is a perfectly normal part of awakening. The fact is, the mystical and miraculous side of life has been marginalized in our postmodernist nihilistic world. The average person is incapable of considering ultimate meanings, values, and life purpose—beyond the socially acceptable outlets of the modern world. But behind the veneer of consumerism, entertainment, and self-aggrandizing egotism that is so commonplace in societies today, lies an ocean of mystery, wonder, and amazement. In this sense, works of fiction and fantasy allow us to explore aspects of life and beingness that have become socially taboo—most people don't take spirituality and subtle energy seriously, but they will go see a movie about people with mystical powers. This suggests that all people are interested in transcending the limits of who they are now, so they can become something more. 

Awakening isn't so much a random occurrence as it is an evolutionary leap. 

Awakening is inevitable when the heart of curiosity still beats within the body of the citizen, employee, or government agent. And when one begins to awaken from their life's slumber, a tidal wave of insights, realizations, and connections become apparent—this is the quintessential experience of synchronicity.

Synchronicity is the term often used for those times when we see repeating patterns and/or feel that events in life have a profound meaning—one that materialists are quick to "explain away." For example, if you spontaneously remember a friend from many years ago and moments later they call on the phone or send you a message, this is often regarded as a synchronistic event. But synchronicity is more powerful than just this.

Those who have fallen into the abyss of nihilism will—out of profound fear—seek to downplay and marginalize the meaning of synchronicity, often labeling it "random coincidence." Nihilism is the belief that life is random and meaningless, there is no purpose to experience other than what we make of it. I characterize this as a grand all-encompassing cosmic crisis—a psychological sickness that prevents someone from making contact with the spiritual realities of existence, the very same realities that allow one to see how all things are ultimately connected and meaningful. Nihilism is a toxic belief that causes untold suffering for the believer and society at large. 

Those who ascribe to this philosophy tend to unconsciously fear the unknown because it reminds them of this cosmic crisis. What we can't understand we tend to avoid because it makes us feel disempowered. As a result, some reject synchronicity likely because to such people profound meanings and insights are dangerous—they unsettle their beliefs about the world. Such people tend to feel generally afraid of many things and are also unwilling to entertain new ideas, which makes navigating through life hard and tragically unsettling.

But to one on the awakening path, profound meaning and insight is everything. Why do things happen the way day do? What does it all mean? The answers to these questions beget more questions. 

Even though asking these questions is often unsettling, and it should be, the awakening one embraces the adventure, despite themselves. Eventually, one's desire for truth eclipses their fear of the unknown and this is when personal transformation and empowerment can begin. For there are some things within that must die so that we can be reborn anew.

Synchronicity is cosmic initiation because the truth is bigger than anything you can possibly imagine. Initiation is a rite of passage into a group or community. Thus, cosmic initiation is the community of beings who have embraced the truth and seek for it in all ways, including the technique of understanding synchronicity. And our pursuit of truth is an endless adventure of personal growth and transformation—one which will feel new, exciting, and sometimes, terrifying. The truth can scare us because it tends to make light of our mistakes, misunderstandings, and lack of mastery. And we can be tempted to reject such things to stay like we are—but this is a fool's errand.

What makes us feel "insane" while waking up is when what we believed to be true is comes under threat, and we aren't ready to let go of it yet. And that's OK. Awakening isn't a race; it's more like a fine meal that needs to be savored and appreciated, each bite of truth and experience needs to be properly digested.

For those new to their awakening, don't worry, your experiences are not weird, uncommon or strange. 

Each one of us goes through a personal awakening—whether we embrace it or not. The challenge is to keep following the truth wherever it leads and have faith that the character your building in the process will be stronger and better as a result.

In truth, we can't avoid the changes that life brings, but we can learn to embrace it. In doing so, not only do we provide ourselves wisdom to lead better lives but we also positively impact the world around us.

So don't turn away from awakening, for it is a universal right and destiny that all creatures eventually need to face. The price of rejecting awakening means suffering for oneself, and chaos for others. In this sense, the meaning of life is to live it fully, completely, and with the innocence of a child.

