First Contact Is Not Happening Soon, and That’s a Good Thing

The last couple weeks have seen a lot of stories in the “new age” circles on the internet about imminent “first contact” occurring as soon as August 4th during the 2012 Olympics. Predictably, once the original story was seeded, several “channeled messengers” started appearing supporting that idea.  Alongside this are the “fear porn” aficionados who are predicting a “false flag” attack or even faked alien invasion scenario to happen around the Olympics.

One of the stories making the rounds is that the Queen is negotiating a pardon for her crimes against humanity, and that the “galactics” have given a “hard deadline” of August 4th after which, they will take matters into their own hands.  No mention, however, is made of the numerous “hard deadlines” that have come and gone in the past.

I would be amused if this wasn’t so harmful to so many people’s psyches.  For long-time readers of this blog, I have a question for you.  What happens when a large group of people get their hopes up, only to be let down because the promised event did not occur? The answer:  A major low-frequency energetic release!  When a person invests the energy of anticipation and hope, only to be let down, they end up feeling disappointed, fooled, betrayed and usually somewhat embittered afterwards.  All of these emotions are great food for the ankle-biters.

Of course, the energy of being afraid of a false-flag attack is also great ankle-biter food, especially if it is combined with hatred towards “the elites” who plan such things.Much better is to simply know that these small-minded, psychopathic “elites” will do anything to hold onto their worldly power, pity them, forgive them and work towards co-creating something positive with other like-minded people.

You Spin Me Right Round, Baby…

There is so much “spin” (distortions & disinformation) around the idea of “ET Contact” that it could consume a person’s entire life to begin to unravel it.  This is by design, of course, so rather than attempt to untie the “Gordian Knot” of spin and disinfo, I will do my best to cut through some of the major aspects of the sub-conscious conditioning that surrounds the “ET” meme.

Let’s start with hostile ET invasion scenarios.  The first reason for these scenarios is to frighten people so that they will wish to remain isolated so as to avoid the nastiness of invasion and attack.  Many people think that these fear-based scenarios are also designed to make people think that ALL ETs are hostile.  However, there is a hidden level to these scenarios, which usually goes unnoticed:  The major sense of relief that billions of people will feel when an apparently friendly ET race makes themselves known to us.

Just imagine it for a moment:  ETs show up and they look like us, are highly physically attractive, talk in friendly tones, and offer us energy technology and assistance cleaning up pollution.  Most of the people who were conditioned in FEAR will now feel RELIEF and deep acceptance of the new arrivals.   To put it another way, fear-based ET movies & TV will actually serve to make any seemingly benevolent ETs look like a gift from God in comparison to the images that have been placed into people’s minds from those forms of “entertainment.”

However, what is not mentioned in any “official disclosure” scenario is that the “secret government” will be putting their ET allies on display, the beings that have been secretly feeding them technology and manipulating them for many decades.  These are highly Service to Self oriented ET beings, and not the kind of positive ETs that humanity really wants to meet. In order to pacify us as quickly as possible, they will bring out the human looking “Nordic” type ETs that are extremely physically attractive in order to appeal to the pre-conditioned human affinity with beauty, and they will say all the right things to instill a sense of trust in people’s minds.  In short, “disclosure” from the government will probably be bringing us very attractive, controlling, manipulative ETs with an agenda to keep controlling the human race even after a global consciousness shift.

Next, the channeled messages that “our ET brother/sisters would land tomorrow if only our warlike government officials would stand down” has been seen in subtly altered forms every year for at least the last 15 years on the internet, often with a request that people “vote” for ET contact with their consciousness.  One of the key areas of manipulation in these messages is the familiar theme that ETs will bring advanced technology and help us end all of the pollution and energy problems on our planet. This fosters an incredibly strong desire in compassionate people for these ETs to hurry up and make their presence known!  This is one reason that human-designed advanced technology is so strongly suppressed (along with the monetary reasons).  If we actually cultivated the brilliant human-engineered technologies that have emerged over the last 100 years, we would have NO NEED for “ET saviors” to get us out of any mess.

