Coralie's Posts (91)

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Hello Friends!  I hope you are enjoying your week.  I have just received the new high-energy Psychic Food Frequencies, Accelerator Combination & Position of the Fleet for March/April…Also, my new F-5 Mystery School is coming up on March 23! & go to the Starseed Arcade & Classes page!  Have a great weekend, Bryan



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Interactive Online Angel Experience for all Starseeds, Earth Angels and Lightworkers!
This multi-level, exciting information packed course will be given on both the physical and ethereal levels.  Join us to discover your angelic lineage while expanding your knowledge & understanding of the angelic realms through music and beautiful visuals.  This class will stimulate and enhance your connection to all of the celestial phylums and  mighty legions of angels.  This fun, uplifting and expansive course provides new information, angelic activations, meditations, and angel templating processes to enhance your energy and life on Earth.  In addition, you will experience the Angel Tree and all of its magical powers and gifts.  This holiday course will be a great and wondrous journey for all in attendance!
Angel Academy: Session 2 - The Realms of Power & Light
Live! & Online International Angel Activation with Bryan  
January  27, 28, 29  -  $35


The Angel Academy session will be open Saturday, Sunday & Monday (January 27, 28 & 29) can access it whenever you wish during the 3-day period 24/7.    The seminar access information and link will be sent to you on Saturday morning.
An ‘Online’ seminar is unique set of exclusive web-pages with a wealth of information, music, images and special audio transmissions…all created by Bryan to enhance your metaphysical experience in a number of selected areas!  You will really enjoy the energy and instruction of these special web creations!  Once again, you will have the Angel Academy online seminar & Angel Tree replay for 3 you can proceed at your own pace through the online session.

Angel Academy: Session #1...

will also be available during the 3 days, if you would like to attend both sessions!

An Interactive Online Angel Experience for all Starseeds, Earth Angels and Lightworkers!


This multi-level, exciting information packed course will be given on both the physical and ethereal levels.  Join us to discover your angelic lineage while expanding your knowledge & understanding of the angelic realms through music and beautiful visuals.  This class will stimulate and enhance your connection to all of the celestial phylums and  mighty legions of angels.  This fun, uplifting and expansive course provides new information, angelic activations, meditations, and angel templating processes to enhance your energy and life on Earth.  In addition, you will experience the Angel Tree and all of its magical powers and gifts.  This holiday course will be a great and wondrous journey for all in attendance!

For more information please visit....

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The Voyagers Time-Line Re-Emerges; The First Ascension Team's Power Matrix: The Solar Flare Probability; Political Assasinations Eminent; An Enlightened Reality vs. The Dark Future of Humanity; Escape from Planet Earth; Restoring Your Lost Ethereal Presence! 
This will be a special event transmission link and 72-Hour transmission for all attending!
                                                      AC Update - International Transmission Update with Bryan 

Saturday, January 20, 2024  72-hour Transmission (Saturday, Sunday & Monday)  - $20

For more information please visit....     

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Hello Friends!  

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  I have just received the new high-energy Psychic Food Frequencies, Accelerator Combination & Position of the Fleet for January. Also, the 1st Astar Command Update for 2024 is coming up on Jan 20! & go to the Starseed Arcade & Classes page!  

Have a great day, Bryan


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Come join us to ring in the New Year 2024 with this 'Live' meditation & celebration!  This event will include many light infusions of prosperity, creativity and higher consciousness for your new journey ahead.  In addition, we will also close and complete all the energies for the amazing, yet intense year of 2023.  Classes Page…Magic Box: New Year’s Surprise Sunday, December 31!



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Angel School!

Happy Holidays Everyone!  I hope you are enjoying your week.  If you are interested join us for my Angel School, which begins on December 9.  Come visit us at & go to the Classes page to check out all of the info!  Thanks, Bryan & the LQ Team



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