- Justin

Source - Wakeup World

by Rachel Horton White, April 21st, 2017

I woke up one morning, turned on the radio and it hit me. “Oh my God. It’s not real,” I thought. In a flash, all of the scary stories, never-ending wars and the political hype fomented in the mainstream news appeared to me as one big web of deceptions. I tried without success to convince myself I was wrong.

Was I living in a delusional head space that I would eventually snap out of? Or was I waking up to what reality has actually been all along?

Last year, I decided I was fed up with my unfulfilling career and with re-living the same pattern in all of my jobs. I hired my own life coach and started meditating again. While reclaiming my spirituality, I started asking higher sources of wisdom to help me along the way. And that’s when things began to really happen…

Road signs would jump into my line of sight with messages that seemed to be speaking right to me. Songs on the radio seemed to be directed just to me. I tried to rationalize it all. Maybe I was reading too much into these things. But it kept happening and the messages were right in line with what was going on in my life.

As the weeks passed, this started getting stronger. I started seeing number sequences everywhere. First 11:11, then 2:22, then 3:33, then 4:44. Then a mix of numbers, usually on clocks, street addresses or gas stations, in some kind of orderly fashion.

I was fascinated with the repeating numbers. Through numerology, I learned that number patterns can be messages from the Divine, or ‘angel numbers’ (thanks to Doreen Virtue). Right now these numbers are being seen by people everywhere, especially 11:11. I have learned that this is the universe trying to get our attention. It is a collective wake-up call to access our true, spiritual nature as human beings — a summoning for us to start acknowledging the loving and unified selves that we really are.

You have probably heard of the “Golden Age”, or the “Age of Aquarius”, referring to the new spiritual era we are in. Many say it started in 2012, and that there would be an event to end the world. But December 21, 2012 was just the date of a new era in the Mayan calendar, the beginning of a shift in consciousness for humanity. This shift on the whole has happened gradually. In 2016, however, the awakening accelerated significantly. People are now noticing that we need to change our lifestyles. We need to find real meaning in our lives. Many of us can no longer tolerate conditions (in our jobs, relationships, etc.) that do not nurture our inner selves. So many of us crave to work with the earth, to help others, to connect with other humans, to nurture children or animals, and to live more simply.

In my own life, I decided to start a new career. I didn’t know at first what that would be. I’d always loved Tarot cards and learning about developing my own intuition. So I started doing more of that, and it eventually evolved into a business. Once I started following what my soul really longed for, mysterious coincidences (also known as synchronicities) grew more frequent. I would be looking for something I had misplaced and it would just show up right in front of me, as if someone had secretly left it for me there. I would be thinking about calling someone and my phone would ring at that instant with that person on the line.

I knew part of this was about intuition, or the sixth sense we all have. Maybe I wasn’t crazy. Maybe I had just been oblivious to the magnitude of human Divine energetic potential. I had been subconsciously keeping my higher self (the part of us connected to universal love) dormant for years. I had been blocking so much from unfolding in my own life with my negative emotions of worry (mostly about money) and doubt (mostly of my own abilities.)

It finally all started making sense. I had always been intrigued by what spiritual books had always taught me. But I never really understood what they were talking about until now. Concepts like “we are all connected” started to click. Now I really got it: we are literally all connected by energy. And our thoughts and emotions affect our daily reality. Your negative emotional state emits some kind of frequency in the universe that can affect my energetic body. And my positive emotion can lift you up in kind. This is also known as a “resonance,” explained better by Gregg Braden (author of ‘The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief’.) And positive emotions, such as the bliss produced in meditation, have even been shown to reduce crime rates.

Like a water droplet jiggling an entire spider web, I started to understand how I could actually transform my life by focusing on what I believed was best for myself (and my soul) through my thoughts and emotional state. So I started trying it out on something bigger. In 2015, my husband and I were having another baby and our tiny house wasn’t going to fit four people. I made a point of visualizing what I wanted, wrote that vision down everywhere and talked about it openly and often. And I prayed. Then I started taking action, connecting with people and talking about my life goals. I focused on a home with more space, in nature, with privacy, near our workplaces, and in a loving community.