We also have the spin that the ETs being channeled are our “helpful big-brothers & sisters” who want so very much to reign in our corrupt leadership and make peaceful contact.  This is the meme that has been accepted in the new age channeling circuit, and anyone who questions this meme is looked down upon as “close-minded” or “choosing to live in fear.”  I prefer to look at the biggest picture possible, and that includes being aware that parasitic ETs already have a high level of control over the planet, and have had this control for eons of time.

Most people won’t or can’t acknowledge that the “alien invasion” happened so long ago as to be almost totally forgotten, and that the invader is now residing in our own minds, wrapped around the Human Ego, pushing buttons in order to elicit a low-frequency energy “hit” at will.

Why would these parasitic beings that have hidden themselves from us for so long risk exposure?  Simply because a major consciousness shift is underway, and in order to “manage” the situation in their continuing favor, they will need humanity to surrender its collective free will to a “superior” ruling class of ETs.

So in the “big brother/sister” who reigns in a corrupt global elite scenario, the ETs won’t be seen as allies to the secret invaders who benefit from the manipulation of human consciousness, but rather as long-lost brethren, our familial saviors who unseat the human global elite and free humanity from global tyranny.   I recommend being very cautious towards any beings who claim they are “negotiating” with the current ruling class on this planet.It is much more likely that they have been in close contact with these supposed elites for a very, very long time.

Where Are The GOOD Guys & Gals?

This brings us to what role the truly benevolent, Service to Others beings will play.  In general, they prefer to take a cautious, somewhat removed role in our current situation.  This doesn’t mean they aren’t helping, but that they have to be careful to avoid aiding the Service to Self being’s plans for humanity, while subtly countering those plans. Free will is extremely important to highly evolved, positive beings.  The positive ETs are VERY aware that human free will is being constantly manipulated so that we give unconscious permission to be enslaved,and they are not willing to put themselves in a role where humans will want to abdicate their sovereignty to them.

Because of the pre-programmed human tendency to give away individual and collective power to charismatic leaders, the Positive ETs are very reluctant to swoop in and “rescue” us from our current situation.  This would only serve to further disempower humanity, because it is difficult to convince someone who wants to worship you and give you their power that they need to own it for themselves.  The last thing a highly evolved, positive being wants is to be worshiped.  At most, they would only want to be benevolent mentors that help us empower ourselves, while always respecting our free will.

So the positive ETs hatched some very clever plans.  Plans within plans, of which I am only aware of a tiny fraction.  Part of the plan was to send in brave (or foolish) beings to incarnate as humans, in order to effect change from within the human group consciousness.This part of the plan has been fairly successful, despite the dark side’s nearly constant attacks against such beings.  Another aspect of the plans are for these “sleeper agents” to help reveal the secret machinations of the ruling elite and their ET/ED overlords.  This is also proceeding nicely, although we could certainly be better informed about the parasitic extra-dimensional ankle-biters.

One of the key tenets of the Positive ET/ED plan is that humans need to embrace their own sovereign power, and not give it away to any other being.However, humanity has a long way to go in this area, which is why positive ETs will most likely NOT be the first ETs to reveal themselves.  It would be smarter for them to wait for the parasitic ETs posing as benevolent beings to make themselves known first.  This will allow for humanity to learn key lessons in discernment and owning our own power, so that the positive ETs can make themselves known to us in a capacity more akin to wise advisors, rather than saviors.

What About The Olympics?

My not-so-bold prediction is that the London Olympics will come and go without any type of ET contact.I also submit that the only “false-flag attack” at the Olympics has already happened.  It was a subtle attack on the consciousness of those who were willing to decipher all of the “illuminati” symbols, numbers, etc. in order to trick those intrepid researchers into spreading fear and dread around the games.  Please always remember that our minds and emotions are the battle ground for this war, and that the opponent wins whenever we are in fear, anger, judgment or any other low-frequency emotional state.