Soon after, my parents started talking about downsizing. They asked us if we wanted to buy half their house from them to convert the rest into an in-law space. I was so opposed to the idea of living in my parents’ house that I said no. Months later, after a comment from my uncle at Thanksgiving, I realized that this house was the answer I had been seeking. I had been blind to the opportunity right in front of me, out of my own fears. Fast-forward a year later, and we are now living in a multi-generational home along with everything else I had requested.

Here’s what I now understand. That even though we’ve been asleep for so long — thanks in large part to junk entertainment, bad food, soul-crushing workplaces and think-inside-the-box educational institutions — many of us now acknowledge some kind of magic in our existence.

We have been led to believe that we lack the ability to control and co-create our lives. Under the iron fist of traditional religious institutions, we were encouraged not directly to access Divine guidance ourselves. We were told that religious authorities (like priests) were the only ones connected to God. So we didn’t understand that we could simply ask higher forces to assist us in our everyday lives. And with the editing and omission of mystical truth from religious texts (like the Bible), we were unaware of the metaphysical powers within each human being. We didn’t know that we could actually create a reality for ourselves by using just our own thoughts and emotions.

Related reading: Waking Up From Religion

But as in a deep slumber, many of us have now awakened. We are meditating more and tapping into our inner selves, expanding our intuition to receive higher guidance. We are taking action by speaking up for justice, equality and truth, by demanding access to clean water and defending our natural environment. And more of us are creating lifestyles fueled by spirituality, sharing our crafts in the arts or in music, farming our land or building something beautiful and useful for others.

To truly elicit change we crave, we must stop giving our power away to our leaders. They don’t create our country — we do. We can be proactive instead of reactive. And we can ask for guidance from whatever universal power we believe can assist us. We can actually transform our lives with this magic, through dedicated inner work, separating from the illusions about our reality and working to co-create our own destinies. Knowing that we can take back control of our lives by allowing our higher selves to show us the way is the ultimate liberation. For me, it has been the only answer.

This is a sign of a shift in consciousness, a universal recognition that we are connected to a loving, Divine source. And we have the ability to heal ourselves and our planet. Each and every small decision that we make matters – from what kind of shampoo we use to what kind of water we drink. But we must start using our power and we must start acknowledging our true spiritual selves. Along the way, we can ask ourselves: “How can I best be of service? How can I best assist others?” This beautiful Hawaiian prayer, Ho’oponopono, can help us to set the tone for love and carry us forward. An ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and healing, it essentially means: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

This message of love will be what transforms us and our world.

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  • Also great post

  • Barry is fine, i talk to him time to time, valana i can get a hold of if you want me to. Nancy also

  • ~Syncromysteries abound! He who feels it, knows it!!! A good article, Andromedan, & an endlessly fascinating corridor of the Rabbit H@le. For anyone using the tools of Spirtual Navigation to help decode the illusions of duality, Synchronicity can serve as a powerful means to enhance our path toward Self-Real’eyes’ation/Awakening. I’ll throw in a piece from a worthwhile essay by Paul Levy into the multidimensional mix- for anyone interested in diving deeper into this arena, I consider his book, Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil essential reading. & sorry if it offends your delicate sensibilities, Andromedan ;-) … but I’ll end my share with some words of wisdom from a lecture by the Contemporary Shaman, Terence McKenna. ~InLight555   


    Catching the Bug of Synchronicity

    by Paul Levy

    Synchronicities are those moments of "meaningful coincidence" when the boundary dissolves between the inner and the outer. At the synchronistic moment, just like a dream, our internal, subjective state appears, as if materialized in, as and through the outside world. Touching the heart of our being, synchronicities are moments in time in which there is a fissure in the fabric of what we have taken for reality and there is a bleed through from a higher dimension outside of time. Synchronicities are expressions of the dreamlike nature of reality, as they are moments in time when the timeless, dreamlike nature of the universe shines forth its radiance and openly reveals itself to us, offering us an open doorway to lucidity.