This is not meant to denigrate the dedicated researchers who worked hard to analyze the hidden messages embedded into the Olympic games.  It may very well be that their research and exposure of a potential attack at the games stopped it from happening.However, my instincts tell me that there was some sleight-of-hand going on with the Olympics being so deeply drenched in “illuminati” symbology and numerology.  It was so blatant that it feels like it was done to distract and consume energy, which it certainly did.   It also feels like it was done so blatantly in order to convince “conspiracy buffs” that something big and bad was going to happen, so that they will be embarrassed and discredited when nothing happens.

What IS Going to Happen with Disclosure?

When the day comes that the ETs who control the global elite decide to make their appearance, you can be assured that they will present themselves as highly spiritually evolved, loving beings.They will probably dazzle us with technology and most likely subtly suggest that we should let them lead us into a “golden age.”  If this potential occurs, that period of time will be a tremendous test for all of humanity, and the main lessons to be learned will be discernment and owning our own power.

Will we be able to see past attractive looks, high technology and sweet sounding words in order to discern the true intent behind Service to Self ETs?Afterwards, when truly positive, Service to Others ET/EDs make contact with us, will we be able to discern that they have our best interests in mind, much more so than those who made contact first in order to gain a competitive edge?

Positive Higher Dimensional Beings ARE Helping Us

Now that I have established the core aspects of my perspective on this very convoluted topic, I want to touch on a couple other points.  The first one is that the liberation effort underway to free Earth from eons of dark side control has gone through many upheavals. Plans have had to be reworked over and over again, because the dark will fight as long as they possibly can, using the hostage human race as their major leverage point.

Nonetheless, we have scored some impressive victories these last few years.  I am personally still optimistic that the ankle-biters, the negative ETs who are aligned with them, and all of their consciousness suppressing technology will be fully removed so that the true light of higher consciousness can emerge from within every soul incarnated on the planet. If we can achieve that goal before the negative-posing-as-positive ETs can reveal themselves, then the “negative first contact” scenario that I outlined above isn’t likely happen, because it would have very little chance for success.

Whenever “first” contact occurs, we should be able to discern who is making contact with some basic analysis, coupled with trusting our intuition.  If it occurs while the world is still in its current state of major turmoil and suppressed consciousness, and the ETs present themselves as the natural choice to lead us into a golden age, then we need to be very wary.

If instead, we experience a modern renaissance where people are waking up in larger and larger numbers, free energy technologies are being unleashed and human consciousness is aligning towards cooperation rather than competition,then we receive direct communication from ETs with encouragement and a bit of helpful information, and the tone of the communications remains consistent, we can be fairly certain that we are communicating with truly Positive ETs. This is one possible scenario where positive ETs would make public contact before the negative side.

As things stand at the moment, ET disclosure isn’t something that I am rooting for.  I would much rather achieve the removal of the low-frequency and fake-channeling broadcasting systems that are currently suppressing the true beauty of the human soul from achieving its full expression.I want to see that beautiful self-awareness flourishing in humanity before any kind of “official” outside contact is made, and I only want to interact with Positive, Service to Others oriented ET beings.

Truly positive ET/ED beings will want to establish a helpful, but non-intrusive relationship.  They will offer advice and information, but very little technology.They would rather see us develop on our own merits and skills, and would never want us to feel dependant on them.  Instead of handing us technology that only they can provide, they are much more likely to point to our own pre-existing inventions that were never produced, with perhaps some guidance on how to improve the existing designs.

The difference is subtle, but unmistakable.  The negative enslavers would seek to actually deepen our enslavement, fostering dependence on their technologies and “enlightened governance” while the positive liberators will always seek to inspire us to achieve our full potential, in our own way, and to be self-governing.

My request to the community at large is that we focus on solutions in awareness, consciousness and technology, in that order. Higher levels of awareness leads to expanded consciousness, which makes the technological solutions to our current problems easy to understand and implement.  We truly do NOT need ETs to intervene on the physical / geopoliticial level, and the type of “we’re here to fix your problems” intervention that many people are wishing for is not likely to come from positively oriented beings.

We need to own our own power, express it in balanced, loving ways, and create solutions right here and now.  We must stop wishing for someone else to fix our problems, because we CAN solve them on our own.