    Synchronicity was one of Jung's most profound yet least understood discoveries, in part because it cannot be appreciated until we personally step into and experience the synchronistic realm for ourselves. Jung's discovery of synchronicity was in a sense the parallel in the realm of psychology to Einstein's discovery of the law of relativity in physics. Because it is so radically discontinuous with our conventional notions of the nature of reality, the experience of synchronicity is so literally mind-blowing that Jung contemplated this phenomenon for over twenty years before he published his thinking about it. Jung's synchronistic universe was a new world view which embraced linear causality while simultaneously transcending it. A synchronistic universe balances and complements the mechanistic world of linear causality with a realm that is outside of space, time and causality. In a synchronicity, two heterogeneous world-systems, the causal and acausal, interlock and interpenetrate each other for a moment in time, which is both an expression of while creating in the field an aspect of our wholeness to manifest. The synchronistic universe is beginning-less in that we are participating in its creation right now, which is why Jung calls it "an act of creation in time.”…

    To quote Jung, "Synchronicity is no more baffling or mysterious than the discontinuities of physics. It is only the ingrained belief in the sovereign power of causality that creates intellectual difficulties and makes it appear unthinkable that causeless events exist or could ever exist. But if they do, then we must regard them as creative acts, as the continuous creation of a pattern that exists from all eternity, repeats itself sporadically, and is not derivable from any known antecedents." This quote by Jung has an interesting footnote which adds the following, "Continuous creation is to be thought of not only as a series of successive acts of creation, but also as the eternal presence of the one creative act."

    Synchronicities are cystallizations in linear time of a nonlinear, acausal, atemporal process, windows into the realm outside of time and space, a world in which we ourselves are active participants in and of "the one creative act." Synchronicities are both timeless and temporal, which is to say they are possessed of a double nature with regard to time. Synchronicities can be deeply religious and mystical experiences, expanding our sense of who we imagine we are and transforming our intimate relationship with ourselves.

    Synchronicities are expressions of the dreamlike nature of reality… our night dreams can manifest in our waking life, but also in the sense that, just like with our dreams at night, our inner process is given shape through the seemingly outer world. In a night dream, the seemingly outer dreamscape is synchronistically reflecting the internal psyche of the dreamer, as the dream is not separate from the inner world but is nothing other than the psyche within apparently externalized. There is an instantaneous correspondence between the inner and outer worlds not because they are two separate dimensions that are communicating faster than the speed of light, but because they are inseparably united as one seamless, already unified, whole continuum…

    Synchronicities are both the vehicle through which and an expression of the fact that we are waking up to the dreamlike nature of the universe. Being genuine wake up calls from the awakened part of ourselves, synchronicities are emanations of the part of ourselves that is waking up projected into time.

    What I call the "deeper, dreaming Self," is the part of us that is the dreamer of both our night and waking dreams. Being "nonlocal," which is to say not bound by the conventional laws of space and time, as well as being multi-dimensional, the deeper, dreaming Self can simultaneously express itself through inner experiences such as inspirations and dreams as well as by attracting events in the seemingly outer world so as to coagulate itself in embodied form…

    Synchronicities by their very nature demand our active participation, as they are not something we can just passively watch and remain unaffected by. Imbued with a deeper fragrance of meaning, a synchronistic event is a revelation which contains within it a potency to insinuate itself into our very being and alter us from within. Synchronicities can transform us on a cellular level, as they are crystallizations into and out of the space of consciousness itself that have form-ulated themselves into our dimension as an expression of the part of us that is already awakened. Synchronicities' inherent revelatory nature is ultimately offering us the realization that we are playing an active, participatory and hence, co-creative role in the unfoldment of the universe…

    Synchronistic moments feel like grace, as they induce in us the feeling that we are right where we are supposed to be. Being numinous, synchronicities have a strong feeling component and emotional charge, which is both an expression of while simultaneously flowing into, influencing and altering the surrounding field of consciousness. A manifestation of the field as a whole, synchronicities are a field phenomenon, and to receive their full blessing we need to relate to them as such.

    Synchronicities are a reflection of the deeper, underlying nonlocal field of consciousness waking up to itself through us. The gift of synchronicity cannot be realized from the point of view which imagines we exist as a separate person who is "other" than the field in which we are arising…

    AsAbove... SoBelow

    AsWithin... SoWithout

    *read entire essay @ http://realitysandwich.com/9563/catching_bug_synchronicity/

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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