Much Love,
Cameron Day

p.s. This article could have been much longer, and I may write a follow-up later that addresses density shifts in relation to ET contact.  However, I want to get this article OUT and being read by as many people as possible.  Please forward it to your lists and to those who still believe that channeled beings are waiting for just the right moment to intervene and fix our world for us.

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  • So, as far as the "Federation" goes, it all about "The Prime Directive"! We have to find our own way to a certain point.

    OK, seriously, great post. I am wondering who will listen to these channels after today and what they are going to say on Aug 5th :)

  •       Up to 2-3 years ago,  I would give credits to an article like this.

       However,  things are much much different now, because:

       1-  We are well behind the original schedule. ( If you know, back in 2001,  when the NESARA was ready to be in the effect, the dark ones did  the  9/11 trick , and we got into a more controlled situation ).

       2- It's already  August, almost, late 2012.  By December,  the Earth is going to be  completely alligned with the Galactic Center,  and because of that  new powerful energies will change everything on  the inside, and outside of the  Earth.

       3-There is ONE very important message  given by many sources -  NOW,  the Galactics have the Divine permission to do everything to  STOP   the  MAJOR  tricks planned  by the dark ones!!!    If we believe that this is true,  and remember it all the time,  we would feel relaxed and out of    "fear drama".

       4- I think,   The Galactics   WIIL  show  to us with their   morphing,  Rainbow  Light ships which are   "constructed"  from the  COSMIC  LOVE  energy,  (real beings who decided to  "work"  as ships ),  and they are sending soothing,  healing,  joyous energies...    So  WE would  recognize them at once.

       5- The Galactics have a technology that can open our 3rd eye,  and we'll  re-member  our  "cosmic  life history" at once. (  Numerous contactees  have stated this to happen to them at the moment of the first meeting ).

        6-And finally,  at this time in our history,  there  ARE MORE AWAKENED  PEOPLE   on Earth  than ever before!!!  ( Even the ones who are still  "asleep",   somehow know about the UFOs ). 

       The humanity is ready!!!

        Mother  Gaia is ready!!!

        It is very possible,  that the Galactics  got some  "green  light"  signs from above, so they are ready too!!!

        The dark ones are the ones who should be panicking, not US!!!


       Therefore,  keep on dreaming  SWEET  DREAMS!!!!


  • "I would much rather achieve the removal of the low-frequency and fake-channeling broadcasting systems that are currently suppressing the true beauty of the human soul from achieving its full expression."

    - And remove the conductors, we know who they are, we need to overwhelm them and march to their front doors, it seems like it's never been attempted.

    Yes, Cameron, I believe we are and can win this.

    I genuinely thought I felt the high vibes drop a couple of days ago, because I was suddenly down, was this the disappointment? Bring back these frequencies and keep shining the light brothers!! Don't give up so easily, the battlefield is the mind, keep the high frequencies up that the low beings hate so much. We can take this to heart and get emo vamped, be passive and pretend we aren't part of the problem, or rise above it and give them a piece of what humans really are, I believe in us more (think that's the real message here?) don't expect me to acknowledge any negative reply.
  • A pragmatic and intelligent interpretation but it just doesn't resonate with me.

  • Blah, blah, blah, back and forth, back and forth.

  • Riam- It didn't happen years ago because the 'dark ones' as we call them was controlling Earth and her people's evolution to a dark beginning.
  • ".......the Queen is negotiating a pardon for her crimes against humanity,....."

    The Cosmic Law of Cause and effect has provided that whatever you do to yourself and others comes back and the Queen should know better of this. Gaining pardon is easy but balancing karma is just another matter. Pardon does not necessarily assist in balancing her karma she caused for so many decades.

    I am not in position to judge her but if she wants to seek redemption, she must fully restore all the devastation she caused on other victims at the best and highest endeavours failing which she need to repeat her lesson or going back to her evolution and learning from the start,
  • ..we dont need ET we have Keshe Plasma technology... ;)

This reply was deleted.

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